Red Syrup, is proprietary herbal medicine from Prabhat Pharmacy, Amritsar. It is an anti-cough formula containing Mulethi, Vasa, Tulsi, Aak, Nilgiri Oil, Sat Pudina and many other natural ingredients and indicated in common cold, cough, bronchitis, asthma and similar conditions. It is based on the Ayurvedic principle.
Red Syrup helps in sore throat, cough, and cold. It has anti-cough, anti-allergic, expectorant action and gives relief in congestion.
Here is given more about this medicine, such as benefits, indication/therapeutic uses, composition, and dosage.
- Type of medicine: Proprietary Herbal Medicine
- Main Indication: Cough, Common cold – congestion
- Suitable for: Person Above the Age of 12; Not to be used in pregnancy and by a diabetic person.
- Use Cautiously: Heart diseases.
- MRP/Price: 225ml @ Rs. 100
Prabhat Ayurvedic Pharmacy
273-C, East Mohan Nagar, Amritsar; ISO 9001 Certified Co.
Ingredients of Red Syrup
Each 5 ml contains decoction of
- Mulethi Licorice Roots 100 mg
- Bansa Patter / Vasa Leaf 200 mg
- Somlata Ephedra gerardiana Stem 100 mg
- Ark Patter Calotropis procera Leaf 200 mg
- Bhringraj Whole plant 100 mg
- Apamarg Whole plant 100 mg
- Lasurian Cordia myxa Fruit 100 mg
- Kandiary Solanum surattense Whole plant 100 mg
- Behidana Pyrus Cydonia Seeds 60 mg
- Banafsha Viola odorata Seeds 60 mg
- Kaiphal Myrica esculenta Bark 80 mg
- Shuddha Sohaga 40 mg
- Sat Pudina Mentha Viridis Oil 2 mg
- Nilgiri Eucalyptus globules Oil 4 mg
- Tulsi Whole plant 80 mg
- Jupha Hyssopus officinalis 40 mg
- Sugar Q.S.
- Sodium Benzoate IP
- Benzoic Acid IP
Know the Ingredients
1- Mulethi or Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) is extensively used in Ayurveda. It relieves coughs, sore throats, respiratory problems, abdominal pain, and hyperacidity. It is used to prepare cough remedies, skin preparations, and in combination with other plants for the treatment of ulcer.
Licorice should not be used in high blood pressure, fluid retention, diabetes, and certain other conditions.
2- Vasa, Adhatoda, Malabar Nut Tree, Vasa, Vasaka (Adhatoda zeylanica, Justicia adhatoda or Adhatoda vasica) is used in Ayurveda for the treatment of cough. It has antispasmodic, antiseptic, antitussive, hepatoprotective, immunomodulating and cough suppressant properties. The Leaf contains several different alkaloids, including vasicine, vasicinone, vasicinol, adhatodine, adhatonine, adhavasinone, anisotine, peganine, 7-methoxyvaicinone, desmethoxyaniflorine, 3- hydroxyanisotine, vasnetine, betaine, steroids, and alkanes.
Vasa is an effective remedy for asthma, bronchitis, colds-cough, congestion and shortness of breath. Antitussive effects of Vasa is comparable to codeine.
In some parts of the country, Vasa is used to causing abortion and to reduce fertility. Some research suggests that adhatoda may stimulate UTERINE CONTRACTIONS, so it is not recommended in pregnancy. One animal study investigating oral administration of leaf extracts showed 100% abortive rates at doses equivalent to 175 mg/kg of starting dry material. Another study found the extract had ANTI-IMPLANTATION ACTIVITY in 60–70% of test animals.
3- Somlata or Ephedra (Ephedra sinica Stapf., Ephedra gerardiana Wall., Ephedra equisetina Bunge) contains ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, norephedrine, norpseudoephedrine, N-methylephedrine, ephedroxane, maokonine, a series of ephedradines and others. It is used traditionally for asthma, bronchitis, hayfever, and colds.
Ephedrine can RAISE BLOOD PRESSURE and in some cases, this may be further increased by caffeine.
4- Ark, Suryahvya, Kshiri, Raktarka, Sadapushpa, Vikerna, Vasuka, Calotropis are few common names of Calotropis procera. It is considered to possess similar medicinal properties to Calotropis gigantea (Madar, Aak). Calotropis procera bears purple and Calotropis gigantea white flowers. It is prescribed in bronchitis and asthma.
Arka leaves contain calotropin and calotropagenin. Calotropin has marked ANTI-BLOOD COAGULATING activity which does not last long but is desirable in drugs used for treating coronary thrombosis.
Prolonged high doses intake of roots of the plant cause headache, burning in micturition and leucorrhoea. Higher doses cause vomiting, diarrhea, bradycardia, and convulsions. Aak is a toxic plant.
5- Bhringraj is also known as Bhangra, Bhangro, Kesh Raja, Keshya and Eclipta. This plant grows along streams in hot areas and on humid soil. Bhringraj contains many alkaloids, alkynes, cardiac glycosides, coumarins, flavonoids, lipids, polyacetylene compounds, triterpenes, steroids, saponins, steroidal alkaloids, etc. For the medicinal purpose, the paste of the whole plant of Bhringraj is used, both internally and externally.
