Category: Ayurveda
Medicinal Uses of Banyan Tree
Learn about medicinal uses of Banyan tree. Each part of tree is used as medicine to treat various diseases. Banyan Leaves Remedies, Banyan Milky Latex Remedies, Banyan Aerial roots remedies, Banyan Bark Remedies.
Ratnagiri Ras (Swarna yukt) for Fever
Ratnagiri Rasa is herbomineral Ayurvedic medicine. Ratnagiri Ras is indicated in treatment of fever due to various reasons. This medicine also helps to cure weakness caused by fever.
Leptaden Tablets Benefits, Ingredients, Dosage
Leptaden is good remedy for new mothers who are suffering from absent breast milk. The medicine is also useful for women who suffers from habitual abortion.
Meryton Ayurvedic medicine
Meryton medicine is useful in treatment of gynaecological problems such as uterine disorders, irregular cycle, threatened miscarriage, unexplained infertility etc.
Amazing medicinal uses of Neem leaves
Medicinal uses of Cuscuta or Amarbel
Arodent Ayurvedic Gum Paint
Arodent Gum Paint has analgesic, anti-bacterial and pain relief properties. Know how to use this for treatment of various gum disease.
Eraser Antimarks Cream
Skin marks can be removed with help of Eraser Antimarks Cream. Key ingredients if this cream is natural herbs.
Health Benefits of Wheat Germ
Medicinal Uses of Banyan Tree
Learn about medicinal uses of Banyan tree. Each part of tree is used as medicine to treat various diseases. Banyan Leaves Remedies, Banyan Milky Latex Remedies, Banyan Aerial roots remedies, Banyan Bark Remedies.
Ratnagiri Ras (Swarna yukt) for Fever
Ratnagiri Rasa is herbomineral Ayurvedic medicine. Ratnagiri Ras is indicated in treatment of fever due to various reasons. This medicine also helps to cure weakness caused by fever.
Leptaden Tablets Benefits, Ingredients, Dosage
Leptaden is good remedy for new mothers who are suffering from absent breast milk. The medicine is also useful for women who suffers from habitual abortion.
Meryton Ayurvedic medicine
Meryton medicine is useful in treatment of gynaecological problems such as uterine disorders, irregular cycle, threatened miscarriage, unexplained infertility etc.
Amazing medicinal uses of Neem leaves
Medicinal uses of Cuscuta or Amarbel
Arodent Ayurvedic Gum Paint
Arodent Gum Paint has analgesic, anti-bacterial and pain relief properties. Know how to use this for treatment of various gum disease.
Eraser Antimarks Cream
Skin marks can be removed with help of Eraser Antimarks Cream. Key ingredients if this cream is natural herbs.