Piyush Valli Ras

Piyush Valli Ras is an effective medicine for treating difficult to treat sprue, dysentery, and piles. It is a useful medicine for treating atisaar with mucus and blood.


Dashmoola Kwath

Dashmula Kwath is polyherbal Ayurvedic decoction containing Dash Mula or ten roots. This decoction has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and pain-relieving properties. It balances deranged vata and kapha.


Dasamulakatutrayadi Kwatham

This Ayurvedic formulation contains dashmool/ten roots, vasa and trikatu. Trikatu is three pungent viz. Pippali, Maricha and Sunthi. The combination of these medicinal herbs is excellent in curing respiratory illness.
