Vridhivadhika Vati Health Benefits

Vridhivadhika is herbal medicine which s very effective in treating hernia, abnormal cell growth in body and hydrocele.

Vridhivadhika Vati is classical Ayurvedic medicine with properties. The main indication of this medicine is hydrocele. It is also beneficial in hernia, tumor and abnormal cell growth.

This is Rasa Aushadhi. The main ingredient of Rasa Aushadhi is Shuddha Parada along with the other components. Parad or mercury is used only after proper purification which is done by Shodhana, Mardana (grinding), Swedana(vapourising), Prakshalana (performing frequent ablutions), Galana (straining fluids), etc. The processing detoxifies mercury and brings about the physical and chemical changes in the drug, thus enhance their therapeutic efficacy.

As this medicine contains herbomineral ingredients, therefore it is highly recommended to give this medicine ONLY under medical supervision, in the recommended dosage, and for a prescribed duration. This page is intended to give you the correct information about this medicine. Do not use this information to self-diagnose and self-medicate.

Here is given more about this medicine, such as:

  • What is Vridhivadhika Vati?
  • What are the ingredients present in Vridhivadhika Vati?
  • What are the uses of Vridhivadhika Vati?
  • What are the side-effects of Vridhivadhika Vati?
  • When not to take Vridhivadhika Vati?
  • What are the possible drug interactions?
  • What are the warnings and suggestions?

Reference Text: Bhaishajya ratnavali, VRIDHI ROGA CHIKITSA

Synonyms: Vriddhi Vadhika Bati

Availability: Online and at medical stores

Type of medicine: Classical Medicine

Main Indication: Hydrocele

Dosha Effect: Vata and Kapha Reducing

Vridhivadhika Vati Composition

Ingredients present in this formulation are given below:

  • Shuddha Parad 1 part
  • Shuddha Gandhak 1 part
  • Loh Bhasm 1 part
  • Tamra Bhasm 1 part
  • Kansya Bhasm 1 part
  • Vang Bhasm 1 part
  • Shuddha Hartal 1 part
  • Shuddha Tuttiya 1 part
  • Shankha Bhasm 1 part
  • Kaudi Kapardika Bhasm 1 part
  • Sonth 1 part
  • Kali Mirch 1 part
  • Pippli 1 part
  • Haritaki 1 part
  • Vibhitaki 1 part
  • Amalki 1 part
  • Chavya 1 part
  • Vai Vidang 1 part
  • Vidhara Mula 1 part
  • Kachoor 1 part
  • Pippla Mula 1 part
  • Patha 1 part
  • Hapusha 1 part
  • Vacha 1 part
  • Elachi ka bej 1 part
  • Devdaro 1 part
  • Kala Namak 1 part
  • Vid Namak 1 part
  • Samudra Lavan 1 part
  • Sambhar Lavan 1 part

Know the Ingredients


Para, Parad, Rasa or mercury is a heavy metal that remains liquid at room temperature. It is used in Ayurveda only after proper detoxification as per classical Ayurvedic texts.

Mercury is known as Rasa in Ayurveda and medicines that are prepared using purified mercury, purified Sulphur, and other Bhasma, etc. are named as Ras Aushadhi (Mercurial Preparations).

Ras Aushadhi (Parad containing medicine) are fast acting. They nourish the whole body and has Tonic, aphrodisiac, rejuvenative, anti-aging, wound-healer, and antimicrobial effect.

The combination of mercury with other medicinal ingredients enhances the therapeutic efficacy of the medicine due to Yogvahi property of Parad. In preparation of Ras Aushadhi/medicine first Kajjali is made from purified Parad and Gandhak. As these medicines contain heavy metals, it is better to take them as prescription drugs.


Bhasma is organo-metallic compounds in which the metal is calcinated along with various juices, decoction of herbal ingredients to form palatable complexes. Bhasma is prepared in a well explained, generalized classical format, Shodhana, Jarana and Marana (programmed heating through Puta system).

