Sharbat Bazoori Medicine Details

Know the ingredients and uses of Sharbat Bazoori. Know the problems in which this is effective. Learn how to use this unani medicine. It helps in preventing and treating the kidney and liver disorders.

Sherbat Bazoori is an Unani medicine. It is a Sharbat of seeds. Bazer means seed, and its plural is Bazoor (seeds). Because seeds are included in this formulation particularly, it is called Bazoori. Sharbat or Syrup means the sweet syrup compound, prepared from decoction, infusion, and water extract of either dry fruits or herbs or seeds, etc. Sharbat Bazoori is indicated in Diseases of the Liver-Gall Bladder, Stomach, and Kidney disorders, Bilious Liver, and Urinary Disorders.

The chief ingredient of Sharbat Bazoori is Beikh Kasni ( Cichorium intybus root). Kasni roots are known as Chicory in English. They are scientifically proven to protect the liver, and treat the liver disorders. The roots are also used to treat mild urinary disorders.

Chicory roots are used an adjuvant in digestive complaints, and lack of appetite. The roots contain bitter sesquiterpenes which could stimulate appetite, and the choleretic activity observed in animal studies supports the use in digestive disorders. Chicory roots are Tonic, a blood purifier, against internal, and external bleeding, catarrh of the stomach, and jaundice.

Types of Sharbat Bazoori

Sharbat Bazoori is of three types. According to Mizaj these are called Barid, Haar, and Motadil.

Sharbat Bazoori Haar: The mijaz or temperament of the drug is Hot or Haar.

Sharbat Bazoori Barid: The mijaz or temperament of the drug is Cold or Barid.

Sharbat Bazoori Motadil: The mijaz or temperament of the drug is Normal or Motadil.

About Unani System of medicine

Unani System of medicine evolved in Greece, and was first introduced to India by the Arabs. It is also called as Greco-Arab medicine, Unani Tibb, Arabian medicine, or Islamic medicine. Hippocrates is known as the father of this system of medicine. The theoretical framework of Unani medicine is based on his teachings.

It is a traditional medicinal system, and commonly practiced in South Asia. The origins of Unani medicines are found in the doctrines of the ancient Greek physicians Hippocrates, and Galen. It was later developed, and refined through systematic experiment by the Arabs. Unani medicines are prepared from medicinal plants, minerals, animals products, etc. In Unani medicine, single drugs or their combinations in raw forms are preferred over compound formulations. The naturally occurring drugs used in this system are usually free from any side effects.

Sherbat Bazoori Haar

It is beneficial in Barid (cold) ailment of the liver, cures Broodat (coldness) of the liver, and stomach, beneficial in gurda (kidney), and masana (urinary bladder) ailments.

Ingredients of Sharbat Bazoori Haar

  1. Beikh Kasni (Cichorium intybus root) 75gm
  2. Beikh Badiyan (Foeniculum vulgare root) 50gm
  3. Tukhme Kasni (Cichorium intybus seed) 50gm
  4. Tukhme Karafs (Apium graveolence seed) 25gm
  5. Beikh Karafs (Apium graveolence seed) 25gm
  6. Tukhme Kasoos Basurra Basta (Cuscuta reflexa seed, in cloth bag) 25gm
  7. Sugar 1 kg

Preparation: Soak the drugs in water for 24 hour. Make decoction of all drugs in water, and obtain filtrate, then mix sugar in filtrate, and make Qiwam (Basic Solution of Particular consistency).

Sherbat Bazoori Braid

It is particularly used in the liver’s hot problems. It is used as Mudir Bol (Diuretic), Mudir Hez (Emmenagogue), and in the high fevers.

Ingredients of Sharbat Bazoori Braid

  1. Beikh Kasni (Cichorium intybus root) 20gm
  2. Tukhme Kharpaza (Cucumis melo seed) 15gm
  3. Tukhme Khayar (Cucumis sativus seed, fruit) 15gm
  4. Tukhm Khyarzah (Cucumis melo var: utilissimus seed) 15gm
  5. Maghz Tukhme Tarbooz (Citrullus vulgaris seed kernel) 8gm
  6. Sugar 1kg

Preparation: Soak the drugs in water for 24 hour. Make decoction of all drugs in water, and obtain filtrate, then mix sugar in filtrate, and make Qiwam (Basic Solution of Particular consistency).

Uses of Sherbat Bazoori Braid

  1. It is Useful in various diseases of the liver, kidney, and bladder.
  2. It Removes biliousness of the liver. It Induces urination, and removes pain while urinating.
  3. It Reduces fever caused by hepatic heat.

Sherbat Bazoori Motadil

It eliminates the waste products of Jiger (the liver) Gurda (kidney), and Rehem (uterus).

Ingredients of Sharbat Bazoori Motadil

  1. Beikh Kasni (Cichorium intybus root) 50gm
  2. Tukhme Kasni (Cichorium intybus seed) 25gm
  3. Tukhme Kharpaza (Cucumis melo seed) 25gm
  4. Tukhme Khayar (Cucumis sativus seed) 25gm
  5. Tukhm Khyarzah (Cucumis melo var: utilissimus seed) 25gm
  6. Beikh Badiyan (Foeniculum vulgare root)
  7. Sugar 1 kg

Preparation: Soak the drugs in water for 24 hour. Make decoction of all drugs in water, and obtain filtrate, then mix sugar in filtrate, and make Qiwam (Basic Solution of Particular consistency).

Uses of Sharbat Bazoori Motadil

  1. It removes biliousness of the liver, kidney, and bladder by inducing excessive urination.
  2. It reduces fever caused by hepatic heat.
  3. It is indicated in sluggish the liver, jaundice, renal, and bladder calculus, painful urination, biliousness of the kidney & bladder, and hematuria.
  4. It is indicated in discharge of the lochia after delivery.

The Dosage of Sharbat Bazoori

25-50ml mixed with cold water twice daily.

Dietary Advice

  1. Do not drink alcohol.
  2. Avoid fried foods, excessive salt, sugary foods, maida, artificial sweeteners, and food which is difficult to digest.
  3. Eat more of citrus fruits, carrots, beetroot, broccoli, walnuts, blueberries, avocados, cabbage, cauliflower, and other fresh fruits, and vegetable.


  1. Kya me sarab pe sakta hu sarbat bajoori motadil pene ke bad

  2. Can this medicine cause headache

  3. 1KG sugar seems too much. Can this raise sugar levels?

    • 1kg sugar is not for 1-2 dosage, you can relate with quantity—only 25-50ml mixed with cold water twice daily.

  4. can bazoori treat prostatitis or prostate related issues.

  5. Can sharbati bazoori motadil be given to a 3 months 15 days old pregnant lady as alkaliser?

  6. i take toltam & niftas so can i take this sarbat

  7. Can Sharbat Bazoori be taken during other medicines

  8. actually im taking concieving medicines can i take this sharbat along?

  9. Rajaramamohan sarma

    Excellent and detailed information you have given to readers. Thank you.

  10. can sharbat e bazoori be given to the patient of polycystic kidney disease.

    • Yes use Sharbat Bazoori Motadil to induce urination as it is diuretic. You can also use Gokharu Decoction which is very effective in treatment of urinary disease.
      I will also suggest to consult kidney Doctor or Ayurvedic internal medicine doctor in Central Gov Hospitals.

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