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Useful Exercises for Good Health
Now a day, lifestyle disorder is very common. We are facing a lot of stress while doing our job. We all are so busy that we don’t have time to…
Pimplex Tablets SBL Homeopathic
Homeopathic Pimplex Tablets from SBL is a product of SBL’s Research and Development. It is a combination of well-proven drugs of homeopathy. It is very useful in the treatment of…
Schwabe ALPHA-MP for Muscular Pain
Schwabe ALPHA-MP is a very useful remedy that gives relief from muscular pain. Pain in muscle can be due to various causes and of various sensations. It is a remedy…
SBL Rite hite Tablets for increasing Height
SBL Rite Hite Tablets is a Homeopathic medicine. It is a Homeopathic product prepared by the SBL company. It is one of the effective product of SBL which increase height…
Colocynth Homeopathic Remedy
The Latin name of Colocynth is Citrullus Colocynthis. The name Citrullus Colocynthis is derived from the Latin word Citrus, which means orange, as the colour of the fruit is yellow…
Euphrasia Officinalis Homeopathic Remedy
Homeopathic Remedy Euphrasia or Euphrasia Officinalis (euphr) is used in inflaming the conjunctiva, profuse lachrymation, inflammation of mucous membranes especially of eyes and nose, profuse acrid lachrymation, and bland coryza.…
Belladonna Homeopathic Remedy
Belladonna is named after the Greek Fate Atropos, who held the power of life and death over mortals. Italian ladies used it from the 16th century to make their eyes…
Bacopa Monnieri Homeopathic Remedy
Bacopa Monnieri (Thymeleafed gratiola, Water hyssop, Herb of grace, Indian pennywort) is a very good remedy for nerve weakness. In other words, it is very good for nerve palsy. It…
Vita-C 15 Dr. Reckeweg Usage and Side Effects
Vita-C 15 is said to be nerve tonic, as it is very good remedy for diseases related to nervous system like weakness, headache related to nerves. Along with mental weakness…
Vinca Minor Homeopathic Remedy
Vinca Minor is known as lesser Periwinkle. It is a species of flowering plant native to central and southern Europe, from Portugal and France north to the Netherlands and the…