Acne (pimples) is a disease affecting the oil glands of the skin. Small pores in your skin connect to the oil glands under the skin. These glands form an oily substance called sebum. The pores connect to the glands via a vein called the follicle. Inside the follicle, the oil takes out the dead cells of the skin. A thin hair also grows out through the follicle. If a skin follicle gland becomes jammed, a rash emerges to the outside.

Most pimples are found on the face, neck, back, chest, and shoulders. Pimple is not a serious health hazard, but it can cause scars.
How does acne develop?
Occasionally, hair, sebum, and skin cells attach to a plug. The bacteria in the plug cause inflammation. Then when the plug breaks, a pimple grows called a pimple.
There are many types of pimples. The most common types are given below:
- Whiteheads: These pimples remain under the surface of the skin.
- Blackheads: These pimples occur on the surface of the skin and show blackness. The black color is not from dirt.
- Papules: Small pink and soft buds emerge.
- Pustules: These pimples are red at the bottom and pus at the top.
- Nodules: These large, painful, solid pimples occur deep in the skin.
- Cysts: These deep, painful, pus-filled pimples can cause scars.
Who gets pimple?
Acne is the most common skin disease. Acne is found in people of all races and ages. But it is most common in teenagers and young adults. An estimated 80 percent of all people between the ages of 11 and 30 have an acne one time. Some people have acne even in their forties and forties.
What are the causes of acne?
The cause of Pimple is unknown. Doctors think that some of the following factors can cause it:
- Hormone growth in teens (this can cause the oil glands to plug up more often)
- Hormone Changes During Pregnancy
- Early birth control pills
- Heredity (if your parents had acne, it can happen to you as well)
- Some types of medicine
- Greasy Makeup.
How is acne treated?
Pimple is treated by dermatologists. Treatment is tried as follows:
- Treating pimples
- Stop the formation of new pimples
- Preventing scars
- Help reduce the embarrassment from acne.
Early treatment is the best way to prevent scars. Your doctor may suggest over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription drugs. Some medicines are applied directly to the skin. Other medicines are eaten. The doctor may ask to use more than one medicine.
How does acne affect women?
Most young women and men have at least some acne during their lives. But Pimple affects men and women in different ways. Young men are more likely to have more acne and more severe forms. Pimple is more random in young women and is associated with hormone changes and the menstrual cycle.
As women get older, acne often gets better. But some women have acne for many years. Some women have acne for the first time even at the age of 30 or 40.
For many women, acne can be a disturbing disease. Some women may have depression, poor body image, or feelings of low self-esteem. But you don’t have to wait for the pimple to spread or run its way. Today, almost every case can solve acne. Pimple can also sometimes be stopped. Talk to your doctor or dermatologist (a doctor who specializes in treating skin problems) about how you can help prevent acne and if treatment can help you.
How does pimple start in women?
Many things can cause acne in women:
- Hormones change during puberty. During puberty, there is an increase in male sex hormones called androgens in girls. This growth causes the glands to enlarge and make more sebum.
- The hormone changes as an adult. The menstrual cycle triggers the pimples the most. Acne lesions form after a few days after the cycle begins and heal after the cycle is complete. Other hormone changes, such as pregnancy and menopause, improve acne in some women. But these women get pimples during this, birth control pills can play a role in preventing them.
- Medications: Some medications, such as those that treat epilepsy and depression types, can cause acne.
- Makeup
- Pressure or friction on the skin: The friction of a bike’s helmet or backpack can make acne worse.
- Family history: If other people in your family have a pimple, then you will have a big chance that you will also get acne.
Does Dirty Cause Acne?
It is wrong that if women have acne means she does not wash enough face. Pimples can become worse by washing the skin too much or cleansing the skin. And washing oils from the surface is not of much use in preventing or treating acne, as it is under the skin. The best way to cleanse the face is to gently wash it twice a day with mild soap or a cleaner. Be careful when removing makeup from harsh scrubbing.
Can stress cause acne?
Stress is not the cause of acne but, Pimple can be a side effect of some medications used to treat stress or depression and in some cases, the social and emotional impact of acne lesions causes stress. Talk to your doctor if you have concerns.
Does chocolate or greasy food cause acne?
While many women find that eating chocolate or greasy food causes acne, experts have not found a link between diet and acne. Pimple has little effect on food from most people but eating a healthy diet is important for good health.
How is mild acne treated?
There are many treatments for mild acne. Mild acne may include whiteheads, blackheads, and small pimples. At home, you can wash your face twice with warm water and mild soap. Your doctor may suggest that you also try over-the-counter lotion or cream. These drugs can dry your skin if you use them too much. Be sure to follow the instructions.
If these medicines do not work, your doctor may prescribe creams or lotions with benzoyl peroxide, resorcinol, salicylic acid, or sulfur.
- Benzoyl peroxide works in reducing the oil made by the glands.
- Resorcinol, salicylic acid, and sulfur help in the breakdown of whiteheads and blackheads.
- If your acne does not improve after six to eight weeks, talk to your doctor about your treatment.
Can birth control pills cure acne?
Some contraceptive pills may help women who have acne primarily around the menstrual cycle. Research suggests that these pills can remove acne by slowing down the excess oil glands in the skin.
Contraceptive pills are sometimes used with a drug called spironolactone to treat a pimple with contraceptive drugs. This drug reduces the level of the hormone androgen in the body. Androgen stimulates the oil glands of the skin. Side effects of this medicine include irregular menstruation, breast tenderness, headaches, and fatigue. Spironolactone is not a suitable therapy for all patients.
Is rosacea the same as acne?
Rosacea is a common skin problem often referred to as “adult acne”. Faired foreskin and menopausal women are more likely to have rosacea. Rosacea also occurs in families. It causes redness in the center parts of the face and pimples. Blood vessels under the facial skin may expand and show as small red lines through the skin. The skin may become swollen and feel warm.
When is surgery used for acne scars?
If you have severe scars due to acne, your dermatologist may suggest surgery to heal acne wounds and remove scars. A laser can reshape scar tissue and reduce redness. Dermabrasion is a type of surgery that can remove surface scars and reduce the depth of deep scars. Another option is to transfer the skin from one part of the body to the face. In some cases, a single treatment can eliminate the scar. But for permanent results, often multiple surgeries are needed. There are also top treatments for acne scars.
Photodynamic therapy is a new treatment of acne. It begins with mild microdermabrasion. It is used to remove dead skin cells on the surface of the face. Then, an acid is applied to the skin for 30 to 60 minutes. After this period, the acid is removed. Finally, the skin is treated with a laser. This treatment is still being researched but gives positive long-term results.
How to take care of skin in pimples?
Clean skin gently. Use a mild cleanser in the morning, evening and after heavy workouts. Skin scrubbing does not prevent acne. Scrubbing has also made the problem worse.
Do not try to touch your skin. People who press or squeeze pimples can have scars or dark spots on their skin.
If you have a beard, then you should use your safety razor, you can do both electric and manual razor. Use a safety razor, use a sharp blade. Also, soften your beard with soap and water before applying this shaving cream. Shave lightly
Avoid strong sunlight. Many acne medications can cause people to get a sunburn. It can cause wrinkles on the skin and increase the risk of skin cancer.
Choose makeup carefully. All makeup must be oil-free. Look for the word “noncomedogenic” on the label. This means that makeup will not block your pores. But some people get acne even after using noncomedogenic products.
Shampoo your hair regularly. If your hair is oily then you shampoo daily.