Dysentery symtoms includes bloody diarrhea. Dysentery is most often caused by shigella bacteria (shigellosis) or an amoeba. Dysentery is spread through contaminated food or water. Ayurvedic medicines, and herbs are very good, and safe to treat all kind of dysentery.
Bilva Valeha For Dysentry
Bilva valeha is ayurvedic medicine for treating diarrhea. It contains baelphal or Bilva fruit which is well-known for treating chronic diarrhea and dysentery. It is astringent and help to cure watery stools and constipation. Ingredients: Baelphal (Aegle marmelos) Avaleha (sugar based) q.s. Leaves contain an alkaloid rutacin which is hypoglycaemic and is useful in treating…
Baidyanath Isabbael for Stomach infections
Isabbael is proprietary Ayurvedic medicine from Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan Pvt. Ltd. This herbal medicine is in the form of herbal granules and used for treating stomach infections. It is excellent medicine in treating all types of diarrhea and dysentery. This is completely natural and does not produce any side effects. Isabbael herbal Granules are…
Kutajarishta for chronic dysentery
Kutajarishta/ Kutajarishtam is polyherbal classical Ayurvedic formulation. The main ingredient of this medicine is Kutaj bark. The other ingredients of this medicine is Munakka, Mahua Flower, Gambhari Bark, Old Gud/jaggery and Dhataki pushpa. Kutajarishta is a very good and effective medicine to treat dysentery, hemorrhoids and sprue. It is also useful in chronic fever. Due…
Best ayurvedic medicines for diarrhea and dysentery
Diarrhea is a medical condition in which patient pass liquid to semi liquid stool frequently. In general if some one is passing liquid stool more than 4 times a day then it is diarrhea condition. [toc] Overview In most cases diarrhea goes it self or by changing diet. If it is due to any viral,…
Kutaj ghan vati for dysentery

Karpura Rasa For Diarrhoea & Dysentery
Karpura Rasa is a metallic-herbal Ayurvedic formulation. This medicine contains Hingul, Karpura, along with four other herbal ingredients. Hingula is a metallic compound and is sulphide of mercury, HgS. The herbal part include Kapoor, opium, musta, Indrayava and jatiphala. The medicine improves digestion, reduces fever and cures diarrhea. This formulation is very useful in the…
Best Amebiasis Ayurvedic Medicines
Amebiasis is a diseases which is caused by Entamoeba histolytica in intestine. It can live in the large intestine (colon) without causing damage to the intestine but some time it can cause chronic diarrhea and acute dysentery. Some time Entamoeba histolytica infection can also spread through the blood to the liver and, rarely, to the…
Piyushballi Ras for dysentery & diarrhoea
Piyushballi Rasa is herbo-mineral Ayurvedic medicine given in the treatment of dysentery and diarrhea. It has alterative, anti-stomachic, and antispasmodic activities. Piyushballi Rasa is an effective remedy to treat difficult sangrahni, loose motion, aamshul and dysentery with blood. Key Ingredients of Piyushballi Ras Shudh (purified) Parad, Shudh Gandhak, Abhraka Bhasma, Raupya Bhasma, Lauh Bhasma, Laung,…
Medicinal uses of Nutmeg or Jaiphal
Nutmeg is aromatic, volatile oil containing ripe fruit of evergreen tree Myristica fragrans belonging to family Myristicaceae. The seed of the tree is known as nutmeg and the aril of the seed is called Mace or Jaivitri. Indonesia is one of the largest supplier of this medicinal herb. In India it is cultivated in cultivated…
Isabbael H Granules Usage and Side effects
Baidyanath Isabbael H Granules is a herbal Ayurvedic medicine from Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan Pvt. Ltd. The chief ingredient of this medicine is Isabgol (Plantago ovata 40.88 gram/100 gram). Other ingredients include Bilva, Kuruchi, Ajwain, Anis seeds, Cumin seeds, Ajmod, and Chitrak mula. Isabbael H Granules is indicated in amoebiasis, irritable bowel syndrome IBS, diarrhea,…
Bilwadi Churna for digestive disorders
Bilwadi Churna is an Ayurvedic medicine in powder form. It is a classical Ayurvedic formulation referenced from Siddha Yog Sangraha and indicated in the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery. Bilvadi Churna contains Bilva/Bel Giri, Cannabis, dry ginger powder, Mochras, Dhai flowers, coriander seeds and fennel seeds. It has alterative, astringent, amebicide, antibacterial, antiseptic, digestive and…
Detailed Uses Information of Kurchi/Kutaja tree (Holarrhena)

Himalaya Bael – Aegle marmelos
Himalaya Bael Capsules is a pure herb extract of Bael fruits or Bengal Quince. The Latin name of Bel is Aegle marmelos. Bael has a digestive and an astringent effect and is used, especially in the treatment of IBS and diarrhea. In Ayurveda, like medicine, the unripe fruits are considered superior to ripe fruits. The…
Mebarid Capsul and Syrup for diarrhoea & dysentry
Mebarid is an Ayurvedic preparation made with herbs which are prescribed as anti-antidiarrheal and anti-dysenteric in Indian Ayurvedic texts. It is clinically proven formula and better than allopathic medicines for diarrhea without any adverse side effects. It is a good medicine for small children to prevent dehydration and can be given with ORS. It reduces…
Karpur Ras Benefits and Price
Karpur Ras is classical Ayurvedic medicine referenced from Bhaisajya Ratnawali Atisar Rogadhikar. It has an astringent action, and is useful in acute diarrhea, and dysentery. [toc] Karpur Ras contains purified Hingula which is ayurvedic preparation of red mercury Sulphide or cinnabar. The other ingredients are opium, Motha, indrajav, nutmeg, camphor, and borax. It is therefore…
Maha Gandhak Vati Ingredients Benefits and Direction to Use
Maha Gandhak Vati or Maha Gandhak Ras is an Ayurvedic medicine prepared from Purified mercury and sulfur, Nutmug, Mace, Clove and Neem leaves. It is a Ras Aushadhi, referenced from Siddhayog Sangraha. It indicated in the treatment of diarrhea, malabsorption and dysentery. This medicine cures diarrhea, dysentery, and improves digestive function. It gives strength to…
Zandu Vishtinduk Vati Usage Details
Zandu Vishtinduk Vati is classical Ayurvedic medicine with nervine Tonic, digestive stimulant, aphrodisiac, and stimulant (excites the functions of an organ) properties. The main indication of this medicine is Jirna Vata Roga (sciatica, lumbago, gout, arthritis, pain in back, muscular pain). It is also beneficial in impotence, constipation, paralytic, and neuralgic affections, diarrhea, dysentery, and…
Bael tree details and medicinal uses

Anar fruit health benefits and medicinal uses

Lodhra (Symplocos Racemosa) Medicinal Uses, Benefits and Side Effects