Category: Ayurveda
Medicinal use of Bharangi
Diyva Swasari Pravahi Medicinal Usage
Uses details and health benefits of Diyva Swasari Pravahi for treating cold, cough and flu.
Divya Udarkalp Choorna
Ayurvedic Divya Udarkalp Choorna for treating Gastric and digestive problems such as acidity, constipation, abdominal gas, pain…
Divya Godhan Ark
Divya Godhan Ark, ayurvedic medicine uses details for treating Weakness, Skin problems, intestinal parasites and many more.
Divya Peedantak Kwath
Divya Peedantak Kwath herbal ayurvedic medicine uses details for treating joint related disorders.
Caution for Liquorice use
Caution for Liquorice use. Use it in small quantity and for short duration otherwise it can cause side effects.
Divya Mulethi Kwath
Ayurvedic Divya Mulethi Kwath uses details. This very good for Hyperacidity, heartburn, abdominal gas, flatulence, Lowers cholesterol level and …
Mebex For Deworming
Uses details of Mebex For Deworming. This is very good medicine for all kind of parasite Deworming.
Panchsakar Churna For Stomach Disorders
Panchsakar Churna is a herbal Ayurvedic medicine mentioned in the Ayurveda Sarsangraha. This medicine is useful for treating constipation, piles and other abdominal diseases. Panchsakar Churna is prepared from fiveā¦
Medicinal use of Bharangi
Diyva Swasari Pravahi Medicinal Usage
Uses details and health benefits of Diyva Swasari Pravahi for treating cold, cough and flu.
Divya Udarkalp Choorna
Ayurvedic Divya Udarkalp Choorna for treating Gastric and digestive problems such as acidity, constipation, abdominal gas, pain…
Divya Godhan Ark
Divya Godhan Ark, ayurvedic medicine uses details for treating Weakness, Skin problems, intestinal parasites and many more.
Divya Peedantak Kwath
Divya Peedantak Kwath herbal ayurvedic medicine uses details for treating joint related disorders.
Caution for Liquorice use
Caution for Liquorice use. Use it in small quantity and for short duration otherwise it can cause side effects.
Divya Mulethi Kwath
Ayurvedic Divya Mulethi Kwath uses details. This very good for Hyperacidity, heartburn, abdominal gas, flatulence, Lowers cholesterol level and …
Mebex For Deworming
Uses details of Mebex For Deworming. This is very good medicine for all kind of parasite Deworming.
Panchsakar Churna For Stomach Disorders
Panchsakar Churna is a herbal Ayurvedic medicine mentioned in the Ayurveda Sarsangraha. This medicine is useful for treating constipation, piles and other abdominal diseases. Panchsakar Churna is prepared from fiveā¦