Ayurvedic Lohasava Syrup for Iron Deficiency

Lohasava ayurvedic syrup is formulated with Iron (Loh) and many herbs. This is very effective in iron deficiency related diseases like anemia and others.

Lohasava Syrup or Lohasavam Syrup is an Ayurvedic medicine containing Lauha or iron and indicated in Iron Deficiency and Anemia. It is useful dropsy, ascites, the liver and spleen conditions, low appetite, swelling, inflammation, piles, fistula and other diseases related to the digestive system. It is warming in nature and is useful in asthma, cough, etc.

Intake of Lohasava reduces Vata and Kapha. It increases Pitta and heating in nature. In some cases, it should be taken cautiously. It may cause constipation in some individuals.

Here is given more about this medicine, such as benefits, indication/therapeutic uses, composition, and dosage.

  • Synonyms: Lohasava, Lohasav, Lohasavam
  • Reference:  Sharangdhara Samhita
  • Availability:  Online and at medical stores
  • Type of medicine: Classical Medicine
  • Main Indication: Iron Deficiency
  • Safety in Pregnancy: Hot in Potency, so do not take.

Lohasava Syrup Ingredients ( Composition)

Asava is an Ayurvedic medicines in liquid form that contain self-generated alcohols. Asava is prepared from cold infusions or juice of medicinal herbs without using heat. The fermentation is done by burying sealed pots in the ground or husk for a period of one month followed by filtration. The self-generated alcohol during fermentation extracts the active principles from the Key Ingredients and also acts as a preservative. Asava is heating, stimulating, easily digested and stomachic.

Ingredients present in this formulation are given below:

Lohasava is a fermented liquid preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below. It contains not more than 10 percent, and not less than 5 percent of alcohol that is self-generated in the preparation over a period of time.

Formulation composition:

  • Loha Churna Shodhita (Lauha) Iron dust 192 g
  • Shunthi Zingiber officinale Rz. 192 g
  • Marica Piper nigrum Fr. 192 g
  • Pippali Piper longum Fr. 192 g
  • Haritaki Terminalia chebula P. 192 g
  • Bibhitaka Terminalia Billerica P. 192 g
  • Amalaki Emblica officinalis P. 192 g
  • Yavanika (Yavani) Trachyspermum Ammi Fr. 192 g
  • Vidanga Embelia Ribes Fr. 192 g
  • Mustaka (Musta) Cyperus rotundus Rz. 192 g
  • Chitra (Eranda) Ricinus communis Rt. 192 g
  • Dhataki Woodfordia fruticosa Fl. 960 g
  • Madhu Honey 3.072 kg
  • Guda Jaggery 4.80 kg
  • Water 24.576 liter
  • Lf.=Leaf;P.=Pericarp;Rt.=Root;Fr.=Fruit;Rz.=Rhizome;St.=Stem;Fl. Bd.=Flower Bud.

Method of preparation of Lohasava  Syrup

  • Take the raw materials of pharmacopoeial quality.
  • Wash, dry and powder the ingredients numbered 2 to 11 of the formulation composition and pass through the sieve number 44 to obtain a coarse powder.
  • Add the specified amount of water to the ingredient number 14 of the formulation composition, allow to dissolve and filter through the muslin cloth.
  • Transfer the filtrate to a clean container, add Loha Bhasma, Madhu, Dhataki and coarsely powdered other drugs. Seal the mouth of the container.
  • Shift the container to the fermentation room and constantly check for the signs of completion of the fermentation process.
  • Filter the fermented material through a clean muslin cloth.
  • Pack in airtight containers and allow for maturation.


Clear, dark brown liquid without frothing and significant sedimentation with an astringent taste.


Store in a cool place in a tightly closed amber colored bottle, protected from light and moisture.

Ayurvedic Action / Karma of Lohasava Syrup

Know the Ingredients


Lauha is Vayasthapana (anti-aging), Lekhana (emaciating) and Rasayana (immunomodulator). It increases strength, complexion, and appetite. It cures diseases caused by vitiated Kapha and Pitta.

Lauha Bhasma is useful in anemia (Panduroga), chlorosis, visarpa, heart’s affections, phthisis, scrofula, general debility, sexual debility, Bright’s disease, blood impurity, jaundice, the liver and spleen complaints, pain, asthma, piles, skin disease. It promotes digestion.


