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Chitrak (Plumbago Zeylanica) Medicinal uses, Benefits and Side Effects
Amrita Bindu Uses Details
Amrita Bindu is an Ayurvedic medicine containing salt, spices and herbs. This combination is an antioxidant that protects body against free radical induced oxidative damage. It is also a useful medicine for digestive diseases.
Health Benefits of Tomatoes
![tomato health benefits](
Tomatoes are good for whole body. Eating fresh tomatoes increases haemoglobin level. They are good source of vitamin A, C and E. Vitamin A is required by our eyes for good vision. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that improves body immunity to fight recurrent infections. Vitamin E is also an antioxidant that is good for skin.
Detailed Uses Information of Kurchi/Kutaja tree (Holarrhena)
Pineapple Nutrition, Health Benefits Details
![pineapples fruit](
Pineapple is excellent source of vitamin C and manganese. Manganese is required by body for strong bones, energy production and body immunity. It is a very good source of copper also. It provides fair amount of vitamin B1, vitamin B6, folate and fiber. If you are eating 1 cup pineapple pieces you will get about 79mg Vitamin C, 2mg of manganese and 0.18mg of copper.
Sugar Free Gold and Sugar Free Natura (Zydus Cadila)
Sugar Free is a category of artificial sweeteners products from Zydus Cadila. These products are used as replacement of normal table sugar. They taste similar to sugar but does not contain calorie
Vetpalai Thailam for Psoriasis
Vetpalai Thailam is medicated oil used in treatment of psoriasis. Psoriasis (Kalanjagapadai in siddha) is chronic skin disease characterised by red, itchy, scaly patches.
Greater Cardamom Benefits and Medicinal Uses
Sucralose Uses and Effects In Diabetes
Sucralose is a sweetener derived from natural sugar, by selective substitution of the hydroxyl group of sucrose (sucrose; technical name for sugar) with chlorine through a multi?step manufacturing process.