Vanga (Bang) Bhasma Uses and Side Effects

Bang Bhasma is classic Ayurvedic medicine, used in treatment of impotence, nerves weakness, spermatorrhoea etc. Its intake improves appetite, digestion, and health. This should be only taken under medical supervision.

Banga Bhasma is a classical Ayurvedic metallic preparation. Chemically, it is incinerated tin. In Ayurveda, Bhasma can be defined as powder of a substance obtained by calcination. These are called Bhasma as processing converts metal to a form which cannot be reverted to its original form.

Vang Bhasma is used in the treatment of diabetes, Prameha, Medorog, the liver diseases, cough, respiratory ailments, impotence, nerves weakness, spermatorrhoea, etc. Its intake improves appetite, digestion, and health. It is useful in diseases that are caused by vitiation of Kapha. It increases potentiality, complexion, and intellect.

What is Bhasma (calx)?

Bhasma can be defined as powder of a substance obtained after various Sanskara (processing) such as Shodhana (purification), Jarana (roasting), Marana (incineration), Amrutikarana (nectarization), etc. In Ayurveda, metals, minerals and few animal products are incinerated, by special processes in closed crucibles in pits and with cow dung cakes (Puta).

While preparing Bhasma, various physico-chemical changes takes place. Herbs are also used to make Bhasma more absorbable in human body. Bhasma is preserved in airtight glass or earthen containers. They maintain their potency indefinitely. They have no characteristic taste.

Here is given more about this medicine, such as benefits, indication/therapeutic uses, composition, and dosage.

  • Synonyms: Vanga Bhasma, Bang Bhasma, Vang Bhasma
  • Prepared from: Tin (Symbol: Sn)
  • Availability: Online and at medical stores
  • Type of medicine: Classical tin-based herbo-metallic preparation of Ayurveda. Prepared according to method described in Rasamritam or Rasa Tarangini or Rasa Ratna Sammuchchaya
  • Main Indication: Prameha and Pradar Rog (diseases related with urogenital tract of male and female).
  • Suitable for: Unisex
  • Dosha Effect: Balances Kapha due to hot and drying in nature

Ayurvedic Properties and Action

Ranga, Khuraka, Vanga, Trapu, Karati and Ghana are Synonymous of Tin or Stannum in Ayurveda.

In Ayurveda, two varieties of tin is described, Khuraka and Mishrak. Of these two, khuraka type of Vanga is very useful in therapeutics whereas the Mishrak type is harmful. Vanga is light, laxative, ununctuous and hot. It cures Meha (obstinate urinary diseases including diabetes), Kapha, krimi (parasitic infection), pandu (anemia) and svasa (asthma). It is good for eye sight and slightly aggravates pitta.

Vang Bhasma is bitter in taste (Rasa), pungent after digestion (Vipaka), and is hot in effect (Virya). It is a Katu Vipak herb. Vipak refers to post-digestive (effect after digestion/cooking of Rasa) effect of tastes after its mixing with digestive juices. It is the long term effect. Katu Viapk herbs, increases dryness in the body.

  • Rasa (taste on the tongue): Tikta (Bitter)
  • Guna (Pharmacological Action): Laghu (Light), Ruksha (Dry)
  • Virya (Action): Ushna (Heating)
  • Vipaka (transformed state after digestion): Katu (Pungent)

Ayurvedic Action / Karma

  • Balya: Increases strength
  • Brimhana or Vrimhana: Rejuvenator
  • Deepana: Promote appetite but do not aid in digesting undigested food
  • Pachan: Assist in digesting undigested food, but do not increase the appetite
  • Rasayan: Rejuvantor, immunomodulatory tonics, prevent or remove the effects of age, increase the vigour of healthy persons and cure the ailments of the sick
  • Ruchikarak: Improve taste
  • Sukrala: Semenaugmentator
  • Vajikarak: Aphrodisiac are medicines which increase sexual power
  • Vrishya: Increases the quantity of semen, good for testis

As a lion kills a horde of elephants, similarly, Vanga cures all types of Meha (obstinate urinary disorders including diabetes). It causes happiness of the body and promotes the strength of sense organs. It nourishes an emaciated person.

It is written in Ayurvedic texts, Use of Vanga (tin) without proper processing causes Kustha (obstinate skin diseases including leprosy), Gulma (phantom tumor), Pandu (anemia), Prameha (obstinate urinary disorders including diabetes), Sopha (oedema) caused by Vayu, Bhagandara (flstula-in-ano), Shivitra (leucoderma), Kilasa (a type of leucoderma) and Sula (colic pain). It is like poisons and cause rakta Vikar (diseases caused by the vitiation of blood), ksaya (consumption), kricchra (dysuria), aggravation of kapha, jvara (fever), ashmari (stone in urinary tract), Vdradhi (abscess), Mukha roga (diseases of mouth), pain and nitya abalatva (progressive weakness).

Ayurvedic Medicines containing Vanga Bhasma

  1. Nashtpushpantak Ras
  2. Pradarantak Lauha
  3. Pradarantak Ras
  4. Trivang Bhasma (Naga Bhasma, Vanga Bhasma
  5. Vangeswar Rasa
  6. Vasant Kusumakar Ras and many more
  7. Yashada Bhasma)
  8. Yogendra Ras

Composition of Vang Bhasma

Vang Bhasma is a combination of stannic oxide 91.4 %, ferric oxide 2.9%, potassium 2.9%, calcium oxide 2 %, aluminum 2% and magnesium 0.6%.