This medicinal plant is bitter, hot and sharp taste and is used for the treatment of Kapha and Vata Roga.
It has deobstruent, depurative, emetic, purgative, styptic, antihepatotoxic, anti-inflammatory, antiulcerogenic, antibiotic, expectorant, antipyretic, stomachic, anti abortifacient, antiasthmatic and antibronchitis properties. Eclipta alba is an effective liver tonic and given in case of enlargement of the liver and spleen.
Bhringraj is revitalizer and used as an anti-aging drug in Ayurveda. Internally, whole plant is used in the treatment of anemia, skin diseases, cough, bronchitis, allergic urticaria, flatulence, colic, the liver infections, splenic and the liver enlargements, catarrhal jaundice, vertigo, tinnitus, tooth loss, premature greying of hair, hyperacidity, gastritis, dysentery, night blindness, eye diseases, constipation and as an antiseptic to ulcers.
6- Apaamaarga, Chirchita, Shikhari, Shaikharika, Adahshalya, Mayura, Mayuraka or Achyranthes Aspera is used by Siddha physicians to effectively treat bronchial asthma. It is used to stimulate menstruation when a period is delayed or scanty. It relieves pain due to a kidney stone. The herb is also taken for mouth ulcers, toothache, bleeding gums, and nosebleeds.
The whole plant contains the alkaloids achyranthine and betaine. Achyranthine, a water-soluble alkaloid, is reported to dilate blood vessels, increases the amplitude of respiration and lowers blood pressure. It also showed diuretic and purgative action. This plant is Contraindicated during pregnancy.
7- Lasora, Lisodaa, Gondi, Naruvili and Sabestan Plum are few common names of Cordia dichotoma or Cordia myxa, a tree found throughout India. Lasurian Fruits exhibits significant anti-ulcer and cytoprotective effects. As they are expectorant, demulcent and hence are useful in dry cough, catarrh, coryza, chronic bronchitis, influenza and in burning micturition.
8- Kantakari, Kantakarikaa, Vyaaghri or Kateri are the few common names of Solanum surattense. Solanum surattense Whole plant is used for bronchial asthma, tympanitis, misperistalsis, piles, dysuria, cough and for rejuvenation
9- Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) is used for the gentle stimulation of circulation, for intestinal catarrhs, for diseases of the respiratory tract, colds, chest and lung ailments. It should not be used during pregnancy.
10- Tulasi is pungent, bitter, cardiac tonic and hot. It stimulates digestion and cures obstinate skin diseases including leprosy, dysuria, vitiation of blood and pain in the sides of the chest. It is excellent in treating cold-cough and fever.
11- Nilgiri oil or Eucalyptus Oil is the essential oil obtained by steam distillation and rectification from the fresh leaves or the fresh terminal branches of various species of eucalyptus like Eucalyptus globulus Labill., E. fruticetorum F. von Muell., and E. smithii. Neelgiri Oil is useful in asthma and chronic bronchitis
Biomedical Action
- Anti-allergic: Prevents, or relieves an allergy.
- Anti-asthmatic: Treat or prevent asthma attacks.
- Antibacterial: Active against bacteria.
- Anticatarrhal: Remove excess mucus from the body.
- Anti-cough: Reduces cough.
- Anti–inflammatory: Reducing inflammation by acting on body mechanisms.
- Antimicrobial: Active against microbes.
- Antioxidant: Neutralize the oxidant effect of free radicals and other substances.
- Decongestant: Used to relieve nasal congestion.
- Expectorant: Promotes the secretion of sputum by the air passages, used to treat coughs.
Benefits of Red Syrup
- It has expectorant and heating action due to which it reduces cough and aids the mobilization of mucus.
- It has a calming and dilating the lung’s airways, thus relieving chest congestion.
- It gives relief in throat irritation.
- It gives relief in respiratory distress.
- It improves appetite.
- It balances Vata and Kapha.
- It controls cough and shortness of breath.
Important Therapeutic Uses of Red Syrup
- Common cold, cough
- Congestion
- Asthma, respiratory tract infection
The Dosage of Red Syrup
- The recommended dosage of medicine is given below:
- Adults: 1 teaspoonful thrice a day.
- Children above 12 years: 1/4 to ½ teaspoonful thrice a day.
- This medicine is not recommended for children below the age of 12 years.
- Or take as directed by a doctor.
Suggestions, Contraindications, Interactions, Side-effects, and Warnings
- Effectivity of herbal medicine depends on many factors. A medicine suitable for one person may not essentially give the same result in another person.
- Always take in recommended doses.
- There are no known side-effects if taken in recommended doses.
- This medicine is not suitable for a diabetic person/patients with high blood sugar level.
- This medicine should be taken cautiously in high blood pressure and heart diseases.
- Do not take in pregnancy.
- It is not suitable for long term use.
- It is written on the label: To Be Taken Under Medical Supervision.