Moringa oleifera is known as Saijana(in Hindi) or drumstick tree. Moringa leaves contain iron, calcium, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C and protein. These are low in calorie, sodium and rich in antioxidant, vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids. It contains eighteen essential amino acids which are building blocks of proteins. In India we eat it as vegetables. We can also use its leaves to treat various eye problems. Read Moringa (Moringa Oleifera) Tree Health Benefits and Medicinal Usage. Here is how to use Moringa leaves to prepare eye wash to cure eye ailments.

General Information
- Botanical name: Moringa oleifera Lam. (Moringaceae)
- Sanskrit Name: Shigru, Shobhanjana, Sigru, Haritashaka
- Hindi Name: Sahijna, Sainjna, Munaga
- English Names: Horse Radish, Drumstick tree
- Kannada: Nugge
- Malayalam: Muringa
- Tamil: Murungai
- Telugu: Munaga Aku
Moringa leaves juice is useful in treating different chronic eye diseases.
- Conjunctivitis
- Pain in eyes
- Eye allergy
- Eyes inflammation
- Redness in eyes
Different methods to use moringa leaves for eye
- Moringa leaves can be used as eye wash and can also be put in eyes.
Prepare infusion of tender leaves of Shigru or moringa.
Wash eyes with this infusion thrice a day. - Take fresh tender leaves of Moringa.
Wash these leaves to remove dirt and impurities.
Crush these leaves in mortar and pestle.
Squeeze the crushed leaves to extract juice.
Wash eyes with this juice. - Extract fresh leaves juice and mix with honey and use it as eye drop or apply on eyelids.
How can moringa be used to treat glaucoma?
I will try it on my eye that used to be red
A friend introduced the use of moringa fluid as eye drop to me She said it is an ancient traditional practice of her community
I want to try it and see. She got a tender moringa stem and Peele to expose the fluid and rubbed directly on the eyeball , tears came out she said it has a little discomfort
Can I boiled morning leaves 🍃 and drink mix with honey?
i want to improve my eye sight, i can hardly see without a glass in a system or phone. even one of my twice who is less than 8 years. i will start using it as soon as i get on be.
I’ve used moringa for the past year, I have used pods, seed and ground fresh leaves.
Stick a teaspoon of these ground leaves in LUKEWARM water as to not destroy the goodness contained.
I have various diseases curre by this, gout, polyps. Gout hasn’t recurred since I’ve taken it and I eat what I want.
Really a powerful medicinal herb, better than most medicines which take away a problem, but give a problem elsewhere, moringa seems to just take away the problem, hope this helps
How long did you take it ? Can you take for more then 3 months?
I have extracted the juice and put it in a small spray bottle, should I put it in the fridge?
Thanks,I will try it,as my grand son is suffering from watery and itching eyes, we try all sort of eye medicine but to no avail but now am starting it right away,May Allah help those suffering from eye problem
Please i want to use moringa leave for elder brother who have sight problem. Is it good to use the juice as eye drop morning and night.
Yes it ok
I am treating a patient losing his eyesight and need additional information to assist him improve his eyesight.
I think its safer if we only drink the juice/extract or tea of the moringa,…
No, it can be consumed as a leaf powder in the flour, can be added to vegetables/ soups.
In India, its fruits are ten as vegetable and pickle
I believe moringa can do a lot when it comes to health. If moringa can solve eye problems, how long does it take to solve macular degeneration, cataract and optic nerve deterioration
It is ok to put in the eyes of moringa extract for infants with 10months old because he have a cataract.
Consult a good doctor
? i will try that
Can it cure Blepharitis..
How long should I continue to use moringa on my eyes. Any side effects for long use of moringa?
Can it be used for pteryguim in the eyes,if so how to use
my grandmum is havin partial blindness. if i use moringa juice nd honey, wld there be any improvement?
It depends on causes, cannot say
Plenty improvement- 70 year old lady removed glasses after this moringa tea and try moringa oil – made in herbalist shop with fresh moringa leaves and a carrier oil
How to prepare moringa juice for eyes
Don’t use the fresh juice. Boil and simmer for 10 min. Cool down, strain and then use. The a acids in fresh leaves are TOO powerful and will hurt your eyes. It’s broken down by HEAT.
Will there be a problem if I use the leaf extract as eye drop without adding honey
I started using moringa for the past five days for allergy and pressure in my eyes. There is an improvement
How did you prepare it
I am currently have eye sight problem and intends to use moringa leaves to help my eye.
I will start using the leaves as of today until I Get some results then I will make comments later.
Did you get the results or you left it and move on