Narikela Khanda
Narikela Khanda is useful medicine for treating hyperacidity, tastelessness and abdominal pain due to colic
Narikela Khanda is useful medicine for treating hyperacidity, tastelessness and abdominal pain due to colic
Danti haritaki is 100% herbal Ayurvedic medicine which is very useful to treat various stomach disorders.
Dashamoola Haritaki Rasayana is an Ayurvedic formulation, which you can use to treat varous health problems like Dysuria, Abnormality of semen etc.
Drakshavaleha is an Ayurvedic medicine which can be used to treat anaemia, jaundice, heat burn and liver related health problems.
Thribalarishta is Ayurvedic medicine is very good body toner as it improves haemoglobin lever and boosts digestion.
Thanyakhatharishta is very good Ayurvedic medicine which is very useful in tretment of digestion problem, weak digestion, constipestion, fever etc.
Takrarishta formulation is useful in piles, intestinal parasites, IBS, loose motions, other digestive problems and for weight loss.
Mugli Ghutti 555 is helpful in curing all disorders of children such as teething trouble, indigestion, excessive salivation, liver problems, diarrhoea and vomiting.
Sukumaram kashayam is poly-herbal Ayurvedic medicine useful in treating digestive problems, gynaecological disorders and ovarian diseases.