Charak Alsarex Tablet

This medicine is very good remedy for acid peptic disorders. It is a natural antacid and antiulcerant. Alsarex not only reduces the acid secretion but also strengthens the mucosal defence.


Vasu Step Capsules

Step increases chemotaxis of polymorphs at the site of infection. Clears chronic and stubborn infections. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-exudative properties. No resistance or side effects observed.


Ban Labs Cutfar Ointment

Key ingredients of usage of Ban Labs Cutfar Ointment. It contains Jatyadi oil is known for its soothing antiseptic, anti-bacterial and emollient action while vipadikahar malam heals chilblains, cuts and ichthyosis


Himalaya Bleminor Anti-blemish cream

Bleminor is herbal product from Himalaya Drug Company is a cream useful for hyperpigmentation of skin caused due to various reasons. This cream is for topical application on blemishes. The cream inhibits melanin synthesis and has antioxidant activity.
