Gandhak Rasayana For Skin Diseses
Gandhak Rasayan is a Sulphur based Ayurvedic preparation. It is prepared by processing purified Sulphur in herbal ingredients. Sulphur/Sulfur is known as ‘Gandhak’ in Sanskrit and Hindi due to its…
Gandhak Rasayan is a Sulphur based Ayurvedic preparation. It is prepared by processing purified Sulphur in herbal ingredients. Sulphur/Sulfur is known as ‘Gandhak’ in Sanskrit and Hindi due to its…
Medicinal use of ayurvedic medicine Tankan Bhasma to treat all seasonal infection and very effective in Chronic bronchitis.
Medicinal uses and health benefits details of ayurvedic medicine Yogendra Ras. It is also a very good heart tonic.
Detail of Himalaya Lukol ayurvedic medicine which is very effective in treatment of Leucorrhoea and Pelvic inflammatory disease
Detailed information effective ayurvedic treatments available for treatment of Leucorrhoea or shwet pradar.
Medicinal uses of ayurvedic Shulwarjini bati for treatment of stomach problems like Abdominal pain, Gulma, Excessive gas in abdomen and all types of colic.
Detail of pradarantak Lauha medicine uses for treatment of leucorrhoea(shwet pradar), anaemia and pain in lower abdomen, Backache.
Amalki Rasayan is Ayurvedic medicine which is used to treat various health conditions and also used as general health tonic.
Natural and herbal ayurvedic medicines to treat and manage cardiac problems. These are very effective in controlling symptoms without any side effects.