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A Mango Shake for Strong Brain
Mango shake recipe for strong brain and healthy liver. Drink it regularly for 3-4 week.
Super Breakfast for Healthy Brain and Body
Almond and Date based super breakfast recipe which is great for brain and overall health. No supplement can match this as it is natural and based on ayurveda principles.
Brahmi Home Remedies
Ayurvedic herbal remedies to treat epilepsy and Nervous weakness, Brain Tonic, Memory Booster, Mental Disorders and Prolapse of Rectum and Ricket in Children
Evaluate menstrual cycle for getting pregnant
Many female face problem when they try to conceive. In Ayurvedic view this problem occurs due to imbalances of vata, kapha and pitta dosa. So you need to take treatment to balance these dosa and you also need to strengthen and prepare your reproductive system.
Ayurvedic remedies to prevent cataract
Cataract can be prevented and controlled using Ayurvedic natural and herbal remedies. here are some useful remedies to prevent cataract.
Flaxseed Oil Uses Details
Flaxseed oil is very healthy and used in various foods and for medication purpose. Flaxseed contains vegetable oil which has 50-55% omega-3 fatty acid.
Ayurvedic herbal remedy to prevent gallstone formation
To prevent gallstone formation, one has to improve both thyroid function and metabolism. Here is one simple and very effective ayurvedic remedy which can prevent formation of gallstone.
Eating disorders and treatment
Eating disorders are serious health conditions in which people either eat too much or vey less result in obesity or very low weight. There are manly 3 types of eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder.
Best Bhrahmi Tablets For Boosting Memory
Brahmi herbal tablets promotes concentration and memory functioning for better study habits and performance in students and help in common forgetfulness of brain associated with aging.