Depression and Homeopathic Remedy

Know what is Depression and how this is treated in the Homeopathic medicine system? Learn about symptoms of depression and Homeopathic medicines available to treat depression.

Clinical depression, depressive disorder, or depression is a mood disorder that causes many symptoms which is related to how you feel, think, and handle daily activities like sleeping, eating, or working.

Types of Depression

Different types of depression are as follows-

Major depression– In this patient has symptoms of depression most of the day, nearly every day for at least 2 weeks that interfere with the ability to work, sleep, study, eating habits, and difficulty in enjoying life.

Persistent depressive disorder– This is also called dysthymia in medical terms. This patient has symptoms of depression that last for at least 2 years. This patient has much major depression along with periods of less severe symptoms.

Perinatal Depression– This kind of depression is seen during pregnancy or after delivery. It is also called postpartum depression.

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)- This type of depression comes and goes with the seasons. It occurs in the winter season and ends up in summer.

Psychotic Depression– This type of depression when a person has severe depression in addition to a mental disease known as psychosis. This person has disturbing false fixed beliefs (known as delusions) and hearing or seeing upsetting things that others cannot hear or see(this is known as hallucinations).

Depression can be also seen in bipolar disorder. It is seen with mania( in which a patient is highly irritable) or hypomania, with less irritability.

Depression Causes

Cause of depression

  1. Environmental
  2. Genetic
  3. Illnesses like diabetes, cancer, heart disease, Parkinson’s disease.

Symptoms of Depression

  1. Change in appetite
  2. Decreased energy, easy fatigue, or being slowed down
  3. Difficulty concentration, remembering, or making decisions
  4. Difficulty in sleeping, early-morning awakening, or oversleeping
  5. Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness
  6. Feelings of hopelessness
  7. Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies or activities
  8. Pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems without any cause.
  9. Persistent sad, anxious, or “empty” mood
  10. Restlessness or irritability
  11. Sadness- It covers only one small part of depression. Some people do not feel sadness at all.
  12. Suicide attempts
  13. Thoughts of death or suicide
  14. Weight changes

Depression can occur at any age, but it is seen more in the teens or early 20s or 30s. It is seen through research that if a child has high levels of anxiety he could have a higher risk of depression as an adult.

Depression is more common among women. It may be due to hormonal or due to psychosocial factors.  In men symptoms which are usually seen are-feeling to be very tired, irritable, loss of interest in once pleasurable activities, difficulty in sleeping.

Other symptoms associated with depression are

  1. Abusive
  2. Angry
  3. Frustration
  4. Irritable
  5. Some throw themselves into their work to avoid talking to anyone.
  6. Use of alcohol or drugs

Depression Symptoms in Children

It is seen that before puberty, girls and boys are equally likely to develop depression.

Symptoms which are most commonly seen in children are-

  1. Child pretend to be sick
  2. He/she clings to a parent.
  3. He/she refuses to go to school
  4. He/she worries that a parent may die
  5. It usually begins as high levels of anxiety in children

Depression Symptoms in Teens

  1. Anxiety is seen most commonly
  2. Eating disorder
  3. Feel misunderstood
  4. High risk for suicide
  5. A teen may be going with substance abuse
  6. They become negative and irritable

Symptoms in Older People

  1. Difficulty in sleeping
  2. Grief after the loss of a loved one may also contribute to depression
  3. May have confusion or attention problems
  4. Sometimes heart disease, stroke, or cancer may also cause depressive symptoms
  5. They always feel tired
  6. They are irritable

How to recognize that a person has depression

  1. If a person feels weepy or irritable
  2. If a person has less confidence and has a poor opinion of himself
  3. If a person has a low mood for a long period of time
  4. Less interest in things which were previously enjoyed much
  5. Increase or decrease in appetite
  6. Irritable
  7. Lack of energy
  8. Lonely
  9. Poor concentration
  10. Poor memory
  11. Sad
  12. Sleeping too much or too little

Some of the important symptoms of depression are as follows-

  1. Upset
  2. Tearful
  3. Unmotivated

Some of the common thoughts are no-one likes me, I’m a waste of space, I’m no good, Things will never change, I’m a failure, I can’t be bothered, It’s not worth going on, I’m boring, I’m ugly, I’m a failure, everyone is better than me.

Some behavioral problems a person faces– spending more and more time alone, staying in bed longer than usual, keeping to yourself, stopped doing the things you enjoy.

