Himalaya Sparkling White Toothpaste
Himalaya Sparkling White Toothpaste is very good for teeth cleaning, removing stains and tooth whitener and very good for healthy gums.
Himalaya Sparkling White Toothpaste is very good for teeth cleaning, removing stains and tooth whitener and very good for healthy gums.
Divya Kesh tail uses and health benefits details for hair care.
Details and health benefits of Brahmi Amla oil for hair care. This very good for common hair problems.
Detail of Bhuvaneshwar Ras ayurvedic medicine, very good for various stomach problems like Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Atisaar, Indigestion, Flatulence etc.
Swarna parpati is very good ayurvedic tonic for improving general health, it is very useful in Intestinal tuberculosis, improves digestion and memory etc.
Treatment of digestive problems with polyherbal Ayurvedic medicine Agnisandipan Ras.
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Zandu Sudarshan Ghanvati details, this is very good medicine to treat fifferent type of fever like Malarial, Typhoid etc.
Neopeptine medicine ingredients, dosage and uses. This very good for treating various stomach problems like Abdominal gas and pain, constipation etc.
Mahavisagarbha Taila uses details for treatment of joint disorders like Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis and Gout, Join pain, Muscle strain etc.