Trikatu is a combination of dry ginger, black pepper, and long pepper. It is effective for burning Ama (metabolic waste and toxins) which is the prime cause of all disease. It supports better digestion and cures constipation. It stimulates the liver to secrete bile which is vital for fat digestion and absorption. It also balances Kapha. It clears mucus from the stomach and lungs.

  • Rasa (taste): Pungent
  • Virya (energy): Heating
  • Vipak (post-digestive effect): Pungent
  • Guna (quality): Light, dry
  • Dosha effect: VK-, P+, can aggravate V in excess
  • Dhatu (tissue): Plasma, blood, muscle, fat
  • Srotas (channel): Digestive, respiratory, fat, eliminatory

Trikatu stimulates sluggish Agni. It is helpful in Vishamagni (irregular appetite, variable hunger, bloating, indigestion, intestinal cramps, constipation, dry stool, gas.) and Mandagni (slow digestion, heaviness after a meal, sluggish bowels, bulky stool, feeling cold, sweet craving, stimulant craving).  It is indicated especially in low digestive activity with sluggishness, bloating, abdominal pain and flatulence due to high kapha or vata. It also helps in conditions of poor nutritional assimilation due to parasites, a leaky gut or low enzyme secretions.


Triphala is a combination of Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki and used extensively in Ayurveda for the treatment of digestive diseases. It is a tonic for the whole body. It is being used in various gastric disorders including intestinal inflammation. It contains vitamin C, linoleic oil, phospholipids, and other important nutrients. It is a rich source of tannins, which is known to affect the integrity of the mucous membrane. Tannins with their protein precipitating and vasoconstriction effects could be advantageous in preventing ulcer development. It is a Rasayana drug and used for detoxifying and tonifying the body.

Triphala pacifies Vata-Vikar and cleanses the digestive tract. It aids elimination and purification. It tones and strengthens the digestive tract and promote regular and complete the evacuation of the bowels. It helps with the digestion and assimilation of food, improves blood circulation and has anti-inflammatory properties.

It revitalizes the whole body by removing toxins, gas, and distension whilst a nourishing the nervous system. It is good for anemia, fatigue, candida, cancer, allergies, constipation, diarrhea, yeast infections, indigestion, and skin disorders.


Vidanga has carminative and hepatoprotective activity. It is anthelmintic, astringent, alterative and tonic.

Ayurvedic Properties of Lohasava Syrup

  • Rasa (taste on the tongue): Kasaya (Astringent), Madhura (Sweet), Katu (Pungent), Tikta (Bitter)
  • Guna (Pharmacological Action): Laghu (Light), Ushna (Hot), Ruksha (Dry)
  • Virya: Ushna (Heating)
  • Vipaka (transformed state after digestion): Katu (Pungent)
  • Karma: Kapaha-Vatahar

Ayurvedic Action / Karma of Lohasava

  • Deepan: Enkindles the digestive fire.
  • Kaphavatashamak: Pacifies aggravated Vata and Kapha.
  • Krimighn: Worm destroying.
  • Kusthaghna: herbs which treat skin diseases.
  • Lekhaniya: Scraping property.
  • Pandughna: Used in anemia.
  • Raktadoshahar: blood purifying
  • Shothahar: Removes inflammation.

Lohasava Syrup Biomedical Action

  • Anthelmintic: Antiparasitic, expel parasitic worms (helminths) and other internal parasites from the body.
  • Anti-hyperglycemic: Counteracting high levels of glucose in the blood.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Reducing inflammation by acting on body mechanisms.
  • Anti-obesity: Reduces obesity.
  • Appetizer: Improves appetite.
  • Bronchodilator: Dilates the bronchi and bronchioles, decreasing resistance in the respiratory airway and increasing airflow to the lungs.
  • Carminative: Preventing the formation or causing the expulsion of flatulence.
  • Digestive: Digestant.
  • Hepatoprotective: Protects the liver.
  • Hypocholesterolemic: Cholesterol-lowering.
  • Restorative Tonic: helps to restore health and strength.

Lohasava Syrup Health Benefits

  • It is good for the liver and spleen disorders.
  • It contains iron and helps to increase the hemoglobin level.
  • It increases digestive power and metabolism.
  • It is effective in skin diseases, asthma, cough.
  • It is excellent in anemia.
  • It is good for the liver and spleen disorders.
  • It is useful in Hepato splenomegaly due to anemia.
  • It relieves pain and inflammation of piles and used extensively in the treatment of many skin disorders, used in cardiac disorder, arrhythmia.

