Ashtmurti Rasayan Uses, Ingredients & Dosage
Ashtamurti Rasayana is used in treatment of wide variety of diseases. It is a tonic that is used in chronic fever, fever due to various reasons, obstruction to passage of urine, epilepsy etc.
Ashtamurti Rasayana is used in treatment of wide variety of diseases. It is a tonic that is used in chronic fever, fever due to various reasons, obstruction to passage of urine, epilepsy etc.
Siddha Makardhwaj medicine is a tonic that increases longevity. It improves immunity and overall health. Siddha Makardhwaj increases the red blood corpuscles.
The use of Ajeerna Kantak Rasa stimulates digestion, cures indigestion, improves appetite, and assimilation.
Abhragarbha Pottali is indicated in wide range of respiratory disorders, cold, cough, respiratory disorders, tuberculosis, chronic fever (unknown cause), complications associated with pregnancy etc.
Pigmento Tablets Ayurvedic medicine is indicated in vitiligo. Vitiligo is medical term for condition in which skin loses colour in blotches
Tamragarbha Pottali is indicated in symptoms of cold, cough, difficult breathing, tuberculosis, fever due to cough, and also in acute and chronic cases of pain etc.
Taragarbha Pottali is indicated in diseases of urinary systems such as burning urination, frequent urination, painful urination etc and also in prameha, Shukra Dosha and various disorders.
Agnivardhak Vati is a tasty combination of natural products that stimulates digestion. Good digestion is key to good appetite and assimilation.
Aptantrakari Vati is indicated in convulsive disorders (Akshepa), hysteria, epileptic seizure.
Dhootapapeshwar Hrudroga Chintamani Rasa is indicated in pain in chest, weakness of heart muscles, difficult or laboured breathing on exertion, weakness of pulse, sandhigata vata, general oedema etc.