Chintamani Chaturmukh Ras Usage, dosage and Ingredients

Know the ingredients and uses of Chintamani Chaturmukh Ras. Know the diseases in which this medicine is effective. This is very effective in gonorrhea, calculi, leucorrhoea, puerperal ailments, fever, phthisis, diabetes. Learn how to use this medicine.

Chintamani Chaturmukh Ras is a Ras Aushadhi. It is useful in the treatment of neuromuscular and neuropsychiatric conditions. This medicine alleviates all kinds of diseases caused by vitiated wind, gonorrhea, calculi, leucorrhoea, puerperal ailments, fever, phthisis, diabetes, and other diseases.

It is a Ras Aushadhi. Mercury is known as Rasa in Ayurveda and medicines that are prepared using purified mercury, purified Sulphur,  and other Bhasma, etc. are named as Ras Aushadhi (Mercurial Preparations). Para, Parad, Rasa or mercury is a heavy metal that remains liquid at room temperature. It is used in Ayurveda only after proper detoxification as per classical Ayurvedic texts. Parad is ingredient of numerous medicines due to its powerful medicinal properties. It balances Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

Ras Aushadhi (Parad containing medicine) are fast acting. They nourish the whole body and has Tonic, aphrodisiac, rejuvenative, anti-aging, wound-healer, and antimicrobial effect. The combination of mercury with other medicinal ingredients enhances the therapeutic efficacy of the medicine due to Yogvahi property of Parad. In preparation of Ras Aushadhi/medicine first Kajjali is made from purified Parad and Gandhak. As these medicines contain heavy metals, it is better to take them as prescription drugs.

This medicine contains herbomineral ingredients. Therefore, it is highly recommended to take this medicine with due caution. This page is intended to give you the correct information about this medicine. Do not use this information to self-diagnose and self-medicate. Here is given more about this medicine, such as benefits, indication/therapeutic uses, composition, and dosage.

  • Reference Text: Bhaishajya Ratnavali, Vata Vyadhyadhikara
  • Synonyms: Chintamanichaturmukha Rasa
  • Availability:  Online and at medical stores
  • Type of medicine: Classical Medicine
  • Main Indication: Vata Vyadhi
  • Dosha Effect: Balances vata

Ingredients of Chintamani Chaturmukh Ras

  1. Rasa Sindura (Parada) 1 Part
  2. Lauha Bhasma 1/2 Part
  3. Abhraka Bhasma 1/2 Part
  4. Kanaka (Svarna) Bhasma 1/4 Part
  5. Kanya (Kumari) svarasa (Lf.) Q.S. for Bhavana
  6. Eranda (Lf.) Q.S. (for aveshtaana)

Method of Preparation

All are pounded together with the expressed of juice of Aloe vera and made into a ball. This ball is wrapped round with the leaves of Ricinus communis, and kept for 3 days within a heap of paddy. After this, pills are made of the measure of 2 rattis each.

Know the ingredients

Ras Sindoor/Rasa Sindura is a mineral preparation of Ayurveda. It is a Kupipakva (processed in Kaach-Kupi or glass bottel) Rasayan containing Shuddha parad and Shuddha Gandhak. Chemically, it is red sulphide of mercury. It is very effective in kaphaja roga (disease due to kapha), Balakhasya (loss of strength), Dhatukhasya (tissue wasting), Hrddaurbalya (weakness of heart), Prameha (Diabetes), Shula (colicky pain) and inflammatory conditions.

1- Lauha Bhasma is calcined iron. It is an inorganic preparation. Luha Bhasma has the following composition:

  • Ferris oxide Fe2O3 87.930%
  • Ferrous oxide FeO 2.850%
  • Silica SiO2 7.338 %
  • Phosphorous pentoxide P2O5 0.338%
  • Magnesia MgO 0.083 %
  • Lime CaO 0.363 %
  • Potash K2O 0.012 %

Lauha Bhasma is Vayasthapana (anti-aging), Lekhana (emaciating) and Rasayana (immunomodulator) properties. It increases strength, complexion and appetite. It cures diseases caused by vitiated Kapha and Pitta.

Lauha Bhasma is useful in anemia (Panduroga), chlorosis, visarpa, heart’s affections, phthisis, scrofula, general debility, sexual debility, Bright’s disease, blood impurity, jaundice, the liver and spleen complaints, pain, asthma, piles, skin disease. It promotes digestion.

2- Abhrak Bhasma is the calcination of the mineral, mica.  It is an established Rasayana (Rejuvenative tonic; nourishes all Dhatu and builds Ojas; promotes longevity by preventing aging and by making the body young again) of Ayurveda.

Abhrak Bhasma contains iron as major element and magnesium, potassium, calcium, and aluminum in traces. It is a broad-spectrum medicine effective in the treatment of acidity, respiratory ailments, anemia, hepatitis, viral hepatitis, sex debility, azoospermia, etc. Abhraka Bhasma It is a wonder drug due to its curative property in various ailments.

3- Swarna Bhasma, is incinerated gold. It is considered elixir. It is a Rasayana. It gives complexion, strength, and cures diseases caused by vitiation of Vata-Pitta -Kapha. It is used in the management of Visha or poisoning.  Swarn bhasma is used in the treatment of T.B., fever, cough, worms, low appetite, diseases of eyes, weakness of heart and poisoning.

Important Therapeutic Uses of Chintamani Chaturmukh Ras

  1. Apasmara (Epilepsy)
  2. Bhram (Vertigo)
  3. Dhatu Kshaya (Tissue wasting)
  4. Hridroga (Heart disease)
  5. Jwar (fever)
  6. Prameha (diabetes)
  7. Prasav rog (puerperal ailments)
  8. Safed Pani (leucorrhoea)
  9. Stones (calculi)
  10. Sujak (gonorrhea)
  11. Tuberculosis (phthisis)
  12. Unmada (Mania/Psychosis)
  13. Vali Palita (Wrinkles in skin and graying of hair)
  14. Vataroga (Disease due to Vata Dosha)

The Dosage of Chintamani Chaturmukh Ras

  1. The recommended dosage of medicine is 1 Ratti or 125mg.
  2. It should be taken twice a day, in the morning and evening.
  3. It is to be taken with honey and infusion of Triphala.
  4. Or take as directed by a doctor.

Suggestions, Contraindications, Interactions, Side-effects, and Warnings

  1. Do not eat Pitta vardhak, hot potency food items, such as chilies, spices, etc.
  2. Effectivity of herbal medicine depends on many factors. A medicine suitable for one person may not essentially give the same result in another person.
  3. The exact dose depends on the age, strength, digestive power of the patient, the nature of the illness, the state of the viscera and humours, and the properties of individual drugs.
  4. Keep away from the sight and reach of children.
  5. It should not be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  6. This medicine contains many mineral ingredients; therefore, it is not suitable for longer term use.
  7. Always take in recommended doses.
  8. This medicine should be taken under medical supervision.

One Comment

  1. Is this Medicine helpful in major depressive disorder

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