How depression can be improved

  1. Improve problem-solving skills
  2. Make good use of time
  3. Notice your qualities and achievements
  4. Try to see things in a realistic light

Homeopathic Remedy for Depression

1- Arsenicum album

It is a good remedy for the cure of extreme problem of distress when the patient is obsessed about his health and look for perfection in everything. These patients feel depressed when they fail to reach their personal standards. It is important to remedy when a patient has great anguish and restlessness. He has fear of death along with the fear of being left alone. Along with fear patient has cold sweat. He feels that it is useless to take medicine. He has suicidal tendencies. Despair drives him from place to place. It is suited to a person who is miser, malicious, selfish, lacks courage. It is given when a patient has all the symptoms of anxiety with depression along with gastric symptoms of indigestion and diarrhea. Along with this patient has panic attacks. The Arsenicum patient can be convinced that they have a physical illness which is being missed because they feel so ill and may in fact end up having a number of investigations such as endoscopy and colonoscopy before finally accepting what is wrong with them. They feel that they will never be well again.

Dosage– 30 c dose, 4 pellets 3 to 4 times a day for 15 days.

It is also suggested that if the patient has additional panic attacks, then along with Arsenicum Aconite 30c can be taken.

2- Aurum metallicum

This medicine is given when a patient has a feeling of self-condemnation and utter worthlessness. He feels alone, with an increase in their vital stats like blood pressure. This kind of

patient has disgust for life. He has serious thoughts of suicide. He talks of committing suicide, but

he has a great fear of death. He has constant rapid questioning without waiting for a reply. This

kind of patient is oversensitive to noise, excitement and is often confused. It is best suited to a person who is a workaholic and has a tendency of worthlessness, distress, and aroused feelings of self-destruction after a defeat in a job or their personal life. It is the best remedy for chronic depression. It is a great help for dealing with a feeling of hopelessness, worthlessness, a self-critical attitude, and a desire to end life. It is given in cases where love for life is lost and life seems like a burden with suicidal thoughts predominating.

Dosage- 200, 4 pellets, to be taken 2 times a day for 15 days

3- Ignatia Amara

It is given to a patient who has a changeable mood. He is sad, tearful. He is not communicative. It is given where depression follows shocks, grief, disappointment, witnessing a fatal road accident. It is a remedy where laughter alternating with tears“. The patient has emotional ups and downs. This is given where the patient is resistant to sympathy and oversensitive to well-meaning advice, which may be wrongly taken as criticism. This kind of patient is difficult to cheer up. This remedy can also be given when a patient has poor sleep. It can be given to typical patients how do not want to appear helpless.

Dosage- 30, 4 pellets 2 times a day for one day. After that use a 200c, 4 pellets for 7 days or a month for the cure of persistent depressive symptoms.

4- Natrum muriaticum

It is given to patients who ill effects of grief, fright, anger. The patient is depressed because of some chronic diseases. This can be given to the patient in which consolation worsens the complaint. He is irritable and hasty. He wants to be alone to cry. The patient has tears with laughter. It is a frequently used homeopathic remedy for symptoms of stress caused by mild depression. It is given where the patient has never been well since a shock or loss and feels as if they have a glass wall between them and the rest of the world. This is given to a person who sometimes builds up a barrier emotionally and can appear somewhat cold and distant. They can worry about upsetting people unintentionally by saying the wrong thing and also can take things the wrong way. These patient has increased sensitivity to noise. Music may move them to those long-awaited tears, but without relief from their low mood. This remedy is given to a patient who is reserved and they look for solitude around them. They cover their inner feelings such as anger, fear of misfortune, grief, or romantic attachment for something.

Dosage- 200, 4 pellets, to be taken 2 times a day for 10 days.

5- Sepia

It is a remedy for depression around menopause. It is given to women who have a lack of emotions even to those who loved them. She does not want to any work. She is very irritable. She has a fear to be alone. She is very sad. She weeps when telling symptoms. She is anxious about the evening. This remedy should be given when a patient has intense sadness with weeping spells. The patient often lacks energy. She feels as if all energy is drained. It can also be given in postnatal depression. It is given to those who are sad, silent, with complete loss of any interest in life. These patients can spend hours sitting motionless in sadness. It is best suited to women who tend to feel chilly and they can either feel incredibly hungry, being unable to ever feel full, or have nausea at the mere smell of food. Sepia is the best medicine if a person wants to be alone and may become angry when other people show their concern for their sadness.

Dosage- 200, 4 pellets, to be taken 2 times a day for 7 days

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