Alarsin Aluretic For Oedema
It is indicated in mild to moderate oedema. Oedema is a condition characterized by an excess of watery fluid collecting in the cavities or tissues of the body.
It is indicated in mild to moderate oedema. Oedema is a condition characterized by an excess of watery fluid collecting in the cavities or tissues of the body.
Indormation of some good medicines for managment of Ulcerative colitis. Dietary guideline for people sufferting from this.
The main ingredient of this decoction is Chinnodbhavo or Giloy. It is a useful medicine to treat sannipatika fever.
Suranavaleha is prepared from 12 medicinal herbs. The main ingredient of this medicine is Suran and used to improve digestion.
Vidaryadi Ghrita medicine is useful in improving general health. It helps to increase weight and is a good medicine for thin people. Its oral intake nourishes whole body.
Vidaryadi group of herbs are those medicinal herbs that are nourishing, beneficial for heart, Vata-Pitta Shamak (alleviates vata and pitta), cure tuberculosis, tumours of stomach, body pain, cough, weakness.