Punarnavadi Kashayam Benefits, Ingredients, Dosage and Side Effects for thyroid and weight loss

Punarnavadi Kashayam is polyherbal Ayurvedic medicine used to treat various diseses like Urogenital disorder, Renal diseases, General weakness, anaemia etc. Know how to user this ayurvedic medicine for hypothyroidism treatment.

Punarnavadi Kashayam is polyherbal Ayurvedic medicine indicated hypothyroidism treatment, the liver diseases, all types of stomach diseases and diseases of small intestine. It is also beneficial in skin ailments due to its detoxifying properties. This medicine is also known as Punarnavadi Kwath/kvath. The main ingredient in this formulation is Punarnava. Kashayam refers to the concentrated decoction of medicinal herbs prepared using water.

punarnavadi kashayam

Punarnavadi Kashayam has diuretic action and useful in inflammatory conditions, edema, swelling, etc. In various diseases, Punarnavadi Kashayam is given in combination of other medicines.

In endometriosis, this medicine is given in combination of Chandraprabha Vati, to cure pain and inflammation in pelvic region.

In the case of Chikungunya, with persistent pain and swelling in joints, the person can be given Punarnavadi Kashaya (60 ml), Yograj Guggulu (1 tablet), Cheriya Rasnadi Kashaya (60 ml) thrice daily and Nagaradi lepa for external use. This treatment gives complete relief in 90% cases.

The usual dosage of Kashayam is about twelve ml of decoction in four times water. If the kwath is available in the form of powder then decoction is prepared by boiling churna in recommended amount of water. Nowadays, kwath are also available in tablet form for easy administration. Such tablets are prepared by concentrating decoction till they can be given pill shape. Generally, one tablet is equivalent to 5-6 ml of decoction and at a time 2-3 tablets are taken twice a day. Here is given more about this medicine, such as benefits, indication/therapeutic uses, composition, and dosage.

  • Reference Text: Bhaishajya Ratnavali, Udara Rogadhikara: 43-44
  • Synonyms: Punarnavadi Kashayam, Punarnavadi Kwatham, Punarnavadi Kwath, Panduhar Kashayam, Punarnavadi Kadha
  • Availability: Online and at medical stores
  • Type of medicine: Classical Medicine
  • Main Indication: the liver disorders, hepatitis, edema
  • Main Action: hepatoprotective, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-edema
  • Presentation: Pravahi Kwath (Concentrated Decoction), Tablets

Punarnavadi Kashayam Tablet Composition

Ingredients present in this formulation are given below:

  • Punarnava (Rakta Punarnava) (Pl.) 1 Part
  • Daru (Devadaru) (Ht.Wd.) 1 Part
  • Nisha (Haridra) (Rz.) 1 Part
  • Tikta (Katuka) (Rz.) 1 Part
  • Patola (Pl.) 1 Part
  • Pathya (Haritaki) (P.) 1 Part
  • Pichumarda (Nimba) (St.Bk.) 1 Part
  • Musta (Rz.) 1 Part
  • Nagara (Shunthi) (Rz.) 1 Part
  • Chinnaruha (Guduchi) (St.) 1 Part

Key Ingredients in Punarnavadi Kashayam Tablet


Punarnava is one of the best herb used for diseases of the liver and kidney. It helps to reduce swelling by losing extra fluid from the body. It helps in enlargement of the liver, cirrhosis of the liver, jaundice, dropsy, oedema and similar inflammatory conditions.

Punarnava is astringent, bitter, sweet in taste (Rasa), sweet after digestion (Vipaka), and is cool in effect (Virya). It is a Sheet Virya herb. Sheet Virya or Cool potency herb, subdues Pitta (Bile) and Vata (Wind), gives nourishment to the body and supports the building of the body fluids.

  • Rasa (taste on the tongue): Kashaya (Astringent), Madhura (Sweet), Tikta (Bitter)
  • Guna (Pharmacological Action): Ruksha (Dry)
  • Virya (Action): Ushna (Heating)
  • Vipaka (transformed state after digestion): Madhura (Sweet)

It is Madhur Vipak (digests into sweet) and has building, moistening and a nourishing effect on the body. Such herbs are cooling and reduce swelling, decreases Pitta and have Anabolic effect on the body.

Punarnava is diuretic and decreases urinary albumin, urinary protein excretion and specific gravity. It is also a urinary antiseptic. The plant is recommended for the treatment of urolithiasis. Punarnava exhibits significant anti-inflammatory, laxative and diuretic action along with stomachic, expectorant, rejuvenative, diaphoretic and emetic properties. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of Punarnava is comparable to that of ibuprofen.

