Azadirachta indica is known by many names such as Neem, Margosa tree, Nimba, Vembaka, Bal-nimb, Vembu, Vepa, and Azadirachta. It is a miraculous tree native to India. Every part of this great tree is useful. The leaves, bark, seeds, oil, and roots all are used for some therapeutic purpose. It is used as folk medicine since time immemorial. Read more about Neem usage in the Ayurvedic medicine system.

Neem is used in Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Siddha, and Unani system of medicine due to its immense health benefiting qualities. It is a boon for the skin when used both internally and externally. It detoxifies the blood and cures acne, pimples, boils, and similar condition. When the tender twig of Neem is chewed as Datun daily, the teeth are protected and gums are strengthened.
Neem is bitter in taste. But this bitterness is responsible for its therapeutic efficacy of this tree. Nimbin, nimbinene, 6-desacetylnimbinene, nimbandiol, nimbolide, and quercetin are present in the leaves. Leaves are also reported to contain β-sitosterol, n-hexacosanol, and nonacosane.
Neem is a tonic and a revitalizer, it works effectively in the treatment of diabetes. It has been found to reduce insulin requirements by up to 50% for diabetes, without altering blood glucose level. It significantly reduces insulin requirements for insulin-dependent diabetes and has also been scientifically proved to be effective in treating and preventing diabetes. The possible mechanism of the anti-hyperglycemic effect of Neem leaf was found to be a reduction in peripheral utilization of glucose and suppression of glycogenolytic effect due to epinephrine action.
The bark is also known as Margosa Bark. It contains Azadirin, Margosin, and Catechin. The bark is indicated in conditions like ozena, pemphigus, scabies, leprosy, helminthiasis, gonorrhea, glossitis, ophthalmia, asthma, cough, catarrh, constipation, uterine weakness. It is a very good remedy for malaria.
- Botanical name: Azadirachta indica, Melia Azadirachta
- Family: Meliaceae
- Synonym: Melia azadirachta linn
Common names
- Sanskrit: Ravipriya; Vembaka, Nimba, Arishta
- Bengali: Nim or Nimb,
- Gujarati: Limba
- Tamil: Vembu
- English: Neem or Margosa tree; Indian Lilac.
- German: Indischer Zedrach.
- French: Azadirae d’IndeTincture of the bark is used for the preparation of this remedy.
Health Benefits of Azadirachta indica
- It has a soothing effect on the irritation of the skin. It has a healing effect on cuts, wounds, and acne. It cures conditions like eczema, dandruff, rashes, and ringworm. It provides nourishment from the inside. It acts as a blood purifier.
- It helps in blood flow and prevents blood clots.
- It has the property to kills microorganisms.
- It increased the immunity of the body.
- It prevents greying of hair, and conditions like dandruff. It helps in getting rid of hair lice and cures hair fall.
- In ancient times, its twigs were famous to clean teeth (datun of neem). It makes gums strong and prevents from the cavity. It heals mouth ulcers.
- Neem oil is used as a balm for joint pain. It helps in inflammation in arthritis, gout, and osteoarthritis.
- It helps in the cure of malaria.
- It is a good herbal remedy for diabetes. It induces the production of insulin that lowers the blood sugar levels.
- It has a cooling effect that lowers the body temperature, so it helps in treating fever.
- It helps in the treatment of acidity as it enhances the appetite and treats stomach ulcers. It helps in cure of constipation.
- It helps in curing intestinal worms. It reduces the problem of hemorrhoids.
- It helps in the treatment of cervical cancer.
- It is a well-known tonic that is used antiseptic to treat any kind of bacterial infection. It is an astringent. It is a very good remedy for chronic fever. It has the power to act against cancer and gives immunity to viral infection. It has an important role in impurities of blood and so recommends for skin diseases, boils, ulcers, eczema. So it acts as a detoxifier.
- It is best suited for those people who are very depressed in their life. They are very forgetful. They make mistakes in writing and spelling. They are basically very inactive, they do not want to go out and do some activities. They have a loss of memory so much so that they forget the names of very familiar people, or what they have done the previous day.
Homeopathic Remedy Azadirachta indica Indications
- Ozena: a chronic disease of the nose accompanied by a fetid discharge. It is characterized by structural changes in the nose.
