Phalarishta Medicinal Uses and Ingredients

Know the ingredients and uses of Phalarishta . Know the diseases in which this medicine is effective. This is very effective in piles, heart problem, jaundice, Visham Jwar, indigestion. Learn how to use this medicine.

Phalarishta is a polyherbal Ayurvedic medicine referenced from Charaka Samhita. Charak Samhita (Caraka-samhita, Caraka-saṃhitā, चरक संहिता) is comprehensive text on ancient Ayurvedic medicines by Acharya Charak, the Father of Medicine. Charak Samhita is considered as an encyclopedia of Ayurveda.

Phalarishta, is useful for treating Grahani roga, piles, diseases of heart, digestive impairment, jaundice, Visham Jwar (intermittent fever), obstruction of gas-stool-urine, and excessive gas moving upward toward chest.

Here is given more about this medicine, such as benefits, indication/therapeutic uses, composition, and dosage.

Ingredients of Phalarishta

  1. Haritaki fruits 640 gram
  2. Amalki fruits 640 gram
  3. Each 80 gram- Indrayan fruits, Kaitha pulp, Patha, Chitrakmula.

Preparation of Phalarishta

  1. Crush all the ingredients and add in 20.48 liter water.
  2. Boil this until reduced to ¼th. Filter this decoction and add 4 Kg jaggery. Mix the above together.
  3. Store in a ghee vessel for a fortnight / 14 days.

Benefits of Phalarishta

  1. It improves digestion.
  2. It cures various digestive disorders.
  3. It is beneficial in diseases of the liver like spleen enlargement, jaundice.
  4. It has laxative properties and helps in retention of feces, urine and gas.
  5. It gives relief in heart disease and anemia.

Key Ingredients

Haritaki consists of the pericarp of mature fruits of Terminalia chebula Retz. (Fam. Combretaceae), a moderate sized or large tree found throughout India, chiefly in deciduous forests and areas of light rainfall. Its synonym in Sanskrit are Abhaya, Kayastha, Shiva, Pathya, and Vijaya. The main constituent of Haritaki is Tannins, anthraquinones and polyphenolic compounds. Haritaki is hot in potency. It is Laghu and Ruksha / drying. It is a tonic drug and is good for the digestive system. The main therapeutic use of Haritaki is a digestive and respiratory ailments.

Amla (Emblica officinalis) is nutritive tonic of Ayurveda. It is healing and rejuvenating. Its intake gives good eyesight, keeps hair black and helps in better absorption of iron. It is a rich source of Vitamin C. Amalki is also known as Dhatri in Sanskrit which means supporter and nurse. So the name Dhatri signifies one that nurse, supports and heals. It is healing and rejuvenating. Its intake gives good eyesight, keeps hair black and helps in better absorption of iron. Another important use of Dhatri or Amla in Ayurveda, is to treat hyperacidity. Intake of Amla in the form of juice or powder gives relief in acidity due to its Pitta pacifying and cooling properties. It has laxative properties and helps in constipation.

Chitrak roots(Chitramoolam) is hot in potency. It has anti-inflammatory, digestive, appetite stimulating, Kapha-har, Vata-har and pain relieving property.

The main therapeutic use of the roots are in digestive weakness, malabsorption syndrome, piles, abdominal pain and swelling of anus.

Important Therapeutic Uses of Phalarishta

  1. Intermittent fever
  2. Weakness of digestive fire, cough, gulma
  3. Upward moving wind
  4. Grahani roga
  5. Piles

The Dosage of Phalarishta

12-24 ml with an equal amount of water after meals, twice a day, or as directed by a physician.

Please note, the doses of Ayurvedic medicines are not fixed. The exact dose depends on the age, strength, digestive power of the patient, the nature of the illness, the state of the viscera and humours, and the properties of individual drugs.

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