Karpura Rasa For Diarrhoea & Dysentery
Karpura Rasa is given to patients in condition of diarrhoea with fever, chronic diarrhoea and bacillary dysentery. This medicine is also indicated in cholera or haija, Sangrahni (Sprue), pitta-atisaar.
Karpura Rasa is given to patients in condition of diarrhoea with fever, chronic diarrhoea and bacillary dysentery. This medicine is also indicated in cholera or haija, Sangrahni (Sprue), pitta-atisaar.
Rasottamadi Lepam is an Ayurvedic formulation prepared from nine ingredients which include purified mercury, sulphur, red lead, red orpiment and medicinal herbs. This medicine is for external use and applied topically on many skin diseases.
This medicine is referenced from Ayurvedic treatise Bhaishajya Ratnavali, and is indicated in Grahani rogadhikar or Malabsorption syndrome. It is a suitable medicine for many abdominal diseases, premature hair greying, intestinal weakness, loose motions etc.
Kushta Rakshasa oil is poly-herbal Ayurvedic medicated oil. Kushta Rakshasa taila is referenced from Ayurvedic treatise Bhaishajya Ratnavali, and is indicated in Kustha rogadhikar.
Tarkeshwar Rasa is useful in treatment of polyuria (excessive or abnormally large production or passage of urine), Dysuria or Mutrakriccha (painful urination) and diabetes.
Ashmarihara Kashaya is useful in prevention and treatment of kidney stone. The literal meaning of Ashmarihara is one that removes stones.
Chukkumthippalyadi Gulika is herbomineral Ayurvedic medicine. This medicine is useful in the treatment of fever due to various reasons. This medicine is referenced from Sahasrayogam (book on Kerala tradition of…