Headache Home Remedies

Headache is very common symptom of many health related problem. In general most Headache last for 2-4 hours depending upon reason and if headache is due to some illness then you should treat that illness.


Phala Ghrita For Female Infertility

Ghrita in ayurveda is medicine in which base to extract active ingredients from herbs is ghee. It is prepared by boiling ghee with decoctions and fine paste of the herbs till dehydration occur thus transferring fat soluble components of the ingredients to the ghrita.


Ayurvedic Treatment For Female Infertility

There are various reasons for infertility in women. Allopathic treatment involves hormonal medicines and even surgery. But Yog Guru Swami Ramdev recommends to use aurvedic treatment and pranayam to cure infertility and other female reproductive system related problems.


Vics Vaporub

Vics vaporub is topical ointment from Vics. It is rubbed on chest, throat and back to get relief from blocked nose and congestion. Here is ingredients, indication and warnings of Vics Vaporub.
