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Chamomile Herb Medicinal Usage
Chamomile herb details and it is very useful to treat various diseases like insomnia, sleep disorders, anxiety, stress, stomach problems and skin problems. Medicinal uses and recipe of Chamomile Tincture. It is very good for treating diseases like insomnia, sleep, anxiety, stress, induce sleep in children etc.
Purnachandra Ras (Brihat)
Vrihat Poornachandra Ras is herbo-mineral Ayurvedic medicine uses details for overall health and sexual health.
Ayurvedic Medicines for PCOS
Details of some ayurvedic medicine to treat PCOS and regularise periods and improves fertility.
Pratap Lankeshwar Ras Benefits
Pratap lankeswar ras for cleanses uterus and eliminates toxins from body post delivery. It is also very good for infections, mental stress and others.
Reason and treatment for infant colic
Information about infant colic. It’s reason, symptoms and management using natural things and ayurvedic herbal medicines.
Neopeptine for digestive problems
Neopeptine medicine ingredients, dosage and uses. This very good for treating various stomach problems like Abdominal gas and pain, constipation etc.
Stanyajanana Kashay Health benefits
Stanyajanana Kashaya is ayurvedic ayurvedic medicine is very good to induce lactation in mothers of new born.
Mahavisagarbha Taila for joint pains and muscle Aches
Mahavisagarbha Taila uses details for treatment of joint disorders like Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis and Gout, Join pain, Muscle strain etc.
Amrita Ghrita For Amawat
Amrita Ghritam details, it ingredients, doses and effect on amawat (a kind of arthritis). It has no known side effects.
Shiva Gutika Health benefits
Shiva Gutika is an Ayurvedic medicinal tonic which contains several herbs and minerals and is very good for Rejuvenating our body and other age related chronic disorders. Ingredients of Shiva…