Lohasava Therapeutic Uses

Lohasava is prepared from purified Iron, Trikatu, Triphala, Ajwain, Vidang, Chitrak Mula and Motha. This medicine contains iron and indicated in the deficiency of iron in the body. It is an Ayurvedic iron tonic. It shows beneficial effects in anemic dropsy and diseases of the spleen. Lohasava is useful indigestion, anemia, hepatosplenomegaly due to anemia. It is useful hematinic in Medoroga and obesity.

  • Lohasavam is a balanced iron tonic which resolves Anemia while increasing digestion quickly.
  • Accumulation of fluid inside the body
  • Agnimandya (digestive impairment)
  • Arsha (piles)
  • Aruchi (tastelessness)
  • Bhagandara (fistula-in-ano)
  • Chronic fever, Malarial fever, Visham jwar
  • Grahani (malabsorption syndrome)
  • Gulma (abdominal lump)
  • Hridroga (disease of the heart)
  • Jathara (weak digestion)
  • Kasa (cough), shvasa (asthma)
  • Kushtha (disease of the skin)
  • Pandu (anemia)
  • Pliha Roga (splenic disease)
  • Shvayathu (edema)

Lohasava and Navayasa Churna are prescribed in combination to treat a wide variety of Liver disease. In a study, Lohasava containing Navayasa Churna reduced the liver weight and GOT activity in the liver. Serum showed a significant reduction in the alkaline phosphatase and GPT activities. Serum cholesterol was also significantly reduced. The tested drugs did not affect the liver and serum proteins and the liver glycogen significantly.

Lohasava Syrup Dosage

  • It is taken in a dose of 12 ml to 24 ml.
  • It should be taken twice a day, in the morning and evening.
  • It is taken after mixing with an equal amount of water.
  • It can be taken after having breakfast and dinner.
  • It can be added with Draksharishta to prevent constipation.
  • This medicine can be taken continuously for 1-2 months.
  • Or take as directed by a doctor.


It is a fermented liquid preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below. It contains not more than 10 percent, and not less than 5 percent of alcohol that is self-generated in the preparation over a period of time.

Effectivity of herbal medicine depends on many factors. A medicine suitable for one person may not essentially give the same result in another person.

The exact dose depends on the age, strength, digestive power of the patient, the nature of the illness, the state of the viscera and humour, and the properties of individual drugs.

Do check the list of ingredients and their contraindications to avoid any side effects.


  • Specific contraindications have not been identified.
  • Avoid in pregnancy.
  • It contains jaggery and honey hence it is not suitable for a diabetic person.
  • Though this medicine is considered safe, If you feel any side-effect or this medicine does not suit you, please discontinue.
  • Do not take in case of excess iron, peptic ulcers, and mouth ulcers.

Lohasava Drug Interactions

Please maintain a gap of at least an hour between intake of any allopathic drug and Ayurvedic medicine to avoid drug interaction, if any.

Do not use any other iron supplement for treating anemia.

Side-effects of Lohasava Syrup

  • It is Hot in Potency.
  • Mild pathya is necessary.
  • Always take in recommended doses. Higher dose may cause a burning sensation, gastric discomfort, and irritation.


  • Do check the list of ingredients and their contraindications to avoid any side effects.
  • Do not use any medicine during pregnancy without consulting doctor.
  • It has an astringent taste.


  • Store in a cool and dry place in a tightly closed container, protected from light and moisture.
  • Keep away from the sight and reach of children.
  • Shake well before use.
  • Keep bottle cap closed after every use.

Pharmacies Making Lohasava

You can buy this medicine online or from medical stores. Since it is a classical medicine, it is manufactured by many Ayurvedic pharmacies.

Name of some of the Ayurvedic Pharmacies manufacturing this medicine is given below:

  • Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan Lohasav 450 ml @ Rs. 125.00
  • Patanjali Divya Pharmacy Lohasava 450 ml @ Rs. 85.00
  • Dabur Lohasava
  • Kottakkal Ayurveda Lohasavam 450 ml @ Rs. 95.00
  • Vaidyaratnam Lohasavam
  • Kerala Ayurveda Lohasavam
  • AVP Lohasavam

and many other Ayurvedic pharmacies.

One Comment

  1. How long lohassva syrup should be taken

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