Pancha Nimba Churna For Skin Diseases

Skin diseases can be treated with Ayurvedic medicine without any side effects. Pancha Nimba Churna is very good Ayurvedic medicine to treat skin diseases. Know how to use this medicine.

Pancha Nimba Churna is an Ayurvedic medicine prepared from medicinal herbs and Luha bhasma. This medicine is referenced from Bhaishajyaratnavali, Kushthadhikara. It is indicated in the treatment of Kushta. In Ayurveda, Kushtha includes all skin diseases, including leprosy. Pancha Nimba Churna contains all parts of Neem tree, Triphala, Trikatu, Chitrak, Haldi, Daruhaldi, Giloy and many other medicinal herbs.

Here is given more about this medicine, such as benefits, indication/therapeutic uses, composition, and dosage.

Ingredients of Pancha Nimba Churna

  1. Pichumarda Tvak (Nimba) (St. Bk.) 2 Parts
  2. Pichumarda phala (Nimba) (Fr.) 2 Parts
  3. Pichumarda Patra (Nimba) (Lf.) 2 Parts
  4. Pichumarda mula (Nimba) (Rt.) 2 Parts
  5. Pichumarda pushpa (Nimba) (Fl.) 2 Parts
  6. Haritaki (P.) 1 Part
  7. Bibhitaka (P.) 1 Part
  8. Amalaki (P.) 1 Part
  9. Shunthi (Rz.) 1 Part
  10. Maricha (Fr.) 1 Part
  11. Pippali (Fr.) 1 Part
  12. Brahmi (Pl.) 1 Part
  13. Gokshura (Fr.) 1 Part
  14. Shuddha Bhallataka (Fr.) 1 Part
  15. Agnika (Chitraka) (Rt.) 1 Part
  16. Vidanga sara (Vidanga) (Fr.) 1 Part
  17. Varahi (Rt.Tr.) 1 Part
  18. Lauha chrna (Lauha bhasma) 1 Part
  19. Amrita (Guduci) (St.) 1 Part
  20. Haridra (Rz.) 1 Part
  21. Daruharidra (St.) 1 Part
  22. Avalaguja (Bakuci) (Sd.) 1 Part
  23. Vyadhighata (Aragvadha) (Fr.P.) 1 Part
  24. sharkara 1 Part
  25. Kushtha (Rt.) 1 Part
  26. IndraYava (Kutaja) (Sd.) 1 Part
  27. Patha (Rt.) 1 Part
  28. Khadira Ghana kvatha (1) (Ht.Wd.) Q.S. for Bhavana times
  29. Asana Ghana kvatha (Ht.Wd.) Q.S. for Bhavana 7 times
  30. Nimba Ghana kvatha (St.Bk.) Q.S. for Bhavana 7 times
  31. Panchanimba kvatha Q.S. for Bhavana 7 times
  32. Markava svarasa (Bhringaraja) (Pl.) Q.S. for Bhavana 7 times

Key ingredients

Neem is a well-known Ayurvedic medicinal herb used in the treatment of wide variety of diseases including skin diseases. It detoxifies the body and helps to cure diseases of the skin in effective manner.

Triphala: It is a combination of Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki. It contains vitamin C, linoleic oil, phospholipids and other important nutrients. It is a Rasayana drug and used for detoxifying and tonifying the body.

Triphala pacifies Vata-vikar and cleanses the digestive tract. It aid to elimination and purification. It tones and strengthens the digestive tract and promote regular and complete the evacuation of the bowels. It helps with the digestion and assimilation of food, improves blood circulation and has anti-inflammatory properties.

It revitalizes the whole body by removing toxins, gas and distension whilst a nourishing the nervous system. It is good for anemia, fatigue, candida, cancer, allergies, constipation, diarrhea, yeast infections, indigestion and skin disorders.

Trikatu is a combination of dry ginger, black pepper and long pepper. It is effective for burning ama (metabolic waste and toxins) which is the prime cause of all disease. It supports better digestion and cures constipation. It stimulates the liver to secrete bile which is vital for fat digestion and absorption. It also balances Kapha.

Lauha Bhasma is calcined iron. It is an inorganic preparation. Loha Bhasma is extensively used in Ayurveda. It increases hemoglobin level, gives strength and cures anemia, oedema. Iron is tonic that increases strength, vigour and gives longevity. It is helpful in all sort of diseases.

Giloy, Haldi, Daruhaldi, Bakuchi are very well-known medicinal herbs used in the treatment of diseases of the skin.

Uses of Pancha Nimba Churna

This medicine is indicated in the treatment of:

  • Kshudra Kushtha (Group of minor skin diseases)
  • Mahakushtha (Group of major skin diseases)

Kshudra Kushtha (group of minor skin diseases)

Kshudra kushta include:

Eka Kushta/Icthyosis Vulgaris: Vatakaphaja;skin resembles scales of fish. There is absence of perspiration. Whole body turns body blackish red.

Charmaakhya: Vaatakapha;skin is thick and rough.

Kitibha/psoriasis: Vaata Kaphaja;shin is rough, dry and itchy. The exudate from skin is unctuous.

Vaipaatika/palmo plantar psoriasis: Vata Kaphaja;there are fissures on hands and feet with pain and itching.

Alasaka/lichen planus: Vata Kaphaj;there are nodules which are itchy and red in color.

Charmadala: Pittakaphaja;there is nodules which are red in color and itching is painful.

Paama/scabies: Pittakaphaja;there are blakish-red eruptions on elbows, buttocks and hands. There is itching exudation.

Shataaru/erythema nodosum leprosum: Tridoshaj;there are innumerable small reddish, black or blue ulcers with burning sensation, exudate and pain.

Visarpa/erysipelas:Pittika type;there is pain, burning sensation and restlessness.

Visphota/bullae: Tridoshaj;there are boils on skin having blackish-red color.

Vicharchika/eczema: Kaphaja type;there are nodules having itching. There is opious exudation all over the body.

Mahakushtha (group of major skin diseases)

Mahakushtha include:

Kapala kushtam: Vataj type of kushta;appearance is like black mud pot;skin is rough with pain and less itching. It spreads quickly.

Udumbara kushtam: Pittaj type;appearance is like fruit of Udumbar;skin is red and there is burning sensation and pain.

Mandala kushtam: skin is smooth with round elevated patches joined to one another with whitish red in color. There is more itching.

Risyajihwa kushtam: Vata-Pittaja;apperance is like tongue of black dear. There is roughness, pain full, exudation and worms.

Pundrika kushtam: Pitta Kaphaja, apperance is like petal of lotus flower white in centre and red in edges. There is exudation of blood, burning sensation and pain.

Sidhma: Vata Kaphaja;white or coppery red in color;it is dry out side and moist inside.

Dadru kushtam: Pitta- Kaphaja with raised patches with itching and small reddish papules. There is persisitent itching.

Kaakana: Tridoshaja;it has color of kaakana (gunja). There is pus formation, painful burning sensation and pain. It is bright red and black in color.

The Dosage of Pancha Nimba Churna

1/2 – 1 teaspoon twice a day after the meal with water or milk or as directed by a physician.

Please note, the doses of Ayurvedic medicines are not fixed. The exact dose depends on the age, strength, digestive power of the patient, the nature of the illness, the state of the viscera and humours, and the properties of individual drugs.

You can buy this medicine online or from medical stores.

This medicine is manufactured by Rasashram (Panchnimb Churna (B.R)) and many other Ayurvedic pharmacies.

One Comment

  1. i require for my self use panch nimba churna how to my if
    and please give the ingrediant of panch nimba churna

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