Lauha Bhasma is calcined iron. It is an inorganic preparation. Luha Bhasma has the following composition:

  • Ferris oxide Fe2O3 87.930%
  • Ferrous oxide FeO 2.850%
  • Silica SiO2 7.338 %
  • Phosphorous pentoxide P2O5 0.338%
  • Magnesia MgO 0.083 %
  • Lime CaO 0.363 %
  • Potash K2O 0.012 %

Lauha Bhasma is Vayasthapana (anti-aging), Lekhana (emaciating) and Rasayana (immunomodulator) properties. It increases strength, complexion, and appetite. It cures diseases caused by vitiated Kapha and Pitta.

Lauha Bhasma is useful in anemia (Panduroga), chlorosis, visarpa, heart’s affections, phthisis, scrofula, general debility, sexual debility, Bright’s disease, blood impurity, jaundice, the liver and spleen complaints, pain, asthma, piles, skin disease. It promotes digestion.

Tamra Bhasma is the preparation of metal, copper. It is antioxidant, rejuvenator and aphrodisiac. It helps in wound healing and alleviates Kapha and Pitta disorders.

Tamra Bhasma is indicated in Ascites, Inflammation, anemia, Vata disorders, Pitta, and Kapha disorders, cough, asthma, fever, splenic diseases, diseases of the liver and digestive disorders.

Vang Bhasma is incinerated tin. It is aphrodisiac, rejuvenator, appetizer, and gives strength. It cures diseases caused by vitiation of Kapha and pitta. It cures cough, worms, asthma, and oligospermia.


Trikatu stimulates sluggish Agni. It is helpful in Vishamagni (irregular appetite, variable hunger, bloating, indigestion, intestinal cramps, constipation, dry stool, gas.) and Mandagni (slow digestion, heaviness after a meal, sluggish bowels, bulky stool, feeling cold, sweet craving, stimulant craving). It is indicated especially in low digestive activity with sluggishness, bloating, abdominal pain and flatulence due to high kapha or vata. It also helps in conditions of poor nutritional assimilation due to parasites, a leaky gut or low enzyme secretions.


Triphala (Amal + Harad + Baheda) is used extensively in Ayurveda for the treatment of digestive diseases. It is a tonic for the whole body. It has been used in various gastric disorders including intestinal inflammation. Amla, has significant acid lowering, cooling, and anti-ulcer properties. Triphala is a rich source of tannins, which is known to affect the integrity of mucus membrane. Tannins with their protein precipitating and vasoconstriction effects could be advantageous in preventing ulcer development.

Vridhivadhika Vati Health Benefits

  • It Improves digestion and assimilation of nutrients in the body.
  • It improves immunity.
  • It is beneficial in hernia and hydrocele in the initial stage.
  • It reduces Vata and Kapha DOSHA.
  • It checks the abnormal cell growth in the body.

Vridhivadhika Vati Therapeutic Uses

Vridhivadhika Vati is used in the treatment of hernia, abnormal cell growth in body and hydrocele. This medicine improves digestion and absorption of nutrients in the body and improves body immunity to fight against infections.

  • All types of hernia
  • Any types of cellular growth in the body
  • Filaria
  • Hydrocele
  • Testicular and Scrotal swelling
  • Tumor

Vridhivadhika Vati Dosage

  • The recommended dosage of medicine is 1 tablet (125 mg to 375 mg).
  • It should be taken twice a day, in the morning and evening.
  • It is to be taken with water.
  • Or take as directed by a doctor.


  • Ayurvedic medicines containing detoxified, toxic material/ poisonous substances, heavy metals should be taken only under medical supervision.
  • It is a highly recommended to give this medicine only when prescribed by Ayurvedic doctor.
  • Effectivity of herbal medicine depends on many factors. A medicine suitable for one person may not essentially give the same result in another person.
  • The exact dose depends on the age, strength, digestive power of the patient, the nature of the illness, the state of the viscera and humours, and the properties of individual drugs.
  • Do check the list of ingredients and their contraindications to avoid any side effects.
  • If symptoms do not improve or worsen, consult a doctor.
  • Avoid food such as coffee, tea, alcohol, sauces, condiments, and pickles.
  • Avoid spicy and oily food.
  • Eat a diet rich in fruits.


