Vidari / Vidari Kanda, and is a rejuvenating drug of Ayurveda. It is mainly used as reproductive tonic that promotes sexual desire, treats nocturnal emission in males, and for females, treats menstrual disorders, menopause syndrome, and uterus weakness. It is a cooling, a nourishing, and tonic. Vidari cures weakness. Due to cooling nature it helps in the burning sensation in the body, excessive heat, and bleeding disorders. It is aphrodisiac, and improves sperms in males. In some parts of country it is used as female contraceptive, and to cause abortion.

Vidari is tonic for the heart. It lowers the high blood pressure, and gives relief in angina. Due to refrigerant, and tonic action, it is useful in the fever. Vidari is also used as Substitute for Jivak (Microstylis musifera), and Rshabhaka (Microstylis wallichii).
General Information
Vidarikanda consists of the dried tuber of Pueraria tuberosa DC. It is a large climber or twiner with tuberous roots, up to 60 cm long, and 30 cm thick. The tuberous roots may even weigh up to 35 kg.
Scientific Classification
The botanical name of Vidarikanda is Pueraria tuberosa DC. It belongs to plant family Fabaceae. Below is given taxonomical classification of the plant.
- Kingdom: Plantae – Plants
- Subkingdom: Tracheobionta – Vascular plants
- Superdivision: Spermatophyta – Seed plants
- Division: Magnoliophyta – Flowering plants
- Class: Magnoliopsida – Dicotyledons
- Subclass: Rosidae
- Order: Fabales
- Family: Fabaceae – Pea family
- Genus: Pueraria DC. – kudz
- Species: Pueraria tuberosa
Synonym : Hedysarum tuberosum Willd
- Part(s) used for medicinal purpose: Tuber
- Plant type: climber
- Distribution: widely distributed in India.
- Habitat: Himalaya, Sikkim, Kumaon, Mount Abu, Punjab, Western Uttar Pradesh, Central India
- Flowering Period: March-April
Plant Description
Pueraria tuberosa is perennial twiner. It roots are tuberous. The young branches are grey pubescent. The Leaf is pinnately trifoliolate with petiole 10-20 cm long. The leaflets are 12.5-20.0 cm long, 11.0-17.5 cm broad. The terminal leaflet broadly ovate, equal sided, acuminate. The lateral leaflet is ovate-oblong, very oblique, acuminate, silky pubescent below, glabrescent above, stipels small, stipules c. 5 mm long.
Inflorescence is axillary or terminal raceme or panicle. Pedicel 2-3 mm long. Bracts, and bracteoles are small. Calyx is 6-8 mm long, densely silky. Corolla is blue. Vexillum c. 12.5 mm long, and broad, auricled at the base. Fruit is 5-7.5 cm long, constricted between the seeds. Seeds are densely pilose, hairs brown, and silky.
Vernacular names/Synonyms of Vidari
- Latin name: Pueraria tuberosa (Willd.) DC.
- Sanskrit: Ikshugandha, Vidari, Vidarikanda, Swadukanda, Bidari, Bidarikand विदारी, बिदारी, इक्षुगंधा, वाराही कंद, चर्मकारालुक, स्वादुकंदा
- Bengali: Shimiya, Shimiabatraji, Bhui Kumdo, Bhumikushmanda
- Assamese: Bhedeleton, Bhuikumra
- English: Indian Kudju, Indian kudzu
- Gujrati: Khakharvel, Vidaree, Vidareekand
- Hindi: VidareeKand, Bilaikand, Sural, Patal Kand, Patal Kohda, Patal Kumhra
- Marathi: Bendriya bel, Bindree, Vendrichavel
- Punjabi: Siali
- Tamil: Nilpushni Kezhugu
- Telugu: Nelagummuda, Darigummadi
- Folk: Bhui-kumhadaa, Suraal
Medicinal Properties Information
Constituents of Pueraria tuberosa
Pterocarpan-tuberosin, pterocarpanone-hydroxytuberosone, two pterocarpenes-anhydrotuberosin, and 3-O-methylanhydrotuberosin, and a coumestan tuberostan. An isoflavone-puerarone, and a coumestan-puerarostan. Tuberosin, puerarin, and diadzein have significant anti-implantation activities.
The Dosage of Vidarikand powder for therapeutic purpose
The recommended dosage of the dries ground tuber powder is 3-6 grams with milk.
Ayurvedic Properties, and Action
Vedari is a nourishing Tonic, diuretic, anabolic, alterative, and Vajikarak. It reduces Pitta-Vata, and increases Kapha. It mainly works on plasma, blood, muscles, and reproductive system. It stimulates milk production in nursing mothers. It increases Shukra dhatu.
Vidari is indicated in shula / pain, Kasa / cough, Kshaya, Mutrakricchra / painful urination, Raktadosha / vitiation of blood, Raktapitta / bleeding disorder, Vishamajvara / intermittent fever, Visarpa, Shukrakshay.
- Rasa (taste on the tongue): Madhura (Sweet)
- Guna (Pharmacological Action): Guru (Heavy), Snigdha (Unctuous)
- Virya: Sita (Cooling)
- Vipaka (transformed state after digestion): Madhura (Sweet)
- Action
- Balya: Strengthening
- Brahmana: Anabolic
- Hridya: Good for Heart
- Jivaniya: Promotes Life.
- Mutral: Diuretic
- Pittahara: Balances Pitta Dosha.
- Svarya: Good for Voice
- Vajikarana: Aphrodisiac
- Vatahara: Balances Vata Dosha
- Varnya: Promotes Complexion.
