Hypertension Homeopathic Medicines Uses Details

Medically, Hypertension, or High blood pressure is defined as a repeatedly elevated blood pressure exceeding 140 over 90 mmHg. Know the symptoms and Homeopathic medicines used to treat it.

Hypertension is the commonest cardiovascular disorder that is prevalent in our country. It is one of the major risk factors for cardiovascular mortality, which accounts for 20-50 percent of all deaths.

Medically, Hypertension or High blood pressure is defined as a repeatedly elevated blood pressure exceeding 140 over 90 mmHg (a systolic pressure above 140 or a diastolic pressure above 90)

Category Systolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure
Normal < 130 <85
High normal 130-139 85-90
Stage (1) Mild 140-159 90-99
Stage (2) moderate 160-179 100-109
Stage (3) severe >180 >110


Hypertension is classified as

Primary is also known as essential- when the causes of hypertension are generally unknown. It is the most prevalent type as it comprises nearly all cases of hypertension.

Secondary-when hypertension is associated with some systemic diseases.

One of the severe types of hypertension is malignant hypertension, which associated with the following symptoms like severe headache, vomiting, sudden blindness, sudden paralysis, convulsions, disorientation, lack of consciousness, and coma.

Risk factors that attribute to Hypertension

Age- Blood pressure rises with age in both sexes and the rise is much more in those with higher initial blood pressure.

Sex- Early in life there is little evidence of a difference in blood pressure between the sexes. At adolescence, men display a higher average level. In women, post-menopausal women have higher chances of hypertension.

Genetic factor-Children who have parents with normal blood pressure have fewer chances of hypertension. Whereas children with both parents having high blood pressure have high chances of elevated blood pressure in the future.

Obesity-The greater the weight gain the greater will be chances of high blood pressure. Central obesity (which is associated with a high waist to hip ratio is mostly associated with high blood pressure.

Salt intake – high salt intake results in higher chances of high blood pressure.

Persons who take fewer fibers in their diet or are constipated have a higher risk of developing hypertension in the future.

Alcohol- High intake of alcohol consumption raises systolic blood pressure more than diastolic pressure.

Physical activity-Decreased physical activity causes high chances of elevated blood pressure.

Other miscellaneous causes- like oral contraception, noise, vibration, temperature, and humidity.

Effects of Hypertension

High blood pressure, affects all body organs. High blood pressure, can damage the heart and can cause blood clots to form in the arteries. It can weaken the brain’s blood vessels.

High B.P. affects the brain, kidney, and arterial blood vessels. Uncontrolled hypertension accelerates the damage to these organs and results in eventual organ failure and cardiovascular death and disability.

Effects on Heart: Chronic hypertension may result in an increase in wall thickness in its initial stages. Later on, when a further complication occurs, symptoms of heart failure appear. In these cases, the common symptom is angina (a condition marked by severe pain in the chest, often also spreading to the shoulders, arms, and neck, owing to an inadequate blood supply to the heart). If neglected this condition will further complicate and the patient may die as a result of a heart attack.

Effects on Eyes: Hypertension adversely affects the eyes as it harms the retinal blood supply. Symptoms associated with conditions are blurred vision, at times blindness.

Effects on the Nervous system: The patient presents with symptoms like occipital headache, which occurs mainly in the morning. Along with this, there is dizziness, lightheadedness, vertigo, ringing in the ears. In severe cases, syncope (बेहोशी) can also be seen.

Hypertension also affects the kidney and death may occur by kidney failure.

Dietary and Lifestyle Changes

Dietary changes play an important role in the prevention and management of cases of hypertension. The salt content may be minimized to 5 gm a day.

