Medicinal Plant Sweet Basil (Ocimum basilicum)

sweet basil plant

Sweet basil is a common medicinal herb and used in treatment of various diseases from time immemorial. The leaves of plant contain methylchaylcol, linalol, eugenol, thymol and xanthamicrol. The juice extracted from fresh leaves is folk medicine to treat respiratory disorders, fever, ear pain etc.


Uses of Chaulmoogra Oil

Chalmoogra Oil has strong bactericidal properties against bacteria of leprosy and tuberculosis due to presence of unsaturated fatty acids. In Ayurveda, it has been used for hundreds of year to treat skin diseases, TB, gout and leprosy. Here is given few important Ayurvedic medicinal uses of Chaulmoogra Oil.


Chintamani Ras

Chintamani Ras is given to treat all kind of heart diseases. It is given with Arogyavardhini vati, in case patient suffers from liver swelling, abdominal diseases along with heart disease.


Ashoka Cordial Syrup

This medicine is given for treating gynaecological disorders such as infertility, white discharge from vagina, menorrhagia or abnormally heavy bleeding at menstruation, irregularity in periods, pain during periods, and other general problems of women in reproductive age.


Vedagra Capsule Uses

Vedagra Capsule is indicated in male sexual disorders. It is useful in toning body, increasing energy level and improving sexual performance. Vedagra improves blood flow in pelvic region and reproductive organs and this helps in better erection.
