Allen A56 Urticaria Drops

Urticaria or Hives is a common skin condition.  This condition is characterized by one or many weals of reddened, raised, and itching skin. n acute (short-lived) hives, the weals may come and go for a few days or weeks. But when the condition persists for more than six weeks, it is known as chronic hives.

Possible Causes of hives

In most cases, the cause of hives is unknown. Some factors are known to cause hives to include:

  • Bacterial, viral, or parasitic infections
  • Bee and wasp stings
  • Certain underlying conditions – such as systemic lupus erythematosus, rubella, and hepatitis
  • Cold temperatures
  • Contact with plants or animals
  • Emotional stress
  • Exercise and sweating
  • Food additives
  • Heat
  • Medication (antibiotics, aspirin, and codeine)

Allen A56 Urticaria Drop is a homeopathic remedy that provides help in Urticaria. A56 Urticaria Drops are indicated for urticaria, a rash of the round, red weals on the skin which itch intensely, sometimes with dangerous swelling, caused by an allergic reaction.


Each 5ml contains:

  • Urtica urens Q 2.50 ml.
  • Apis mellifica 3x 1.50 ml.
  • Chloralum 3x 0.75 ml.
  • In Aqua Destillata.

Urtica Urens: Urticaria. Itching blotches with central white spot and red areola with burning and stinging pains.

Apis mellifica: Sudden puffing up of the whole body, swelling like bites of the honey bee.

Stinging and burning pains.

Chloralum: It has red eruptions like measles with intense itching and sleeplessness.

Indications of A56 Urticaria Drop

Rash of round, red weals on the skin which itch intensely, sometimes with dangerous swelling, caused by an allergic reaction, typically to specific foods.

Benefits of A56 Urticaria Drop

  • It is a homeopathic remedy that provides relief from intense and intolerable itching on the skin
  • It helps in stinging pain, puffing and swelling.
  • It is also useful in treating red eruptions like measles with intense itching and sleeplessness.

Directions for Use

8 to 10 drops in half cup of water, 3 times in a day before meals or as directed by the physician


  • Read the label carefully before use.
  • Do not exceed the recommended dose.
  • Keep out of the reach of children.

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