Mango leaf tea Recipe and Benefits
Mango leaves tea is proven anti-diabetic, anti fungal, anti-bacterial. This is very good to treat various health problems.
Mango leaves tea is proven anti-diabetic, anti fungal, anti-bacterial. This is very good to treat various health problems.
Recipe and health benefits details of rose and honey, it is very good for heart, digestive system and good blood purifier.
Rose Petal tea is vey strong antioxidant which helps to remove toxins from body. Recipe for making rose tea.
Detailed recipe for making gulkand and health benefits. It is very good Antioxidant, good for digestion, skin and many more.
Litti chokha is very delicious Eastern UP, Bihari dish. There are many versions of this dish. Some are made from only wheat flour and some are made with atta and filling of sattu(roasted gram flour) with several spices. Some time we are cooking bati by frying it some time we are baking it kandi(Doung Cake) fire. This usually served with chokha, chutney, pickle and butter.
Easy and healthy recipe for making palak, sowa and baigan saag in Varanasi style.
Easy, quick and very delicious recipe for making paratha of cheese slice at home using simple ingredients.