Diet for diarrhea
Diarrhea is infection caused by virus, bacteria, parasites. Some diet guidelines to cure diarrhea effectively.
Diarrhea is infection caused by virus, bacteria, parasites. Some diet guidelines to cure diarrhea effectively.
With the use of naturally available products we can remove dandruff, stop graying and hair fall.
Wheatgrass juice or gehu ke jaware can be said to be sanjivini. it can be used by person of any age. Regular use of it increases immunity and makes healthy. The chlorophyll ,which is green blood of a plant and molecularly similar to human blood, content of this plant is more compared to other plant. Its use is effective in curing anemia.
For diabetes patient there are many restriction when it is about foods. Certain food items are completely banned to eat by diabetic. But there are certain vegetables and fruits that can be taken by them and are very good for health.
Yog guru swami Ramdev highly recommend anulom vilom pranayam along with 6 other pranayam to include in daily routine to remain healthy and curing of many ailments of digestive system, circulatory system, nervous system, allergies and skin related problems.
What is Migraine? Migraine is pain in head that starts from behind the eyes and is located in one side and afterward it may spread in other areas of brain. it can last from 4 hrs to 72 hrs and even after that there may be soreness feeling in head where it was located. Migraine pain can be mild or may be intense varying from person to person and even in same person for different attacks.