Unani Medicine Dawa-ul-misk Barid Jawahar Wali

Know usage of Unani medicine Dawa-ul-Misk Barid Jawahar Wali in treatment of general weakness problems. Learn about it’s ingredients and directions to use this medicine.

Dawa-ul-Misk Barid Jawahar Wali is a semi-solid, sweet Unani medicine. It is used to give strength to the body. It is a tonic and cures debility. Dawa-ul-Misk Barid Jawahar Walialso gives relief in the palpitation, anxiety, depression, convalescence.

  • Type of medicine: Unani
  • Product Name: Dawa-ul-misk Barid Jawahar Wali
  • Product Form: Semi-solid
  • Chief action: Action Muqawwi-e-Qalb (Cardiotonic)
  • Temperament: The mijaz or temperament of the drug is Cold or Barid.

About Unani-Tibb

Unani System of medicine evolved in Greece and was first introduced to India by the Arabs. It is also called as Greco-Arab medicine, Unani Tibb, Arabian medicine, or Islamic medicine. Hippocrates is known as the father of this system of medicine. The theoretical framework of Unani medicine is based on his teachings.

It is a traditional medicinal system and commonly practiced in South Asia. The origins of Unani medicines are found in the doctrines of the ancient Greek physicians Hippocrates and Galen. It was later developed and refined through systematic experiment by the Arabs. Unani medicines are prepared from medicinal plants, minerals, animals products, etc. In Unani medicine, single drugs or their combinations in raw forms are preferred over compound formulations. The naturally occurring drugs used in this system are usually free from any side effects.

Ingredients of Dawa-ul-Misk Barid Jawahar Wali

  • Burada Sandal Safaid Santalum album Linn. Heartwood 20 g
  • Gul-e-Gaozaban Borago officinalis Linn. Flower 20 g
  • Tukhm-e-Khurfa Siyah Portulaca oleracea Linn. Seed 40 g
  • Gul-e-Surkh Rosa damascena Mill. Flower 20 g
  • Maghz Tukhm-e-Kaddu Cucurbita moschata Duch ex Lam. Kernel 40 g
  • Abresham Muqarraz Bombyx mori L. Silk cocoon 20 g
  • Quiwam Shakar Safaid Sugar syrup, Syrup 900 g
  • Ambar Ashhab Ambra grasea, Granules 1 g
  • Natroon Banjawi Sodium benzoate, IP Crystal 1 g
  • Marwareed Saeeda Mytilus margaritiferus, Pearls 10 g
  • Kehruba Shamai Saeeda Vateria indica Linn. Resin 15 g
  • 12 Warq-e-Tila Gold leaf Foil 270 mg
  • Warq-e-Nuqra Silver leaf, Foil 2.5 g
  • Arq-e-Kewra Pandanus odoratissimus Linn. Distillate 5 ml

Method of preparation:

  • Take all the ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.
  • Clean, dry and powder the ingredients number 1 to 5, 10 and 11 of the formulation composition separately and pass through sieve number 80 and keep separately.
  • Add the extract of ingredient number 6 of the formulation composition, mix thoroughly with quiwam (ingredient no. 7) and filter it through a muslin cloth.
  • Then boil the content, at the boiling stage add 0.1% citric acid, mix thoroughly and add the mixed ingredients number 8 and 14 and prepare the quiwam of 76% consistency.
  • Remove the vessel from the fire.
  • While hot add the mixed powdered ingredients 1 to 5, 10 and 11, mix thoroughly followed by adding ingredient number 9.
  • Allow it to cool and add the required quantity of ingredients number 12 and 13 and mix thoroughly.

Benefits of Dawa-ul-Misk Barid Jawahar Wali

  • It is safe to take.
  • It is sweet in taste and can be given to children.
  • It gives strength to vital organs of the body.
  • It is a tonic for the heart.
  • It helps to treat general debility.

Important Therapeutic Uses of Dawa-ul-Misk Barid Jawahar Wali

  • Zof-e-Aza-e-Raeesa (Weakness of the vital organs)
  • Khafqan (Palpitation)
  • Hararat-e-Qalb (Warmth of the heart)
  • Khyalate- Fasida (Psychosis)

The Dosage of Dawa-ul-Misk Barid Jawahar Wali

The drug is taken in a dose of 5 grams (Adults) or 1-3 grams (Children), twice a day with milk or water in the morning and evening after meals. It is a herbal medicine without any known side effect. It contains sugar and should not be taken in diabetes.

One Comment

  1. Do you ship it to Canada?

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