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Anulom Vilom Pranayam for curing migraine, depression
Yog guru swami Ramdev highly recommend anulom vilom pranayam along with 6 other pranayam to include in daily routine to remain healthy and curing of many ailments of digestive system, circulatory system, nervous system, allergies and skin related problems.
Migraine headache symptom & treatment
What is Migraine? Migraine is pain in head that starts from behind the eyes and is located in one side and afterward it may spread in other areas of brain. it can last from 4 hrs to 72 hrs and even after that there may be soreness feeling in head where it was located. Migraine pain can be mild or may be intense varying from person to person and even in same person for different attacks.
Aloo Palak Baigan Sag (Varanasi Style)
Easy and healthy recipe for making palak, sowa and baigan saag in Varanasi style.
Constipation cure in Ayurveda
In Ayurveda many herbal medicines are available to treat constipation but by changing your diet and adding some physical work out you can keep it away.
Natural cure for bleeding gums
Bleeding gum can be caused by brushing to hard, excessive plaque, infection etc. Some natural remedies for treating bleeding gums.
Medicinal use of Harsingar(Night jasmine)
Diabetes Foot Symptoms And Care
Details of diabetes foot symptoms and some tips for taking care of diabetes foot. These methods are really very effective.
Cheese slice Paratha Quick Recipe
Easy, quick and very delicious recipe for making paratha of cheese slice at home using simple ingredients.
Diabetes Symptoms & Natural Cure
Diabetes is disease which occur when pancreas does not produces insulin or cells of the body cannot use insulin. Without insulin use cells of organ such as heart, brain, nervous…
Making Nasal Saline Solution Drops
Method to make nasal saline solution drops at home. This solution is very useful in cleaning all kind of blocked nose.