Saunf Ark for digestive system
Saunf Ark is the very good natural ayurvedic remedy for children’s indigestion and stomach problems. Know about its ingredients and dosage.
Saunf Ark is the very good natural ayurvedic remedy for children’s indigestion and stomach problems. Know about its ingredients and dosage.
Know the ingredients and uses of Bilva Taila. Know the problems in which this is effective. Learn how to use this. It helps in preventing and reducing Ear pain.
Marichyadi Vati is an ayurvedic medicine which is very effective in Chronic bronchitis, Tonsillitis, and digestion related problems.
Know how to treat anal prolapse, piles using changeri ghrita. This is excellent Ayurvedic medicine made from natural ingredients. Learn about directions to use, dosage and side effects of changeri ghrita.
Mahamanjishthadyarishta ayurvedic medicine to treat skin problems like a pimple, boils by removing blood toxins and balancing body hormones and makes skin clean.
Pradarnashak Churna ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of female health problems like Leucorrhoea, Uterine bleeding, uterine fibroids, Menopausal syndrome.
Yogaraj Guggulu details of medicinal uses for treatment of Rheumatism, Gout, arthritis, Abdominal diseases, and related problems.
Eladi powder is used for treating vomiting, indigestion, anorexia, excessive thirst, diseases due to excess pitta/bile, cough, asthma, etc.
Baidyanath Erand pak is ayurvedic preparation containing castor or erand and is used in indication of inflammation, pain and arthritis.