Unani Medicine Majun Dabidul Ward

Know the ingredients and uses of Majun Dabidul Ward. Know the diseases in which this medicine is effective. This is very effective in Hepatitis, indigestion. Learn how to use this medicine?

Majun Dabidul Ward is a herbal Unani medicine to treat digestive, and the liver ailments. In combination with other appropriate medicines it gives relief in various the liver ailments. The chief ingredient of this medicine is Gul surkh (Rosa damascene flower).

Generally Majun is an Unani preparations, produced from drug powder, and Qiwam (Basic Solution of Particular consistency) of sugar or Asl (Honey). Word Majun is derived from Ajn, which means to mix. In this preparation powder of drugs is mixed well in Qiwam of sugar or Asl (Honey).

Unani System of medicine evolved in Greece, and was first introduced to India by the Arabs. It is also called as Greco-Arab medicine, Unani Tibb, Arabian medicine, or Islamic medicine. Hippocrates is known as the father of this system of medicine. The theoretical framework of Unani medicine is based on his teachings.

It is a traditional medicinal system, and commonly practiced in South Asia. The origins of Unani medicines are found in the doctrines of the ancient Greek physicians Hippocrates, and Galen. It was later developed, and refined through systematic experiment by the Arabs. Unani medicines are prepared from medicinal plants, minerals, animals products, etc. In Unani medicine, single drugs or their combinations in raw forms are preferred over compound formulations. The naturally occurring drugs used in this system are usually free from any side effects.

Ingredients of Majun Dabidul Ward

  1. Asaroon (Nardostachys jatamansi DC root)
  2. Dana Heel Khurd (Elettaria cardamomum seed)
  3. Dar Chini (Cinnamomum zeylanicum bark)
  4. Gul Ghafis (Agrimonia expatoria Linn flower)
  5. Habbe Balsan (Balsamodendron opobalsamum fruit)
  6. Izkher (Cymbopogon jwarancusa Schult root)
  7. Lac maghsool (Cocus lacca purified latex)
  8. Mastagi (Pistacia mastic resin)
  9. Ood Gharqi (Aquilaria agallocha fungus)
  10. Qaranfal (Caryophyllus aromatica bud)
  11. Qust Sheereen (Sassurea lappa root)
  12. Sumbuluttib (Nardostachis jatamansi root)
  13. Tabasheer (Bambusa arundinasia dried secretion on node)
  14. Tukhme Karafs (Carum roxburghianum seed)
  15. Tukhme Kasni ( Cichorium intybus seed)
  16. Tukhme Kasoos (Cuscuta reflexa seed)
  17. Zafran (Crocus sativa)
  18. Zaravand Taveel (Aristolochia longa root)

All equal in weight

Gul Surkh (Rosa damascena petals) equal to all above drugs weight

Asl ( Honey) Three times of all drugs weight

Preparation: Make the powder of all drugs. Mix in Qiwam (Basic Solution of Particular consistency) of Asl (Honey).

Chief Ingredient: Gul surkh (Rosa damascena flower)

Important Therapeutic Uses of Majun Dabidul Ward

  1. Waram Jiger (Hepatitis)
  2. Gastritis
  3. Waram Rehem (Metritis)
  4. Amraz Jiger (Liver ailment) hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, jaundice, anorexia, dropsy, cirrhosis, sluggish the liver, the liver dysfunction, and loss of appetite
  5. Zofe Jiger (Hepatosis)
  6. Zofe Meda (Weakness of Stomach)

The Dosage of Majun Dabidul Ward

5-7gm to be taken along with 60 ml each of Arq Badiyan, and Arq Mako or water.


  1. it works from day 1 superb

  2. Its Good product for digestion but does it help in case of lliver enlargement

  3. Haqeem nasir husain

    Wow very good rizalt best majoon

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