Gas in stomach, and intestine is very common problem. It is generally caused by poor digestion, food, and sometime infections. Based on these causes it can be treated with Ayurvedic medicines, herbs, and choorna. Here are some good Ayurvedic medicines to treat stomach gas.
Ayurvedic Medicines To Treat Intestinal Gas
It is normal to have some intestinal gas. But too much gas is definitely a reason for worry. Excessive gas causes distention of abdomen, pain in abdomen, excessive burping, pressure on chest and heart, elevation of blood pressure, headaches, pain in back and many other health issues. When the gas moves from the intestine to…
Himalaya Gasex for treating Abdominal Gas
Gasex is an Ayurvedic patent and proprietary product from Himalaya Drug Company. This medicine is useful in treating digestive problems and especially the abdominal gas issue. Gasex has gastrokinetic and gastroprotective activities. Gastrokinetic, or prokinetic, is a medicine that enhances gastrointestinal motility by increasing the frequency of contractions in the small intestine or making them…
Dabur Gastrina Tablet For Acidity and Pain
Gastrina is proprietary Ayurvedic medicine from Dabur. As the name suggests, it is a herbal medicine for abdominal gas and indigestion. Dabur Gastrina improves digestion, assimilation and has carminative action. It is a hot potency medicine and increases Pitta or secretion of digestive juices. It reduces Kapha and Vata. Here is given more about this…
Ajwain ark for Indigestion and Gas
Ajwain ark is liquid extraction of carom seeds (Trachyspermum ammi). It is used to treat digestive system problems such as flatulence, pain, dyspepsia, etc. It is also very effective in nausea and vomiting. In Ayurveda ajwain is considered hot, bitter and pungent. It helps in digestion, cures vaat and cough. Ingredients Ajwain or carom seeds…
Divya Gashar Churna
Divya Gashar Churna is polyherbal Ayurvedic proprietary medicine from Yog Guru Baba Ramdev's Patanjali Divya Pharmaceuticals. The ingredient of this powder are ajwain, harad, kali Mirch, kala namak, nausadar, meetha soda, neembu sat and hing which helps to give relief in abdominal gas. Gas har churna also helps in better digestion of food and prevents…
Baidyanath Aquagest for digestive problems
Baidyanath Aquagest is patented Ayurvedic herbal medicine from Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan Pvt. Ltd. and is used to treat gastric problems. It contains Ajwain and Fennel which are well-known to cure digestive system disorders. Here is given more about this medicine, such as benefits, indication/therapeutic uses, composition, and dosage. Manufacturer: Shree Baidyanath Ayurveda Bhavan Availability:…
Patanjali Divya Udarkalp Churna
Patanjali Divya Udarkalpa Powder formulation is developed by Swami Ramdev’s Patanjali Divya Pharmacy. It is not a classical Ayurvedic medicine but a proprietary medicine. [toc] Udar means abdomen, and this medicinal powder is for common digestive problems like indigestion, abdominal pain, gas, constipation, etc. It has laxative action that helps to manage constipation, and constipation…
Tips to prevent excessive gas(bloating or flatulence)
Excessive gas produced in the body is expelled from the body either as burp or per rectum. Generally people produce one to four pint gas and pass it at least 23 times in a day. But individual suffering from constipation or weak digestion produce excessive gas. Also sedentary lifestyle, eating gas producing foods, chewing gums,…
Foods Causing Gastric
Abdominal gas or flatulence is a common and frequent digestive trouble. The excessive gas is present in digestive system and caused due to digestion of food items and swallowing of air while eating or talking. The trapped gas can cause discomfort and abdominal pain. The symptom of too much abdominal gas are burping, flatulence, and…
Home remedy for gastric problem
Gastric problem arise due to too much gas in stomach. This causes abdominal pain, heaviness and discomfort. There are many reasons for excessive gas formation like: - Consuming carbonated drinks, coffee, tea - Eating packaged foods that contain preservatives - Swallowing food without proper chewing - Eating too much in dinner - Swallowing air with…
Fennel Seeds & Oil (Saunf) Benefits, Uses, Cautions and More

Dried Ginger Powder Remedies
Ginger or Adrak is underground stem or rhizome of the plant Zingiber officinale. It is one of the oldest spice. The rhizome of ginger is dried to get dry ginger which is also known as Sunthi/sonth in Ayurveda. This can be pulverised to make ginger powder. Sonth or dry ginger is a very well-known medicine…
Homemade Herbal Powder for Digestive problems
There are many herbs and spices present in our kitchen which are helpful in curing or managing health issues. Many of them are specifically good for treating some very common digestive complaints like low appetite, abdominal gas, nausea, and other problems associated with excessive gas. Three such spice that can be made into powder and…
Best Indigestion Ayurvedic medicines
Indigestion is a condition in which pain or discomfort in the stomach associated with difficulty in digesting food. This condition can be treated very effectively with Ayurvedic medicines and herbs. List of Ayurvedic medicines to Treat Indigestion 1) Mustakarishtam is a herbal Ayurvedic medicine prepared from Motha, Dhataki-pushpa, carom seeds, dry ginger powder, black pepper,…
Remedy for Stomach Gas in Infants
Gas in infants is very common it causes irritability, discomfort and abdominal pain. The reason for gassy stomach are many like: - If breast fed then some foods of the mother diet like cabbage, sprouts, beans, etc.may cause more gas formation in infants. - Digestive system is not fully developed in babies. - Digestion of…
Best 4 Ayurvedic medicine for Viral gastroenteritis(Stomach Flu)
Most of the stomach viral infections can be treated naturally with Ayurvedic herbal medicines if treated properly. There are many herbal medicines which are very good in the treatment of Stomach Flu. List of Ayurvedic medicine to treat stomach flu 1- Kutaja Avleha Uses Details For Chronic Stomach Problems This medicine is very good for all…
Viral gastroenteritis(Stomach Flu) Causes & Symptoms
Stomach flu is general name of Viral gastroenteritis, In this swelling or inflammation of the stomach and intestines from a virus infection. This infection is a leading cause of severe diarrhea in adults and children world wide. Common cause of Stomach Flu Contamination food, water is major this infection. Foods and drinks are contaminated with…
Homeopathic Medicine Schwabe Gastrobin
The digestive system contains the mouth, teeth, salivary glands, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, large intestine, caecum, colon, rectum anal canal. Disturbance in any of these parts can lead to stomach disorders. [toc] Stomach disorders include indigestion and heartburn, hyperacidity, indigestion, inflammatory gastric complaints, gastritis, acid reflux. Hyperacidity or acid dyspepsia is due…
Patanjali Divya Vidangasava Indications, Uses and Benefits
Intestinal parasites or worms are the parasitic infections of gut caused helminths, and protozoa. It includes nematodes (roundworms), cestodes (tapeworms), and trematodes (flatworms). Parasites in the intestine are responsible for anemia, poor physical, and mental growth of children. [toc] Pinworm infection in children causes anal itching, and nocturnal restlessness. Hookworm infection can cause microcytic hypochromic…
Agastache rugosa (Korean Mint) Health Benefits