Alligator Yam, Milky Yam and Vidari, Vidari-kanda are few common names of the plant Ipomoea digitata. Ipomoea digitata is grown as ornamental plant. The plant is extensive perennial climber with large lobed leaves and beautiful pink or purple flowers.

Ipomoea digitata is used as a medicine in Ayurveda and Southeast Asia for the treatment of the liver and spleen enlargement. It is also given in gynaecological ailments such as abnormally long and heavy menstrual periods at regular intervals. The plant is used as aphrodisiac, tonic and increasing breast milk. For the medicinal purpose, the tuberous roots of the plant are used.
General Information
Latin name: Ipomoea digitata Linn;Synonym: Ipomoea paniculata R. Br. Burm.;I. mauritiana Jacq.
Family: Convulvulaceae
Vernacular names
Sanskrit/Indian name: Vidari Ikshugandha, Ikshuvalli, Payasvini, Dirghakanda, Bhumi Kuahmanda
Bengali: Bhuh Kumdaa, Bhooi Kumhdaa, Bhumi kumar
English: Giant potato
Gujarati: Vidaaree Kand
Hindi: Vidaaree Kanda, Bhuh Kumdaa, Bhui Kumbhadaa
Kannada: Nelkumbal, Naadakumbala
Malayalam: Paalmutakku
Marathi: Bhui Kohalaa
Oriya: Bhuin Kakhaaru
Tamil: Nilappuchani, Paalmudamgi
Telugu: Paalagummudu, Nelagummudu
Ipomoea digitata is found growing in hotter and moist regions of India viz. Bihar, Orissa, West Bengal, Assam, Deccan, Konkan, Kerala.
Medicinal part of the plant
The plant part that is used for medicinal purpose is large, tuberous roots. The roots are yellowish brown in color and tastes bitter.
Constituents of roots
Phytochemical are bioactive compounds that are found in plants. These active substance protects plant from various diseases and due to the presence of such compounds, the plants are useful in preventing and curing ailments. Different plants contains different phytochemicals.
This medicinal plant contains following phytochemicals:
The plant produces phytochemicals which have similarities in activity with the estrogen. This justifies its use in the treatment of diseases related to female reproductive system.
The root contains Pterocarpan-tuberosin, pterocarpanone-hydroxytuberosone, two pterocarpenes-anhydrotuberosin and 3-O-methylanhydrotuberosin, and a coumestan tuberostan. An isoflavone-puerarone and a coumestan-puerarostan.
Effect of Ipomoea digitata root on body
- Following is given few pharmacological effects of Vidari Kanda on human body.
- Revitalizes body
- Reduces blood sugar level
- Increases weight
- Stimulates respiration
- Vasoconstrictor and bronchoconstriction effect
- Promotes rapid labor by stimulating contractions of the myometrium
- Liver protecting
- Reduces the lipid profile and lipoprotein levels
Ayurvedic Properties and Action on body
- Rasa (Taste): Tikta/Bitter, kashaya/Astringent, Madhura/Sweet
- Guna (Characteristics): Guru/Heavy, Snigdha/Unctuous, Tikshna/Sharp
- Virya (Potency): Sheet/ Cool
- Vipaka (Post Digestive Effect): Madhura/sweet
The Dose of roots:3-6 grams powder.
Traditional Medicinal uses
Vidari or Aligator Yam is a medicinal plant with expectorant, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant (seizures preventive) and aphrodisiac properties. The roots of the plant has action on fat, muscles and reproductive system.
- The roots of the plant are used to increase quantity of breast milk.
- The root powder is given in emaciation, debility, poor digestion.
- The dried roots are boiled in milk, added with ghee, sugar and given to improve weight and moderate menstrual discharge.
- The root powder is mild purgative and useful in constipation.
- In spermatorrhoea (involuntary discharge of semen without orgasm), the juice of fresh root is given with cumin/jeera and sugar.
- The roots are used in preparation of several Ayurvedic medicines like Phala Ghrita, Dhanvantara Taila,
Can you please suggest me availability of bhui kohalaa or ipomea digitata plant in vidarbha region or in Maharashtra.
Plz suggest exact location if available with you.