Ksheerabala thailam(oil)

Ksheerabala taila is an ayurvedic drug used to treat arthritis, central nervous system disorders, and insomnia. The main contents of Ksheerabala are Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn.), Ksheera(cow’s milk), and Thilathaila…


Maharajaprasarini Thailam

Maharajaprasarini Thailam is an excellent Ayurvedic oil for the treatment of rheumatic and neurological disorders affecting neck, shoulder and arm like Frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, carpel tunnel syndrome etc.


Valiya Sahacharadi Thailam

Ayurvedic medicated oil for treatment of Rheumatic ailments and neurological disorders, especially those affecting the lower limbs. Sciatica, numbness, tingling sensation, lower back ache, pain in the joints etc are significantly cured with proper application of the oil.


Sudhabala Thailam

A unique Ayurvedic oil solely used for neurological disorders like Facial palsy, Hemiplegia, insanity. It has been widely used by women in pregnancy and puerperium (post delivery period).


Valiya Narayana Thailam

Valiya Narayana Thailam an effective Ayurvedic medicated oil for the treatment of Rheumatic disorders. Stiffness and painful movements of joints, swelling, burning sensation, numbness etc.