- Stanyavardhana: Increases Breast Milk.
- Rasayana: Rejuvenator
Important Formulations containing Vidarikanda
- Shatavaryadi Ghrita
- Maha vishagarbha Taila
- Marma Gulika
- Nityananda Rasa
- Saraswatarishta
- Ashwagandharishta
Important Medicinal Properties of Vidarikand Powder
Vidari is rich in medicinal properties. The understanding of these properties will help us to better utilize this herb. These also indicate the conditions in which we should avoid it. For example, it has contraceptive properties. It is abortifacient, and can cause miscarriage. So its use should be avoided while trying for a baby, and in early pregnancy.
Below is given medicinal properties along with the meaning.
- Abortifacient: induces abortion.
- Antiemetic: useful in the treatment of vomiting.
- Antiandrogen: capable of inhibiting the biological effects of androgens.
- Antitumor / Anticancer: used against or tending to arrest or prevent cancer.
- Anti-implantation: preventing attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine lining.
- Choleretic: stimulates the liver to increase output of bile.
- Contraceptive: prevent pregnancy.
- Cardio–tonic: Tonic for the heart
- Diuretic: causing increased passing of urine.
- Estrogenic: Estrogen or oestrogen like effect.
- Galactagogue: promotes breast milk.
- Hypotensive: Lowers blood pressure.
- Spermatogenic: promotes sperm production.
- Uterus tonic: tonic for uterus.
- Refrigerant: cooling.
- Tonic: Restore or improve health or well-being.
Health Benefits of Vidarikand Churna / Powder
- It is tonic for reproductive organs.
- It treats low breast milk.
- It gives strength to the body.
- It gives relief in symptoms of alcoholism.
- Its use after delivery, gives new mother strength, and energy.
- In any urinary disorders, it gives relief in swelling, dryness of the urinary system.
- It clears speech.
- It protects the liver.
It has estrogen like properties. Estrogen is the female hormone responsible for development, and regulation of the female reproductive system, and secondary sex characteristics. In males estrogen helps in maturation of the sperm, and maintenance of a healthy libido.
Synthetic Estrogen is commonly used in birth control pills, contraceptives, and hormone replacement therapy.
It is a highly effective in menopausal syndrome due to estrogenic properties.
Medicinal Uses of Vidarikand
Vidari is an important medicinal herb of Ayurveda. For the medicinal purpose the tuberous roots of the plant are used in the form of powder, and slices. The root powder is either used alone or in combination with other medicinal herbs.
It is used in combination with Shatavari, Ashwagandha for debility, and deficient breast milk. For urinary disorders, it is used with Gokhru, and for dry cough with Mulethi, Sunthi, and Bala.
Vidari is used for treating weakness, acidity, burning sensation, bleeding disorders, and urinary discharges. It has cooling, alterative, aphrodisiac, emetic, and tonic properties.
1. Boosting memory
For enhancing memory take the powder of Vidari + Chitrak root + Brahmi / Madukaparni (whole plant), is taken in equal amount, and mixed. This powder is taken in a dose of half teaspoon with milk for one month.
2. Cancer
The root powder is taken two times a day for two months.
3. Cuts, Swelling
The root paste in applied externally on the affected area for five days or more.
4. Daily contraceptive गर्भनिरोधक for women
Half teaspoon of powder is taken daily.
5. Epilepsy
The root powder is given.
6. For causing abortion / miscarriage
The root powder is taken in a dose of 2 teaspoon in the morning for three day.
7. Fits, convulsions
The root powder is taken in a dose of five grams for two months.
8. Impotency नपुंसकता
Make herbal powder by mixing Vidarikand (20 gram) + Ashwagandha (10 gram) + Kevanch beej (20 gram) + Shatavari (10 gram) + Bala / Sida cordifolia (10 gram) + Gokhru (20 gram) + Mulethi (10 gram). Take one teaspoon twice a day with milk.
9. General health tonic
Make herbal powder by mixing Vidarikand (10 gram) + Ashwagandha (20 gram) + Mulethi (10 gram) + Shatavari (10 gram) + Amla (15 gram) + Gokhru (10 gram) + Arjun Bark (15 gram) + Mandukaparni leaves (10 gram). Take one teaspoon twice a day with milk.
10. Low breast milk
The root powder of Vidari is given to promote breast milk.
Mix Vidarikanda + Ashwagandha + Mulethi + Shatavari + Mishri in equal amount. Take this powder in a dose of one teaspoon, twice a day with milk.
11. Leucorrhoea / safed pani / shwet pradar, low back pain सफ़ेद पानी की समस्या
Mix Vidarikanda root powder (40 gram) + Lodhra powder (40 gram) + Ashwagandha (50 gram). Take this powder in a dose of one teaspoon with milk.
12. Weakness, Nocturnal emission / Swapn dosh / Night fall, Joint pain स्वप्न दोष
Prepare a powder by mixing the root powder of Vidari + Ashwagandha + Shatavari (each 10 gram). Add to this 30 gram powdered Mishri / rock candy. This powder is taken in dosage of one teaspoon two times a day for a month.
Vidari is available as Vidarikand Powder / Vedarikand Churna, Vidarikand Juice, and tuber in the market.
Adverse Effects / Contraindications / Side Effects of Vidari
- It is a contraceptive, and suppress ovulation.
- It causes miscarriage.
- It exerts post-coitus antifertility effect in women.
- It is safe to take in therapeutic dosage.
How to make powder of vidarikand.
cut in thin pieces then dry in sun, after this make fine powder.