Category: Ayurveda
Rasa Parpati Benefits, Ingredients, Dosage
Health benefits of Rasa Parpati to treat stomach problems and disorders. It is very useful in treatment of Digestive weakness, Malabsorption, Piles etc.
Himalaya Renalka for Urinary problems
Himalaya Renalka is cheap alternate medicine to treat various urinary health problems. It is useful in treatment of various urinary problems.
Bol Parpati Benefits, Ingredients, Dosage
Treatment of menorrhagia, piles and other bleeding disorder by Ayurvedic Bol Parpati. This medicine should be used in medical supervision.
Shweta Parpati For Urinary Problems
Ingredients, dosage and uses details of Ayurvedic Shweta Parpati. It is used to treat various urinary problems like UTI, Painful urination, Dysuria etc.
Panchamrit Parpati For Stomach Problems
Detail of ayurvedic Panchamrit Parpati uses, ingredients, dosage to treat various stomach related health problems like IBS, Coliti, Diarrhoea and more.
Shwas kuthar Ras for Respiratory disorders
Shwasa kuthar Ras is herbomineral ayurvedic medicine, very good for respiratory problems like bronchial Asthma, allergic Bronchitis, cough, phlegm.
Maharishi Amrit Kalash
Maharishi Amrit Kalash improves body immunity to fight infections and common disorders such as headache, backache, sinus, digestion impairment, stress etc.
Milk Thistle Health Benefits
Euphorbia hirta Medicinal Uses For Dengue Treatment
Euphorbia hirta is one of the most important herb in Ayurvedic medicine system. Learn what are it’s health benefits and how you can use this to treat different diseases like dengue and stomach infection. Know about it’s botanical description, medicinal properties and side-effects.
Rasa Parpati Benefits, Ingredients, Dosage
Health benefits of Rasa Parpati to treat stomach problems and disorders. It is very useful in treatment of Digestive weakness, Malabsorption, Piles etc.
Himalaya Renalka for Urinary problems
Himalaya Renalka is cheap alternate medicine to treat various urinary health problems. It is useful in treatment of various urinary problems.
Bol Parpati Benefits, Ingredients, Dosage
Treatment of menorrhagia, piles and other bleeding disorder by Ayurvedic Bol Parpati. This medicine should be used in medical supervision.
Shweta Parpati For Urinary Problems
Ingredients, dosage and uses details of Ayurvedic Shweta Parpati. It is used to treat various urinary problems like UTI, Painful urination, Dysuria etc.
Panchamrit Parpati For Stomach Problems
Detail of ayurvedic Panchamrit Parpati uses, ingredients, dosage to treat various stomach related health problems like IBS, Coliti, Diarrhoea and more.
Shwas kuthar Ras for Respiratory disorders
Shwasa kuthar Ras is herbomineral ayurvedic medicine, very good for respiratory problems like bronchial Asthma, allergic Bronchitis, cough, phlegm.
Maharishi Amrit Kalash
Maharishi Amrit Kalash improves body immunity to fight infections and common disorders such as headache, backache, sinus, digestion impairment, stress etc.
Milk Thistle Health Benefits
Euphorbia hirta Medicinal Uses For Dengue Treatment
Euphorbia hirta is one of the most important herb in Ayurvedic medicine system. Learn what are it’s health benefits and how you can use this to treat different diseases like dengue and stomach infection. Know about it’s botanical description, medicinal properties and side-effects.