- Pemphigus: It is a skin disease in which there are watery blisters.
- Scabies: It is a disease that is spread from one person to another very easily and characterized by itching and small raised red spots. It is caused by the itch mite.
- Leprosy: It is a disease that causes symptoms on the skin, mucous membranes, and nerves. It causes loss of color of skin, and in severe cases causes disfigurement and deformities.
- Helminthiasis: It is a disease that is caused by worms.
- Gonorrhea: It is a sexually transmitted disease that causes discharge from the urethra or vagina.
- Glossitis: It is inflammation of the tongue.
- Ophthalmia: Inflammation of the eye.
- Asthma: It is a respiratory condition that is marked by attacks of spasm in the lungs, causing difficulty in breathing. It is basically an allergic reaction.
- Catarrh: It is basically inflammation of the mucous membrane which causes the excessive discharge of mucus in the nose or throat.
- Constipation: It is a condition that is characterized by hardened stools.
- Uterine weakness: It is associated with pregnancy, childbirth, lifting, coughing, damage to or weakness of the muscles.
Some of the other complaints for which this medicine can be given
When a patient has giddiness especially at 10. am. This feeling is worse when rising from a sitting posture. It is also given for throbbing headache, which is on the right side. This kind of headache is worse by stooping. The patient’s head is very painful and very sensitive to touch.
It is given for the condition like ophthalmia in which eyes are red, congested. There is burning in the eyes along with heaviness in the eyes, especially on the right side.
A buzzing sound is heard in the ears. At times cracking sound is also heard in the ears as if being tickled by a feather. This condition is worse on opening the mouth.
It is a very good remedy for left-sided sore throat. There is a putrid taste in the mouth, with no thirst but the mouth is bitter. The tongue is painful with a burning sensation. The saliva of the patient tastes salty. It is also given in difficulty in swallowing especially when swallowing water and meat. The patient is very thirsty, especially at long intervals or sometimes thirstless. The patient likes cold water.
It is given for heartburn with a good appetite. It is a very good remedy when a patient has a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen with uneasiness, flatulence. The patient passes very offensive flatus. There is twisting pain so that he must bend forward which relieves. There is an insufficient stool that is small, hard, and knotty. So, it is a very good remedy for constipation.
The patient has scanty, white, clear urine, with a strong smell.
It is given in cases of asthma when a patient has a very troublesome cough after bathing at 1.p.m. He has thick, white discharge in small lumps, which is expelled with much difficulty. The patient has very difficult respiration. The patient has pain in the lower part of the right side of the chest.
In this remedy numbness of the right hand. The patient has a sensation of paralysis. Burning of soles and hands is also corrected by this remedy.
It is given in cases of chronic fever where fever is observed from 4:30 p.m with chill or without chills and diminishes at 7:30. The patient in the heat stage feels glowing heat with burning in various parts of the body, even in the open air. There is copious sweat, especially on the forehead, neck, upper part of the body. There is no sweat on the lower parts of the body.
Dosage of Azadirachta indica
Mother Tincture: Give one drop of the drug in 3x dilutions, 4 times a day For 5 days.
Pellets: 1-2 tablets twice daily. Children should be given one tablet twice daily and when symptoms improve 1 tablet a day. If complaints are not relieved, consult a specialist.
Various Manufacturer of Azadirachta Indica
- Schwabe India in 1x potency. Available in tablet form, 20gm, Price Rs. 150
- Reckeweg- Azadirachta indica Q, Price: Rs.200
- SBL Azadirachta Indica: 1x Q (mother tincture) Quantity 30ml, Price Rs.63
Side Effects of Azadirachta Indica
- It may lower blood sugar levels. So, diabetic patients should monitor blood sugar level carefully during the course of medicine. It is advised to consult a doctor before taking medicine.
- Neem oil may lead to infant death.
- Avoid the use of medicine if there is a medical history of organ transplant, as it causes stomach irritation.
- This remedy should not be taken in case of pregnancy.
- Contraindications: No contra-indications for the use of Azadirachta indica 1X are known.
- Interactions: No interactions between Azadirachta indica 1X and other products are known.