Haritaki – Terminalia chebula

Haritaki is mainly Kashaya (astringent) in taste and all tastes except salty (Rasa), sweet after digestion (Madhur Vipaka), and is heating in effect (Virya). It is light, dry in qualities (Guna). It cures diseases of the Vata Dosha. Haritaki acts on Digestive, excretory, nervous, respiratory system. It has Laxative, astringent, anthelmintic, nervine, expectorant and tonic action.

Haritaki is contraindicated in pregnancy due to its laxative and descending nature.


Haridra (also known as Rajni, Nisha, Nishi, Haldi, Haladhi, Turmeric) consists of the dried and cured rhizomes of Curcuma longa Linn. It mainly contains essential oil and curcumin. It is bitter, and pungent in taste (Rasa), pungent after digestion (Vipaka), and is hot in effect (Virya). It is Ruksha (drying) in quality (Guna). Turmeric balances vitiated Kapha and Pitta. It is anthelmintic (Krimighna) and poison-destroying (Vishaghna). It is used in all type of the skin diseases both internally and externally. As it is drying in nature, it reduces excessive phlegm in the body. It detoxifies blood.

Haridra is a broad spectrum medicine effective in indigestion, poor circulation, cough, cold, flu, skin disorders, diabetes, arthritis, madhumeha, swelling, fever, bacterial infection, intestinal worms, the liver complaints, stammering, filaria, sprain, boils, wounds, conjunctivitis, thirst due to phlegm, allergic reactions, etc. Haldi is used traditionally in the liver diseases such as jaundice, enlargement of the spleen. It is used as a cholagogue, stomachic, laxative and antiseptic activities.


Guduchi, Giloy, Gurch, Amrita, Amritavalli, Madhuparni, Guduchika, Chinnobhava, Vatsadani, Tantrika, Kundalini, Chakralakshanika are Ayurvedic synonyms of Tinospora cordifolia. It is also known as Garo, Galac (Gujarati), Thippateega (Telugu), Amrita, Gilo (Kashmiri), Chittamrutu (Malayalam), Guluchi (Oriya), Gilo (Punjabi), Seendal, Seendil Kodi (Tamil), Siddhilata, Amarlata (Assamese). Tinospora is a climber and for medicinal purpose the stem of the plant are used.

  • Taste/Rasa: Bitter/Titka, Astringent, Pungent
  • Quality/Guna: Light/Laghu, Unctuous
  • Potency/Veerya: Heating/Ushana
  • Post Digestive/Vipak: Sweet
  • Dosha: Balances Vata, Kapha And Pitta, Reduces Vata And Pitta
  • Tissue/Dhatu: Plasma, Blood, Muscle, Fat, Nerve, Reproductive
  • Srotas/Channel: Digestive, Circulatory

Giloy is useful in the liver damage, viral hepatitis or poisoning from alcohol, chemicals or recreational and medicinal drugs. It helps in repairing fibrosis and regenerating the liver tissue.

Guduchi / Giloy / Tinospora cordifolia, is recommended for diabetes, burning sensation, fever, edema, etc. It has been scientifically validated in various animal models for hypoglycemic, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and other pharmacological activities. The aqueous and alcoholic extract of the plant has been shown to improve glucose tolerance. It has hypoglycemic, anti-oxidant and analgesic activity and reduces the burning sensation. It helps to clean the liver. It is broad spectrum pitta-reducing herb that destroys toxins and strengthens immunity.

It is a Rasayana herb and used to treat many diseases such as general debility, fever, diabetes, dyspepsia, urinary infections, jaundice and skin diseases.


Neem (Azadirachta indica, family Meliaceae) is also known as margosa, nim, nimba, nimbatiktam, arishtha, praneem. The active constituents of neem are the mainly triterpenoids, sterols, bitter principles nimbin and nimbiol. The Neem bark is cool, bitter, astringent, acrid and refrigerant. Bark of the tree is useful in tiredness, cough, fever, loss of appetite, worm infestation.

Neem bark heals wounds and vitiated conditions of kapha, vomiting, skin diseases, excessive thirst, and diabetes. Neem is used to treat intestinal worms, heat-rash, boils, wounds, jaundice, leprosy, skin disorders, stomach ulcers, chicken pox, malarial fever, etc. The bark of the tree is used in Ayurveda for the treatment of the skin diseases, excessive pitta, excessive kapha, toxins in the body, bleeding disorders and healing of wounds.

Neem Root bark and young fruits are astringent, tonic and antiperiodic (prevent recurrence of diseases).

