Dr. Reckeweg R75 Drops for Painful Periods

Dr. Reckeweg R75 drops is Homeopathic medicine indicated for Dysmenorrhoea, Cramping pains, and Labour pains. Its ingredients have an affinity to the female i.e. the reproductive organs, upon which the remedies act in such a way as to palliate the pain and to act as an antispasmodic.

  • Product name:  DR. RECKEWEG R 75
  • Brand/Manufacturer: Dr. Reckeweg
  • Availability: Online and at medical stores
  • Type of medicine: Proprietary Homeopathic Medicine
  • Main Indication: painful menstruation involving abdominal cramps
  • Presentation Size: 22ml
  • Price of R28: INR 220
  • Contraindications: No known contraindication
  • Interactions: No known interaction
  • Side-effects: No known side effects

Dr. Reckeweg R75 Composition

Caulophyllum thalictroides D2

It is also called a woman’s remedy. It can also be given during labour when pains are deficient and the patient is exhausted. It cures extraordinary rigidity of the os. It revives labour pains and furthers the progress of labour. It cures white discharge with moth spots on the forehead. It protects from habitual abortion from uterine weakness. It is given dysmenorrhoea with pains flying to other parts of the body. It is given there is want of tonicity in the womb. It is given when a patient has spasmodic and severe pains which fly in all directions attended with shivering without any progress. It can also be given in false labour pains. It cures needle-like pains in the cervix.

Chamomilla D3

It treats oversensitive states. It is given to females who are sensitive, irritable, thirsty hot, and numb. Females are impatient in nature. All complaints are worse from anger. It should not be given to patients who are calm in nature.  It is given when a patient has uterine hemorrhages. It is given when a patient has a profuse discharge of clotted, dark blood with labour like pains. It is a very good remedy for dysmenorrhoea. It is given when a patient has intolerant to pain. It is a very good remedy for leucorrhoea which is yellow in color. It is given when a patient has irritation and a burning area.

Cimicifuga D3

It is given various causes of irregular periods. It causes sudden shooting pains in the lower abdomen. It acts on the uterus and ovaries. It is a very good remedy for females who have rheumatic and nervous complaints. The patient has pain in the uterus associated with heaviness in the limbs. It is given when a patient has pain which is like an electric shock. Pain is seen here and there. It is given for reducing pain and cures irritability. It is given to patients who have great depression with dreams of evil. The patient has fear of riding in closed vehicles. The patient has a habit of incessant talking. He has visions of rats and mice. It is given when a patient has amenorrhoea with pain in the ovarian region. The patient has pain that shoots upward and down in the thighs. It is given when a patient has pain immediately before menses. Menses are dark, profuse, coagulated, offensive with a backache. It can also be taken when a patient has irregular menses with pain across the pelvis from hip to hip.

Cuprum aceticum D4

It is given when a patient has protracted labour. It can be taken when a patient has pain that is spasmodic in nature seen in the abdomen.

Magnesium phosphoricum D6

It is a very good remedy for pain in the abdomen with menses. It cures membranous dysmenorrhoea. It is given when a patient has menses too early, dark, and stringy. It can be taken for swelling of external parts.

Viburnum opulus D2

It cures lower abdominal pains that extend in thighs and irregular menses.

It is a good remedy for cramps. It is given for colicky pain in pelvic organs. It is mostly given for female symptoms. It often prevents miscarriage. It also cures false labour pains. It is given when menses is too late and scanty. Menses occur for a few hours. It is often offensive in odor and present with crampy pains. It extends down the thighs. It cures a condition when the ovarian region feels heavy and congested. It can also be given for leucorrhoea which is acidic in nature with burning and itching of genitals.

Dr. Reckeweg R75 Health Benefits

  • It has a specific action on the female reproductive system.
  • It is a homeopathic drop that is indicated for painful menses associated with pain in the abdomen.
  • It acts as palliative and antispasmodic.
  • It is given during uterine contractions of childbirth.
  • It is also given for cramping pains.
  • Dysmenorrhoea is seen during menses. It begins around the time when menses begins.
  • This condition is more common among those who have heavy periods.
  • It is seen in females with low body weight.
  • It is also seen in those whose periods started before 12 years of age.

Dysmenorrhoea means menses is present with severe pain. Pain varies from dull throbbing pain which is seen in the lower mid-abdomen. It sometimes radiates towards the thighs and lower back. The pain usually begins at the time of menses and lasts for 3 days.

Dr. Reckeweg R75 Important Therapeutic Uses

  • Dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea
  • Acts on the unstriped muscular fibers
  • Conditions of exhaustion due to loss of blood
  • Flushes of heat followed by perspiration
  • Dull pains across the small of the back

Dr. Reckeweg R75 Dosage

The recommended dosage of  Dr. Reckeweg R75 medicine is

In case of severe pain and in labor pains- The patient should have frequent administration of 10 drops of Dr. Reckeweg R 75 in some water every 1/4 to 1/2 hour.

As improvement sets in given 10-15 drops every 1 to 2 hours.

In dysmenorrhoea give 10 to 15 drops of Dr. Reckeweg R 75 in some water 2 to 3 times a day over longer periods.

The pharmaceutical properties of each of the individual ingredients complement one another in their effect on the individual symptoms and illness.

Contraindications, Interactions, Side-effects, and Suggestions

  • It has no known side-effect.
  • It has no known drug interaction.
  • It is completely safe to take this medicine in recommended doses.
  • The medication should not be taken if a patient develops any hypersensitivity to any of its ingredients
  • Homeopathic medicines should be taken after cleaning the mouth and preferably on an empty stomach.
  • Please do not eat strong-smelling food items such as onion, garlic, etc. within half an hour before and after taking the medicine.
  • Do not take tobacco in any form.
  • Generally, medications should not be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding unless prescribed by a doctor.
  • During homeopathic treatment, no other medicines should be taken, unless suggested by a qualified homeopathic doctor.
  • This being a natural product, it may sometimes precipitate slightly or become cloudy, but this does not affect the quality and effectiveness of the product. If this happens, shake the product well before using it.

Keep the medicines:

  • Away from strong smelling substances like camphor, menthol, etc.
  • In a cool, dry place away from direct exposure to sunlight.
  • Away from the reach of children.

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