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Oleander (Nerium indicum) Information, Uses and Warnings
Information and Uses of Agarwood (Aquilaria agallocha)
Homeopathic Medicine Eupatorium Perfoliatum (Thoroughwort)
Homeopathic Medicine Eupatorium Perfoliatum (Eup per) is prepared from Eupatorium Perfoliatum plant which is also known as “Bone-set” due to its ability to give relief from pain in limbs and…
Eupatorium Perfoliatum for Dengue Prevention
Eupatorium Perfoliatum is an effective homeopathic medicine for dengue prevention. It develops higher resistance and immunity to dengue fever. It is a herbal anti-viral medicine. Eupatorium Perfoliatum is successfully used…
Nux vomica Information, Uses and Warning
Nux-vomica is also known as Vishtinduka (Visha means poison), Vishamushthi, and Poison-nut due to its poisonous properties. It is a powerful poison in large doses, producing convulsions and even death.…
Medicinal plant Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum)
Marma Gulika Uses Ingredients and Dosage
Marma Gulika or Gutika is polyherbal Ayurvedic medicine refrenced from Sahasrayogam. It is indicated in all type of Marma vikar. Marmas are special pressure-points located on the body. This medicine…
Bolbaddha Ras Uses details & Ingredient
Bolbaddha Ras is a herbomineralor Ras Aushadhi of Ayurveda. Mercury is known as Rasa in Ayurveda and medicines that are prepared using purified mercury, purified Sulphur, bhasma, etc. are named…
Ajmoda Arka Information, Uses and Dose
Ajmoda Arka is a herbal Ayurvedic medicine. It is useful in the treatment of digestive impairment, indigestion and Vata- kapha roga. Digestive impairment is known as Agnimandya in Ayurveda. It…