Patola Trichosanthes dioica

Trichosanthes dioica Roxb. (family: Cucurbitaceae), commonly known as “Sespadula” in English and “Parwal” in Hindi. Fruits of this plant are used as vegetable. The fruits also possess Hepatoprotective, hypocholesterolemic, hypoglyceridimic, and hypophospholipemic action. A study was carried out to assess the potential of T.dioica as a hepatoprotective agent in ferrous sulphate (FeSO4) intoxicated rats. T.dioica given at dose of 200mg/kg showed decrease in the levels of AST, ALT, TB, ALP and increase in TP. The groups treated with 400 mg/kg aqueous and ethanolic extract showed significant reduction in AST, ALT, ALP, TB and increase in TP level. The

pretreatment with T.dioica extracts showed profound histopathological protection to the liver cells as evident from histopathological studies. Hence it can be concluded that T.dioica has significant hepatoprotective activity.


Katuka (Synonyms: Picrorhiza kurroa, Tikta, Tiktarohi, Kutki, Katuka rohini, Katuku rohini, Kadugurohini) is a perennial, hairy herb found in north-western Himalayas from Kashmir to Sikkim. The main constituent of the rhizomes is Glucoside (Picrorhizin). The rhizomes of the plant are dried and used for medicinal purpose.

It has alterative, bitter, Tonic, antibacterial, antiviral, anthelmintic, hepatoprotective, choleretic, spasmolytic, insecticidal and laxative activities.

Traditionally, Picrorhiza is used for constipation, chronic dysentery, scabies, leucoderma, joint pain, chronic asthma, infections, inflammations, coughs, hepatitis, menstrual problems, enteritis, gall bladder complaints, jaundice and hemorrhoids. It works on plasma, blood and muscle tissues.

Kutki pacifies Vata and Pitta and reduces Ama in the body. It helps in the liver conditions and is considered the main herb for jaundice, hepatitis, etc. It purges excess Pitta from the liver and gall bladder. It protects the liver.

Punarnavadi Kashayam Tablet Ayurvedic Action / Karma

  • Amanashaka: Destroys ama.
  • Anulomna: Anulomna means one which promotes excretions and favor discharge. Takes vata / wind downward, mild laxative.
  • Kaphahara: Pacifies Kapha Dosha.
  • Mutrakricchraghna: Alleviates Dysuria.
  • Mutral: Diuretics, increase the flow of urine
  • Pandughna: Reduces anemia.
  • Pittahar: Reduces Pitta
  • Raktastambhana: Stops bleeding.
  • Rasayana: Improve the quality of the tissues.
  • Shleshmahar: Reduces phlegm.
  • Shothagna: Reduces swelling and inflammation, relieves edema.
  • Vishaghna: Destroys poisons in the body.
  • Yakritdottejaka: Benefits the liver.

Punarnavadi Kashayam Biomedical Action

  • Antiasthmatic: It promotes the removal of catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tubes.
  • Anti-estrogenic: Suppresses or inhibits oestrogenic activity.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Reducing inflammation by acting on body mechanisms.
  • Antioxidant: The evaluation of the antioxidant potential of ethanolic extract of Boerhavia diffusa showed that it possessed significant levels of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants. It possesses preventive and productive role to maintain the cell survival, cellular interaction and maintenance of cell membrane architecture.
  • Diuretic: Punarnava is rich in potassium nitrate and hence possess diuretic properties. It increases the secretion and discharge of urine as it is effective in controlling excessive fluids filled in the body cavity. The decoction of whole plant is given for oedema, inflammation, nephrotic conditions, jaundice, ascites and for scanty urine.
  • Hepatoprotective: Prevent damage to the liver.
  • Hypoglycemic: It increases plasma insulin levels and improves glucose tolerance.
  • Laxative: Tending to stimulate or facilitate the evacuation of the bowels.
  • Stomachic: Stimulates gastric activity.

Punarnavadi Kashayam Health Benefits and usage in thyroid treatment

  • It cleanses the body by flushing out the toxins.
  • It has no known side-effect.
  • It helps in water retention in the body due to liver disorder.
  • It improves appetite.
  • It improves digestion.
  • It has laxative action.
  • It is beneficial for the liver, bile, blood, kidney, bowel.
  • It is cellular cleanser.
  • It is diuretic and promotes urination.
  • It is helpful in all types of the liver ailments, indigestion due to the liver dysfunction, fatty the liver, Hepatitis, Loss of appetite, Anemia and jaundice.
  • It is neither warming or cooling.
  • It is useful in detoxifying the liver.
  • It reduces Kapha.
  • It reduces Vata.
  • It supports better functioning of the liver.

