Patanjali Arogya Vati Benefits, Ingredients, Dosage
It has antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiviral properties. It is a tridosh dosh nashak and improves the body immunity to fight infections such as fever, cold, viral disease and skin diseases.
It has antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiviral properties. It is a tridosh dosh nashak and improves the body immunity to fight infections such as fever, cold, viral disease and skin diseases.
It is very effective for controlling bacterial infection, useful in allergies, pimples, acne, skin eruptions and pruritus. It provides relief from itching, and also prevent diseases transmitted by touch.
Indian Ayurvedic medicines system is very effective to treat these allergies as they work slowly and treat root cause of problems by balancing capha, pitta and vaat dosa.
Sheetpitta Bhanjan Rasa is an Ayurvedic medicine useful in treatment of many diseases especially sheetpitta. Sheetpitta or pitti is known as Urticaria.
Shila Sindur is prepared by processing Shuddha Parada (purified mercury), Shuddha Gandhaka (sulphur) and Shuddha Manashila (arsenic disulphide) in Kumari swaras. Shila sindur is a rasayana and good for brain and heart.
Ramban rasa is referenced from Ayurvedic text Bhaishajya Ratnavali. This medicine is useful in many diseases related to digestive system.
For medicinal purpose various parts of plant such as leaves, roots, and fruits are used. Kulthi plant has ability to cure diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera, and fever.