Biomedical Action

  1. Anthelmintic: Antiparasitic, expel parasitic worms (helminths) and other internal parasites from the body.
  2. Antidiabetic: Promote normoglycemia and relieve diabetes symptoms, such as thirst, polyuria, etc.
  3. Antimicrobial: Active against microbes.
  4. Antiobesity: Reducing or controlling obesity.
  5. Antioxidant: Neutralize the oxidant effect of free radicals and other substances.
  6. Antiseptic: Capable of preventing infection by inhibiting the growth of infectious agents.
  7. Appetizer: Improves appetite.
  8. Demulcent: Relieving inflammation or irritation.
  9. Depurative: Purifying agent.
  10. Digestive: Digestant.
  11. Hypoglycemic: Reducing the level of the sugar glucose in the blood.
  12. Testicular regenerative
  13. Tonic: Restore or improve health or well-being.

Benefits of Vanga Bhasma

  1. It has rejuvenative properties.
  2. It improves complexion and fertility.
  3. It cures diseases caused by vitiation of Kapha.
  4. It promotes intellect.
  5. It shows good results in male sterility due to degenerative changes in testis.
  6. It is excellent medicine for involuntary loss of semen (PE, Night fall).
  7. It is Semen augmentator.
  8. It is drug of choice for treating Nirapatya (male infertility), Shukra kshaya (semen – Loss), Napunsakata (impotence) male sterility due to degenerative changes in testis and to improve semen production.
  9. It has anti-diabetic action. It does not influence the blood glucose level in normal condition but normalizes the same in diabetes.

Important Therapeutic Uses of Vanga Bhasma

Vang Bhasma is especially used in the treatment of Prameha (urinary disorders), Pradar, Medo Roga (hyperlipidemia), Kshaya (emaciation), and Shukra Kshaya (loss of semen).

  1. Agnimandya (Digestive impairment)
  2. Aruchi (Tastelessness)
  3. Buddhi mandata (Low intelligence)
  4. Garbhashaya chyuti (Uterine prolapse)
  5. Kapha roga (Disease due to Kapha dosha)
  6. Kasa (Cough)
  7. Krimi (Helminthiasis/Worm infestation)
  8. Kshaya (Pthisis)
  9. Medodosha (Disorder of adipose tissue)
  10. Pandu (Anemia)
  11. Prameha (Urinary disorders)
  12. Pradar (Utero-vaginal secretions)
  13. Prasveda (Excessive sweating)
  14. Rakta pradara(Menorrhagia or Metrorrhagia or both)
  15. Shvasa (Dyspnoea/Asthma)
  16. Shveta Pradara (Leucorrhoea)
  17. Swapn dosha (Nocturnal emission)
  18. Vrana (Ulcer)

The Dosage of Vanga Bhasma

  1. The recommended dosage of Vang Bhasma is 1 Ratti = 125 mg to 2 Ratti or 250mg in one day.
  2. The anupan or adjuvant taken along with it depends on the disease to be treated. Generally, it is taken with Ghee, Milk Cream, Honey, Haldi Juice, Giloy Juice or Sattva.
  3. For Nocturnal emission / night dreams / night discharge. 1 Ratti (125mg) of Vang Bhasma is taken with half Ratti Raupya Bhasma and Banana.
  4. In Diabetes Vanga Bhasma (250 mg) is taken along with Guduchi Ghana Sttva (250 mg) + Old Honey (3 ml).


  1. Baidyanath Vanga Bhasma Price: 5gm @ Rs. 58.00
  2. Dabur Vanga Bhasma 5 gram @ 58.00
  3. Rasashram Bang Bhasma Price: 5gm @ Rs. 60.00 और 10gm @ 110.00
  4. Divya Pharmacy (RTS) 5gm @ ₹25.00
  5. SDL Vanga Bhasma 10 gm @ Rs. 159.00
  6. Bharat Ayurvedic Work Bang Bhasma, etc.

Suggestions, Contraindications, Interactions, Side-effects, and Warnings of Vanga Bhasma

  1. This medicine should be taken under medical supervision.
  2. Effectivity of herbal medicine depends on many factor. A medicine suitable for one person may not essentially give the same result in another person.
  3. Mineral containing preparation are not suitable for longer term use.
  4. Always take in recommended doses.
  5. Keep away from the sight and reach of children.
  6. While on treatment eat rice, butter, Chhach, Sesame seeds and bitter food item.
  7. The raw tin or improperly prepared Vanga Bhasma may cause various ill effects like Prameha, Kustha, Gulma, Hridroga, Shula,Arsha, Vatashonita, Apachi, Kasa, Shwasa, weakness and Vamana.
  8. In the case of any adverse effect the powder of Meshashringi fruit or Gymnema sylvestre is taken with Khanda for three days.


  1. Can a person with Hypertension take Vanga Bhasma ? which is better of premature ejeculation ,vang or trivang bhasma ?

  2. I am a diabetic. I cannot take honey. How shud i take vanga bhasma 125 mg ? with giloy satva/juice? Should this be taken with giloy juice after food at 12 pm or in morning?

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