5 Foods For Healthy Skin
There are countless beauty creams and products available in market which claim to give glowing, spotless and young skin. Effect of these product is temporary and superficial.
There are countless beauty creams and products available in market which claim to give glowing, spotless and young skin. Effect of these product is temporary and superficial.
Freckles are small darker spot of the pigment melanin on the skin. It is also known as ?jhaiya? in hindi. Take lemon juice, orange peel powder, rose water, besan and…
After eating our meals we generally like to do some activity without knowing that those can harm to our health. So we should be very precautionary after meal.
Constipation is bowel movement fewer than three times per week. In constipation stool become very hard, small and painful to eliminate. It is not a disease and is very common. The reason for constipation are many but main are dehydration and diet lacking fiber.
As we know that teeth and gum cleaning is very important for healthy teeth but some time we are eating some foods and it stuck in between our teeth. These food are causing bad breath and cavity in teeth and cannot be cleaned just by tooth brushing. To remove this we can use thread and this process is known as flossing.
Bath salts helps to exfoliate skin, removes cellulite, detoxify body , releases tension and stress. Here is how to make bath salts at home and benefits of bath salts.
We all know how important is to take care of our teeth to maintain good health. We should brush twice in day, do flossing and not to forget clean teeth always after eating anything sweet to prevent cavities.