  • Specific contraindications have not been identified.
  • Avoid in the high Pitta with heartburn, ulcers, ulcerative colitis, pain in abdomen and bleeding piles.
  • It is not suitable for the long term use.
  • It must not be used in pregnancy.
  • It contains salt and hence not suitable for a person suffering from high blood pressure or on low sodium diet.

Drug Interactions

Please maintain a gap of at least an hour between intake of any allopathic drug and Ayurvedic medicine to avoid drug interaction, if any.

  • Do not use many different medicines for the treatments of the same disease.
  • Do not drink milk or milk containing products 2 hours before or after taking medicine.

Vridhivadhika Vati Side-effects

  • It may cause nausea and vomiting.
  • It may cause a metallic taste in the mouth.
  • It may cause acidity, abdominal pain, gas, and constipation.


  • Do check the list of ingredients and their contraindications to avoid any side effects.
  • Take this medicine after meals.
  • This medicine may work only in case of an initial stage of Hydrocele.


  • Store in a cool and dry place in a tightly closed container, protected from light and moisture.
  • Keep away from the sight and reach of children.
  • Keep bottle cap closed after every use.

Pharmacies Making Vridhivadhika Vati

You can buy this medicine online or from medical stores. Since it is a classical medicine, it is manufactured by many Ayurvedic pharmacies.

Name of some of the Ayurvedic Pharmacies manufacturing this medicine is given below:

  • Baidyanath Vridhivadhika Vati (80 tabs or 38 grams Price: Rs. 179 /-
  • Dabur Vridhivadhika Vati
  • Patanjali Divya Pharmacy Vridhivadhika Vati 20 gram @ Rs 40.00
  • and many other Ayurvedic pharmacies.

FAQs About Vridhivadhika Vati

Is it safe to take Vridhivadhika Vati?

It is safe to take Vridhivadhika Vati in recommended dosage when prescribed by a doctor.

What is the Chief Indication of Vridhivadhika Vati?

The most common use of this medicine is for hydrocele.

What is Effect on Vata-Pitta or Kapha?

  • Vata Reducing.
  • Pitta Increasing.
  • Kapha Reducing.

Does it contain non-herbal ingredients?

Yes. It is Rasa Aushadhi of Ayurveda and contains many mineral and metallic ingredients.

How long can I take this medicine?

You may take it for duration adviced by your doctor.

What is the Best time to take Vridhivadhika Vati?

It should be taken after the meal. Try to take at the same time daily.

Is Vridhivadhika Vati a habit-forming medicine?


Is it safe to drive while taking Vridhivadhika Vati?

If a person feels side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness, hypotension, headache, or any symptoms affecting mental alertness, he or she must not drive or operate heavy machinery.

Can I take it during periods?

It can be taken. Avoid during periods, if you feel any effect on bleeding pattern.

Can I take it during pregnancy?


Can a diabetic person take it?


Can I give it to children?


What happens in case of an overdose?

It is a metallic preparation. Overdosage can be toxic.

When to consume Vridhivadhika Vati, empty stomach, before food or after food?

It should be taken after food.


  1. can it be taken to cure initial garde of vericocele

  2. Worth reading indeed.

  3. I am having largest prostate problem.Baba Ramdev vadhya has suggested lot of madicine including virdivaadhik vati .I am also taking elopathy madicine. Baba ramdev all medicine i have discontinued ex ept viridhivadhika.As i am sufferi g stomach and conctipation problem.Pl suggest.

    • buy dried amla(300gm), baheda(200gm), harad(100g)
      fry harad in one serving spoon cow’s ghee for 5 minutes to make it soft
      crush the three items using imam dasta and then mixer grinder, filter it fine and mix one serving spoon of cow’s ghee or badam raugan and mix well.
      this is homemade triphala.
      daily take this 5gm with honey or gud in morning empty stomach and 5gm after dinner with one cup of milk.
      do this for three months daily.
      600gm will last for 2months so after that make some more.
      eat your dinner light and by 1800 hrs in the evening.
      this will definately cure constipation.
      don’t buy triphala from outside not even patanjali’s it looses its potency after 3 months. Make your own.
      after 3months take 15 days break and then for 3 months.
      do this for whole life.

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