Hepatitis B is a viral infection that attacks the liver, it can cause new acute or chronic disease in the liver. Hepatitis B virus can be transmitted to a healthy person through the contact of an infected person’s blood or other body fluids. It is estimated that 257 million people are living with Hepatitis B virus infection. The safe and effective vaccine of Hepatitis B is available and in many cases hepatitis B treatment is possible.

Hepatitis B virus can survive outside the body for at least 7 days. During this time, the virus can cause the infection at any time. It can infect a person who is not protected by the vaccine.
Hepatitis B is most commonly through birth ( postpartum transmission), or horizontal transmission (in contact with infected blood ) before birth. Apart from this, during medical, surgical and dental procedures, transpiration may occur through tattooing, or through the use of a razor and contaminated substances contaminated with infected blood.
Hepatitis B, along with infected blood, is transmitted by various body fluids such as saliva, menstrual blood, vaginal, and fundamental fluid or by mucous contact. Hepatitis B can be sexually transmitted.
- Disease: Hepatitis B, HBV, Hep B
- Type of disease: Infectious viral disease
- Infection: Acute acute or Chronic Chronic (Long-term living).
- Pathogenesis: Generating virus in liver cells, causing inflammation in the liver
- Symptoms: Swollen liver, lack of appetite, vomiting, jaundice, mild fever, muscle and joint pain, urine color black
- Communication: Contact with blood or other body fluid, sexual intercourse
- Prevention: Vaccination
- Available medicines: Antiviral medicines are Lamivudine (Epivir), Adeupovir (Hepsera), Tenofovir (Wyriad), Telbivudine (Taejka), and Intakeavir (Barcllude)
What is the reason for hepatitis B?
Hepatitis is a liver disease caused by the Hepatitis B virus.
How does Hepatitis B Virus expand?
This virus is found in the blood or in the body fluid. This spreads when blood or body fluid enters the body of an infected person, which is not infected.
This can happen in various ways:
- Unprotected sexual contact
- Needled injected
- Infected device for the blood test
- Mother to baby during birth
- Contact with wounds or skin lesions
- When an infected person bites another person
- Sharing personal care, such as razors or toothbrushes
Hepatitis B virus can be found on objects in the absence of blood. Be infected and this virus is capable of spreading infection outside the human body for a minimum of seven days.
What are the symptoms of hepatitis B?
Most people do not experience any symptoms during the phase of acute infection, however, some people may have pain in the skin and eyes, jaundice, deep urine, excessive fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Some 7 out of 10 adults who are infected have some symptoms. There are no symptoms in children under 5 years of age. After infection, symptoms show between 60 and 150 days.
Symptoms of hepatitis B include the following:
- Skin and yellowing in the eyes
- Dark-colored urine
- No appetite or nausea
- bloated stomach
- Excessive fatigue
- fever
- Joint pain
In some people, hepatitis B virus can also cause an old liver infection which can later develop in cirrhosis (liver disorders) or hepatic cancer.
Do people get completely cured? Is it possible to treat hepatitis B?
Most people who are infected as adults are completely cured. But 2 out of 100 adults, 30 out of 100, children aged 1-5, and 90 in 100, this infection remains in the lifetime. This is called chronic infection.
How serious is the infection with hepatitis B?
Hepatitis B can be very serious. The virus can cause an old infection, which may cause cirrhosis and liver cancer.
How do I know that I have Hepatitis B infection?
Only blood tests can tell whether a person has this infection or not. It also shows that the transition is new or old. If a person who has been diagnosed with blood tests has had a history in the past, then the blood test is seen in the antibody against the virus in the blood and it is known whether the virus is still in the blood.
- HBsAg (hepatitis B surface antigen): Being positive means that the person has Hepatitis B infection.
- Anti-HBs | HBsAb (hepatitis B surface antibody): Having an antibody means that the person has been cured of Hepatitis B infection and there is some immunity in the body.
- Anti-HBc | HBcAb (hepatitis B core antibody): Being positive means the infection of hepatitis B in the body. After further testing, it is detected to be acute or chronic.
Which people should be tested?
- All pregnant women
- Infants born to HBV-infected mothers
- Sharing home, needle
- Sex relations
- HBV-infected people
- Men, who have sex with men
- Users of injection drugs
- Hemodialysis patient
- People who need immunosuppressive therapy or chemotherapy
- People infected with HIV
- Donors of blood, plasma, organs, tissues, or semen
Is there any medicine to treat hepatitis B?
- There is no drug available for this. In some cases, antiviral medicines are given and the treatment of hepatitis B is possible.
- Chronic | In the old case, regular symptoms of liver symptoms are monitored.
- There is no special treatment for acute hepatitis B.
- Chronic hepatitis B infection can be treated with medicines, which include oral antiviral agents.
- Have a restful and nutritious meal. The goal of care, including the replacement of fluids lost from vomiting and diarrhea.
Who should take the vaccine?
- Hepatitis B vaccine is usually given in three-dose. This vaccine is recommended for all children aged 0 to 18 years. All older children who have not been vaccinated should all take the hepatitis B vaccine as soon as possible.
Who should not be given hepatitis B vaccine?
Those who have severe allergic reactions after the first vaccine of Hepatitis B, should not take any further dosage of them.
Those who have hypersensitivity towards yeast should not even get this vaccine.
Should Hepatitis B be tested in pregnancy?
Yes, in pregnancy, Hepatitis B should be examined. Hepatitis B e-antigen (HBeAg) probe is available for this.
If there is a positive result on the test, then he should also check the hepatitis B viral load blood test (HBV DNA quantification). The doctor gives oral antiviral medicines in the third trimester, which can reduce the risk of newborn infant infection. The infant is given the infection from the delivery room and the rest of the dosages are given at regular intervals.
If an infected mother’s baby is 9-12 months old, then HBsAg and anti-HBs titer should be checked.