Cloves (Syzygium Aromaticum) is spice which has many medicinal uses. These are air dried unopened pink flowering bud of the tree Syzygium Aromaticum.

It has an antioxidant antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. These are stimulant, carminative, gives relief in nausea and vomiting. Cloves increase saliva and gastric juices production and helps in better digestion. Cloves contain manganese which is essential for enzymes secretion, metabolism, stronger bones and proper absorption of vitamins. Cloves are excellent in treating digestive system related problems. These are helpful in relieving abdominal gas, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and curing other digestive system related problems. Along with this cloves are expectorant and useful in curing cough.
General information:
Latin name: Syzygium aromaticum (Linn.) (Merrill. & Perry.) (Myrtaceae), Caryophyllus aromaticus (Linn.), Eugenia caryophyllata (Thunb.), E. aromatica (Kuntze.)
Common name: Lavangaha, Laung, Lavang, Lawang, Grambu (Malayalam), Lavangalu (Telugu), Kirambu (Tamil)
Medicinal uses of clove
Here is how to use cloves for treating various ailments at home by making simple preparations.
Take cloves (4 gm). Boil a glass of water. Add cloves in this water till volume reduces to half. Strain and drink lukewarm.
Digestive problems, indigestion
Take few cloves and grind to make powder. Take this powder with honey before sleeping. This improves metabolism and secretion of digestive enzymes.
Or for stomach problems mix 10 gm clove, choti harad and rock salt and make powder. Take 1 tbsp after meals with water. -
Cough, Soreness of throat
Chew one clove to get relief from cough, inflammation of throat.
Bad breath prevention
Put 1 clove in the mouth to get relief from bad breath.
Take cotton and soak in clove oil and apply on tooth cavity, dry socket to get relief from pain. Or you can crush cloves and directly put this crushed clove on painful gum.
Pain in ears
Boil few cloves in sesame oil and put four drops in ear.
Vomiting and nausea
Take clove powder with honey. Or grind clove and boil in water with sugar cool it and drink.
Clove Oil
Cloves contain volatile oil which is derived by steam distillation of clove buds. The main constituent of this oil is eugenol (70-90%). Eugenol has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Clove oil has antimicrobial activities against Gram-positive, Gram-negative, fungi and acid fact bacteria. Clove oil is used in various food products and preparation of medicines. It is antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and local anaesthetic. This oil is also known as Laung ka tail in hindi.
Here are few remedies that can be done home using clove oil to treat various ailments.
Toothache, gum problem
Clove oil is traditionally used to treat dental pain. In tooth aches, gum problem, cavities clove oil is soaked in cotton and applied on area of pain. This relieves pain and reduces infection as it acts as anaesthetic and antiseptic.
Nerve pain
Clove oil can be used to get relief from nerve pain. For this clove oil should be applied along the nerve.
Mix 6-7 drops of oil of clove in coconut oil and massage head.
Pain in ear, ear infection
Clove oil is useful in treating pain in ear. As it has antibacterial and antiseptic so this also cures infections. Take diluted clove oil with some other oil like almond oil and soak in cotton. Now place this cotton in ear to get relief from pain and infection.
Burns, cuts
You can apply clove oil on burns, wounds, cuts for quicker healing and reducing chances of infection.
Caution while using clove oil
Clove oil is antiplatelet which means it decreases number of platelets in blood. On animal studies clove oil has shown uterine contractions. So it is better to avoid this oil during pregnancy. Before using clove oil make sure its concentration is below 1% otherwise dilute this with some other oil like almond oil. It should NEVER be diluted with water. This oil must be used in small amounts.
Health benefits and medicinal usage of clove tea
Clove tea is prepared from cloves. This tea is very good for the digestive system. It is very easy to prepare. You just need cloves or its powder and honey. Clove tea is very useful in treating nausea and vomiting. It has distinct aroma which gives freshness. Clove is also known as Laung or Lawanga in hindi.
How to prepare Clove tea
Ingredients: Cloves or its powder, Water, Honey or sugar as per taste.
If you are using sugar for sweetness in tea then add it with clove and if honey is used then that should not be cooked and added before drinking by simple mixing.
Process for making clove tea
- Take water (250 ml) in a pan and bring this to boil.
- In this boiling water add clove powder (1 teaspoon) or few crushed cloves.
- Simmer and cook for 15 minutes.
- Strain and drink lukewarm.
- You may add honey or sugar in this tea as per taste.
Benefits of clove tea
- Gives freshness
- Gives relief in asthma, cough
- Gives relief in nausea, vomiting
- Cures digestive system related problems, indigestion, cholera, abdominal gas