Other helpful tips in high blood pressure

  1. Fat, ghee, butter should be taken in very less amount.
  2. Alcohol, smoking should not be taken.
  3. Do regular exercises that lower weight, lipids, and blood pressure.
  4. Yoga and meditation also help to lower blood pressure.
  5. One should try to maintain weight in the normal range. In the case of obesity, try to reduce weight.
  6. Maintain Body mass index (bmi= weight in kilograms/ square of height in meters) less than 25.
  7. BMI Categories
  8. Underweight = <18.5
  9. Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
  10. Overweight = 25–29.9
  11. Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater


People should be taught how to measure blood pressure if they can afford the blood pressure machine at home. Those people who are uneducated should be encouraged to go to a dispensary and check their blood pressure regularly.

Treatment for hypertension in homeopathy

Here is a list of medicines that are used to manage high B.P. in homeopathy. The main aim is to obtain a blood pressure below 140/90

  1. Natrum Mur 200
  2. Phosphoric acid 200
  3. Aurum metallicum 30
  4. Lachesis 30
  5. Gloninum 30
  6. Belladonna 200

Natrum Mur

Natrum Mur is a good remedy for hypertension with the following symptoms. It is a good remedy for patients having the following symptoms:

  1. Feeling of coldness about the heart when the patient is having any mental excitement.
  2. The pulsation of the heart shake the patient’s body
  3. Irregular beating of the heart.
  4. The irregular pulse may be slow or rapid.
  5. Enlargement of the heart.
  6. Palpitation of the heart as a result of anxiety.
  7. There are valvular troubles of the heart.
  8. The disease of the heart leads to dropsy.

Dosage and Administration:

  • It is generally given in 200 potencies.
  • Its dosage is 3 pellets 3 times a day with less frequency as improvement is made.
  • Pellets are usually taken out carefully. Avoid any interaction of the remedy with hands. Put the pellets directly on the tongue.

Phosphoric acid

  • It is a good remedy for patients having the following symptoms:
  • Pulse irregular, weak and frequent
  • Palpitation (घबराहट) due to nervous nature and from sexual excitement.

Dosage and Administration:

It is generally given in 200 potencies. The remedy is to be taken 3 pellets 2 times a day.

Aurum metallicum

  1. It is a good remedy for patients having the following symptoms:
  2. Cardiac hypertrophy (enlargement) without dilatation.
  3. Complaints are worse from any type of exertion.
  4. Feeling as if blood would burst through the chest.
  5. Complaints are mainly on the left side.
  6. Great anguish and suicidal tendency are seen in patients.
  7. Pulse is rapid
  8. The fatty heart is seen (the fat being embedded around the heart and between the muscular fibers but without destroying their structure.)

Dosage and Administration:

It is generally given in 30 potencies. The remedy is to be taken 3 pellets 3 times a day.


  • It is a good remedy for patients having the following symptoms:
  • Especially useful in the late stage rheumatic condition of the heart.
  • Sensation as if the heart were too large for the containing cavity.
  • Oppressive pains with a feeling of expansion of the heart as if full of wind.
  • Complaints are better by eructations.
  • Pulse is weak and intermittent, and feeling of stitches in the left side of the chest.
  • Horrible smothering feeling about heart awaking him from sleep and compelling the patient to leave the bed
  • Arthematous condition (Deposition of fat in heart vessels) is seen in old people and people who drink alcohol.

Dosage and Administration:

It is generally given in 30 potencies. The remedy is to be taken 3 pellets 3 times a day.


  • It is a good remedy for patients having the following symptoms:
  • The excessive throbbing of the heart, and blood vessels.
  • Pulsating headache in forehead and temples.
  • Complaints are worse when bending forward (stooping) which causes stitching pain in the chest, lying on the left side.
  • Alternate congestion of heart and head.
  • Stitching pain in the heart extending into the back between shoulders.
  • Complaints are better when lying on the right side.
  • Restlessness in limbs which better by walking.

Dosage and Administration:

It is generally given in 30 potencies. The remedy is to be taken 3 pellets 3 times a day.


  • It is a good remedy for patients having the following symptoms:
  • Collection of blood in various part of the body
  • Palpitation of heart
  • Feeling of pressure in the heart which arrests breathing and causes anxiety.

Dosage and Administration:

It is generally given in 30 potencies. The remedy is to be taken 3 pellets 3 times a day.

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