Dashansanskar churna
Dashansanskar churna is very good ayurvedic medicine for treatment of pyorrhoea, bad breath Bleeding gums Toothache.
Dashansanskar churna is very good ayurvedic medicine for treatment of pyorrhoea, bad breath Bleeding gums Toothache.
Details of effective home remedies and ayurvedic medicine to treat and prevent Pyorrhoea.
How to use guava leaves to treat various oral health problems like gum pain, Infection in gums, bad breadth, Mouth ulcers etc.
Health benefits and uses details of ayurvedic Dadimadi Ghrita. This is very effective in iron deficiency anaemia, diseases in pregnancy, difficult labour.
Ayurvedic Bilwadi Lehyam is very good medicine for treatment of Diarrhoea, dysentery, Amoebiasis and other stomach and digestion problems.
Detail of different types of cough, their sympotoms and corresponding treatments.
Medicinal use of Babul tree (Acacia arabica). This tree is very effective in oral care, tooth and gum problem. Learn how to use this tree for tooth and gum care. Learn some remedies of babool tree.