Punarnavadi Kashayam Therapeutic Uses

Punarnavadi Kwath is bitter Tonic, alterative, laxative, antiperiodic, diuretic and Shothahara (remover of swelling of the body) and useful in jaundice, anemia, cough, asthma, stomach pain, all diseases of stomach, chronic rheumatism, dropsy, bubo, etc.

  • Thyroid
  • Anemia
  • Appetite loss
  • Ascites
  • Breathing troubles
  • Cough, Bronchitis, Bronchial complaints
  • Dropsy, Oedema (swelling of soft tissues due to the accumulation of excess water)
  • Edema
  • Elevated uric acid levels
  • Fatty Liver Disease (Hepatic Steatosis)
  • Fever
  • Fluid retention, swelling
  • General weakness
  • Gouty Arthritis
  • Hepatitis (Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C)
  • Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid disease)
  • Jaundice (yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, arising from excess of the pigment bilirubin and typically caused by obstruction of the bile duct, by the liver disease, or by excessive breakdown of red blood cells)
  • Liver cirrhosis
  • Liver diseases (Diseases of the liver)
  • Pain and swelling in both knee joints, ankle
  • Pain in the back region from neck to low back
  • Pandu (Anemia)
  • Polycystic the liver disease
  • Renal diseases
  • Sandhigata Vata
  • Sarvangashotha (Generalized tremors)
  • Shula (Colicky Pain)
  • Shvasa (Dyspnoea/Asthma)
  • Udararoga (Ascites)
  • Uremia
  • Urogenital disorder

Punarnavadi Kashayam Dosage

The recommended dosage of medicine is 12 ml – 24 ml of decoction twice a day before the meals or as directed by a physician.

Kashayam/ qwath tablet is made from 12gms of crude drug and is equivalent to 6ml of concentrated qwath/ kashayam. The recommended dosage of tablet is 2-3 tablets twice daily before food with hot water.

  • It should be taken twice a day, in the morning and evening.
  • It is to be taken with water.
  • Or take as directed by a doctor.


Effectivity of herbal medicine depends on many factors. A medicine suitable for one person may not essentially give the same result in another person.

The exact dose depends on the age, strength, digestive power of the patient, the nature of the illness, the state of the viscera and humours, and the properties of individual drugs.

Contraindications of Punarnavadi Kashayam

  • It should not be used during pregnancy.
  • It is a very safe medicine to use.

Drug Interactions

Please maintain a gap of at least an hour between intake of any allopathic drug and Ayurvedic medicine to avoid drug interaction, if any.

Side-effects of Punarnavadi Kashayam

  • There are no known side-effects for this medicine.
  • It has diuretic action and increases urination.
  • It is drying in nature.


  • Do check the list of ingredients and their contraindications to avoid any side effects.
  • Do not use any medicine during pregnancy without consulting doctor.


  • Store in a cool and dry place in a tightly closed container, protected from light and moisture.
  • Keep away from the sight and reach of children.
  • Shake well before use.
  • Keep bottle cap closed after every use.

Pharmacies Making Punarnavadi Kashayam

You can buy this medicine online or from medical stores. Since it is a classical medicine, it is manufactured by many Ayurvedic pharmacies.

Name of some of the Ayurvedic Pharmacies manufacturing this medicine is given below:

  • Baidyanath Punarnavadi Kadha 450 ml @ Rs. 146.00.
  • AVP Punarnavadi Kashayam
  • AVN Punarnavadi Kashayam Tablets
  • Arya Vaidya Pharmacy Punarnavadi Kashayam Tablets
  • Arya Vaidya Sala Punarnavadi Kwatham Tablets
  • Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala Punarnavadi Kashayam
  • Vaidyaratnam Punarnavadi Kashayam
  • Kairali Products Punarnavadi Kashayam 1 Bottle 200 ml @ Rs. 100.
  • Nagarjuna Punarnavadi Kashayam 100 Tab @ MRP INR 230. and many other Ayurvedic pharmacies.


  1. My mom is on 50 mg levothyroxine, she has hypothyroidism. What is the recommended dosage for Punarvadi kashayam for her? And is it to take 1 hour after her levothyroxine? Thanks.

  2. Can I use it in hypothyroidism. Right now I am on 75 mcg Thyronorm tablets. will it cure Hypothyroidsm Permanently. What will be the recommended doses of Punarnavadi Kashayam. what Pathya I need to follow while taking this medicine.

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